
Photography I ARTS 2356
Instructor: Shannon Duncan
FAC 203
Office Hours:
By appointment
Class Meeting:
Tu/Tr 9am-12pm
Prerequisite: None
Fine Arts Website:
Course Description
Photography I is an introduction to basic photographic processes including black & white film
processing and printing, but we will address issues that are common to imaged-based art in general,
whether it is accomplished through photo/chemical, digital or any other printing process. The
student will examine various aesthetic approaches to photographing as well as an introduction to
the history of photography. The first assignments teach you basic skills. Another project will
acquaint you with many famous photographers and let you step into their shoes by imitating their
bodies of work. Other assignments allow you to be even more creative and to gain experience in
communicating your ideas through photographs. Only photographs taken by you during
this semester may be used for this class. Any exceptions must be approved by me to avoid
questions of academic dishonesty. At the root of art education and discourse is the critique. When
assignments are due, you show your work to the class and a discussion follows. It is through the
process of creating, exhibiting and discussing your work that you progress. It is not possible to
know how successful you are until an audience views your work and responds to it. "Crits" are not
to be taken lightly. This course will emphasize aesthetic aspects of photography such as design and
composition, as well as content. This course satisfies the fine arts component of the HCC core.
Core Curriculum Course
3 credits (2 lecture, 4 lab)
Photography 1 is a prerequisite for Photography II.
Core Competencies
This course meets the basic intellectual competencies for core courses including reading, writing,
speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy.
Core Purpose
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to technical and aesthetic aspects of film
photography – the basics. You will learn to compose, shoot, and develop black and white
photographs. Additionally, you will develop an understanding of visual media, and improve your
ability to talk about it. This course will examine the interdependence of medium and image. Most
students believe that photo courses are going to be fun, and they are. But photo courses take effort;
so if you will not devote a lot of time to this, take something else. *There is a minimum
requirement of 20 rolls of film that MUST be turned in, or you will not pass this
course. (15 of 36; 22 of 24 exp.)
Photography I ARTS 2356
It is required that you have a working camera that can be operated manually. You will incur $200
to $300 in other expenses (aside from the cost of the camera - $200) during the semester, so plan
accordingly. Financial problems are not acceptable excuses for not getting coursework done on
time. If you have problems in this regard, talk to me before the worst happens — maybe we can
figure out a solution.
ADA Statement
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, learning,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office
at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.
For questions, contact Donna Price at 713-718-5165 or the Disability Counselor at each
college. Also visit the ADA website at
Children/Guests in Classroom
There are no children/guests allowed in the classroom/lab at any time under any circumstances. If
this is a foreseeable issue, understand that your attendance can be affected if other arrangements
cannot be made.
The Lab/Classroom
Friends and pets are not allowed in the lab areas. No smoking. No food or drinks beyond “the line.”
Throw away trash and leave everything straight and clean. This is your lab and there is no one to
clean up after you. Please take this responsibility seriously. If you don't, you will not be allowed to
use the lab. Photographic equipment is fragile -- never use force with cameras, enlargers, etc.
Everything should work smoothly and easily – if it doesn’t, ask for help. If anything is broken or
needs attention, notify me, a lab monitor, or a photo instructor immediately.
Academic Honesty Statement
The HCCS policy on scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating on a test,
plagiarism, and collusion:
1. Cheating on a test includes:
* Copying from another student's test paper; using during a test, materials not authorized by the
person giving the test;
* Collaborating with another student during a test without authority;
* Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the
contents of an unadministered test;
* Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
2. Plagiarism means the appropriation of another's work and the unacknowledged incorporation of
that work in one's own written work offered for credit.
3. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work
offered for credit.
Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F on the particular
assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the
Photography I ARTS 2356
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Students are responsible for course content
covered during their absences, and it is the student's responsibility to consult with instructors for
make-up assignments. Class attendance is checked daily. It is the responsibility of the student to drop a
course for non-attendance. Failure to do so could result in the grade earned. Additionally, the instructor has
the authority to drop a student for excessive absences. A student may be dropped from a course for
absenteeism after the student has accumulated absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the
hours of instruction. Please be aware of the deadline for administrative or student initiated withdrawals.
After that date students will receive the grade that they earned.
Attendance is a basic requirement and will be checked daily. If you miss class for other than
documented health reasons, it will lower your class participation. If you miss more than three
classes, your participation grade will be lowered each subsequent time.
Critique/Late Work:
Attendance at critique is essential – for you as well as your peers. Don't miss, even if you have not
finished your own project. An unexcused absence from a critique will lower your grade
on that assignment by a full letter, in addition to affecting your participation grade.
Come to class on time; when you are late, you disrupt lectures and demos and distract fellow
students. If you come late twice, that will count as an absence.
There will be no make-up classroom lectures, demonstrations and or discussions. Information
covered in class will not be repeated for tardy or absent students. Find a partner to call in case
you miss class and ask to use their notes.
Grading Policy
A (90-100/Excellent) 4 points per semester hour
B (80-89/Good)
3 points per semester hour
C (70-79/Fair)
2 points per semester hour
D (6-69/Passing)
1 point per semester hour
F (Failing)
0 points per semester hour
W (Withdrawn)
0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)
0 points per semester hour
Your final grade will be based on photo assignments, film requirement, journal entries, final portfolio, class
participation & class attendance. Come to class on time, do the required assignments on time, attend and
participate in critiques and you will most likely make no less than a “B.” As in most art courses, in order to
earn an “A,” you must create interesting and superior work that is well thought out and executed, as well
as being an active participant in the critique.
Five (5) Assignments, due at time of Critique
Journal Entries (20 minimum), due at Critique
Final Portfolio Presentation
Artist Presentation & Paper
Photography I ARTS 2356
540 Negatives
Participation/Clean Up
1000 points
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date & will be accounted for with
attendance. Plan to complete them a few days before a critique, as they may need alteration. Visual
art projects, like writing projects, almost always need more work and polish beyond the "first
edit," and therefore always take longer than originally planned. Don't come to class empty-handed
because you waited until the last minute and "something happened" (like the chemicals were bad,
the water was off, there were no enlargers available, etc.). "Something" frequently does happen
and your planning must take this into account. Turning in a project late lowers your grade on that
assignment by a full letter for each class day it is overdue.
The “I” Policy
There will be no Incompletes given in this course. If you feel you will not be able to complete your
work before final portfolios are due, be sure to review the HCCS drop procedures before the
DROP (W) deadline passes.
Drop/Withdrawal Policy
Be certain you understand HCCS policies about dropping a course. It is your responsibility to
officially withdraw from a class. When considering withdrawal from a course, remember that:
1. No grade is given and your transcript reflects no record of the course if you withdraw before the
Official Date of Record.
2. A “W” (indicating withdrawal) appears on your transcript if you drop a course after the Official
Date of Record and before the final deadline.
3. The final deadline to drop a course is approximately four weeks before fall or spring semester
finals and one week before summer semester exams. Look on the semester calendar for the specific
date. After this date students will receive the grade they earned.
4. A “W” could have a detrimental effect on financial aid, scholarships, or visas. It is the
responsibility of each student to understand the consequences.
Read carefully and understand that W grades are potentially damaging for many studentʼs academic
ad personal lives. Please be aware that withdrawals grade (W) may result in loss of your health
insurance coverage, loss of your academic or other types of scholarships, and/or loss of your
student visa status.
CAUTION: ATTEND CLASS to maintain a grade!
You must withdraw yourself to (receive grade W)
Do not rely on your instructor to drop you.
Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals is
Thursday, November 18, 2010 by 4:30 p.m.
