These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are reading the text material. When you are ready to 'uncover' the hidden text, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Parts The Prefixes 'pro-' A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. When you come across an unfamiliar word, there are two techniques that can help you determine the new word's meaning: - look at the word and see if you can get a basic understanding of its meaning by using your knowledge of word parts - look for context clues by examining the sentence that contains the unfamiliar word, along with the sentence before and the sentence after proprobe The committee was formed in order to probe the evidence surrounding the election bribery allegation. proboscis The elephant has a large and very noticeable proboscis. proceed The military unit was ordered to proceed to next communication station. process To avoid a chemical explosion, the scientist had to make certain the process was followed to the letter. procession The graduation ceremony began with an elaborate procession. proclaim The voters asked the Governor to proclaim the date as Veteran's Day For Texans. proclivity His proclivity for excessive spending led to a declaration of personal bankruptcy. procrastinate The student's main problem was trying to correct her tendency to procrastinate when it came to college assignments. procreate The newlyweds decided it was the time to procreate. procumbent The patient was advised to assume a procumbent position. procure The supply manager was instructed to procure the electrical generators for the upcoming construction project. prod The experiment required the researcher to prod the frog towards the opening of the cage. prodigal The uncle's prodigal niece was constantly asking him for money. prodigious The prodigious actress received three acting awards in only eight months! prodigy The parents were continuously impressed with their prodigy. prodrome The prodrome signaled the clinical staff that the patient should have immediate surgery. produce Each sales consultant was told to produce at least 3% more revenue than they brought in during the last quarter. proem The audience was pleased that the proem in the ceremony was quite brief. profane The profane art display angered so many Christians in the community that the Mayor requested the exhibit be closed. profess The religious representative appeared before the gathering in order to profess her feeling on the issue. proffer The lawyer asked the judge for permission to proffer a document. proficient The clerk performed his duties in a highly proficient manner. profile Some law enforcement agencies have come under fire for constructing a profile for certain types of citizens. profit The stockholders were disappointed when the profit report was announced. profligate A profligate person will most likely end up in bankruptcy court. profluent Because of his profluent returns from the stock market, Juan would be financially able to retire early. profound Our nation has experienced several profound changes since the 9-11 tragedy. profusely Following the injury, the blood came out profusely. progenitor Bill Gates was a progenitor of the computer software industry. progeny When meeting a married couple, one often asks if they have any progeny. prognosis After examining all of the test results, the physician gave the patient a six-month prognosis. prognostication At year's end it is common for several media personalities to make a prognostication for the coming new year. program We decided to check the television program in order to plan our evening activities. progress The corporation made tremendous progress in its first two years of existence. prohibit Laws prohibit someone from abusing children. project The city council voted on the renewal project that would revitalize the inner-city business district. projectile The missile system was capable of firing the new projectile. projector The instructor arrived early to class in order to set up the projector system. prolapse The scheduled surgery was needed to correct the patient's rectal prolapse. prolegomenon The forward in a book could also be called a prolegomenon. prolific While some authors amass a dozen or so works over a lifetime, some prolific writers produce that number in a mere two or three years. prolix The school administrator's prolix address was about to put the audience to sleep. prolocutor The organization's prolocutor was quite well spoken and very informed on the matters at hand. prologue The actress's prologue was much more impressive than the performances that followed. prolong The investor realized that to prolong the lease would only mean losing more investment funds. prolusion We left early for the play; we did not want to miss the prolusion. promenade The audience cheered and clapped during the entire promenade. prominent Everyone was excited that the prominent author would stop at the local bookstore and sign her latest bestseller. promiscuous His promiscuous sexual behavior during youth caused several medical conditions later on in life. promise She has held to her childhood promise for all these many years. promissory Before the financial transaction was accepted, the bank required her to sign a detailed promissory note. promontory The highlight of the picnic was when we hiked up to the top of the promontory. promotion The couple celebrated her recent promotion by going on a four-day ocean cruise out of Houston. prompt Sharon was best known for her prompt response to any customer questions or concerns. promulgate The purpose of the television address was to promulgate the governor's new school voucher plan. pronoun The student was having some difficulty learning the rules for pronoun and verb agreement. pronunciation One of the goals in a reading class is to improve our pronunciation skills. propaedeutic The instruction in a youngster's first year of school could be characterized as propaedeutic learning. propaganda Some national leaders use propaganda to better control the citizens of their countries. propagate The rancher's plan was to propagate his small herd of cows into a medium-sized one within two years. propel The large rocket was able to propel the spacecraft into orbit around the Earth in just 135 seconds. propensity Barry has the propensity for saving on a monthly basis. prophecy In some movies a prophecy is presented, and then the viewer waits to see if it will come true. prophylactic Prophylactic medicine is becoming the norm in the healthcare industry. proponent One proponent of the legislative measure suggested that an immediate vote should be taken. proportion The only question that remains is who will decide the proportion that will be sent to the warehouse. proposal The legislative proposal passed the US Senate by a wide margin: 66 to 32. propound A local property owner attended the district meeting in order to propound a new method of taxing personal property. propulsion The space shuttle's newly designed propulsion system will enable the craft to accelerate much faster. proscribe Some religious tenets proscribe abortion. prosecute The district attorney's office will prosecute the defendant for the offense of theft. prospect The young child was so excited about the prospect of Christmas Day. prosperous The last three years of her life have been so prosperous that she wondered if it was all simply a dream. prostrate The deputy sheriff discovered the victim in a prostrate position next to the open front door. protect The community association held a celebration to thank the police and firefighters for working so hard to protect their neighborhood. protest We attended the rally in order to protest the war. protract The architect suggested that they protract the hallway design so that more offices could be connected. protrusion The protrusion of the oak's branches into the electrical power lines necessitated a trimming of the tree. protuberance During the medical operation, the surgeon noticed an unusual protuberance in the area of the colon. proud Both mother and father were so very proud of their son when he graduated from Northwest College. provide Juan assured his son that he would help provide money for college. provocation The wounded victim told the deputy sheriff that there was no provocation for the assault.