Required Reading/Textbook
Read and understand the entire syllabus and its contents. You are responsible for its
Photography I ARTS 2356
contents. You must have a copy of your camera’s manual, of which you also know the contents.
Handouts will be given to you periodically please keep them in a binder so that you may refer to
them in the future.
None required
Work outside of class
Students are expected to work on their projects or journals outside of class in order to
satisfactorily complete the assignments. It may be unrealistic to expect all of the work necessary
to complete the project can be done only in the time allotted for the class to meet.
Open studios
The beginning of open studio hours will be announced in class. Once lab hours begin, each student can
access the darkroom between _______________ on Monday and Wednesday, and from
_________________ on Thursdays. You must have an access card and sign in to use the lab. You must
also start the final wash 45 minutes before lab ends. If these policies are broken, lab hours will be revoked.
Insurance disclaimer
The Fine Arts Department at Central College strongly recommends that all HCCS students carry
some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury, both on and off campus. Information
regarding low-cost health insurance for students is available in the Fine Arts office. Under Texas
state statute, HCCS is immune to liability in the event of accident or injury.
ARTS academic advising statement
Academic advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree plans for Art is
available to Central College students during the academic semesters. Please sign up in the Fine
Arts office, FAC 101, to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of tutoring services offered by the English
Department located on the third floor of the Fine Arts Center next to the English office. Tutors
will assist writing assignments and are especially helpful for students when English is a
second language. In addition, online tutoring is available 24/7 at
Submissions are returned within 24 hours or less.
Repetition of courses
Students who repeat a course for a third or more time may face significant tuition and/or fee
increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor
or counselor about opportunities for tutoring and other assistance prior to considering course
withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades.
Supply List
+++Paper: Begin with a 100-sheet box of resign coated (rc) paper.
*Be careful when buying film or paper -- you cannot return it.
Don't open photo paper except under a safelight.
Camera: 35mm camera, either an all-manual model, or one which has the option of full manual
operation. There are no exceptions to this requirement. If your camera does not have a built in
light meter, you must have a hand-held light meter. You need a lens between 28mm and 50mm. If
Photography I ARTS 2356
you buy a used camera and it doesn’t come with a manual, try, or Your
camera’s manual is a requirement.
Film: Begin with ten 36-exposure rolls of Kodak T-Max (ASA 400), Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) or
Ilford HP-5 (ASA 400).
Themometer: A must-have.
Canned Air: Another must-have.
Film Developing Tank: Paterson plastic tank and an extra reel.
Filters: Ilford Multigrade Filters in the 6"x 6" box.
Sleeves: Package of 25 Print File negative sleeves for 35mm film (holds 7 rows of 5 exposures).
Some sleeves will hold corresponding contact sheets.
Gray Card: Kodak 18% gray card.
Envelope: 10” x 13” clasp envelope for turning in assignments.
Optional: tripod, flash, b&w filters, lens cleaning solution/lens tissues, cable release.
11” x 14” piece of mat board.
Inexpensive 4x loupe.
White or orange grease pencil.
3-ring binder or dust free "binder case."
Apron (chemicals ruin clothes).
Spotting: One spotting brush and a bottle of #3 Spotone retouching dye (or a set of spotting pens)
Notes on Buying Supplies
Local Dealers:
Camera Co-op* 801 Durham Drive 713-522-7837
* Camera Co-op offers student discounts, so take your ID.
Mail Order: Companies include Freestyle (800-292-6137), Calumet (800-225-8638), Abbey
Camera (800-252-2239), Unique Photo ( and B&H Photo (800-947-6628; You don't have to pay tax, but do pay shipping. Ask the following: Is the
item in stock and available to be shipped? When will it be shipped and when will it arrive? What is
my order number?
Repair: Camera Care Center, 2113 Richmond Avenue, Houston, TX 77098-3326
(713) 521-1441
SCHEDULE (subject to change)
1/18, Tu
HW: Bring RC paper, journal and objects
1/20, Tr
Photography I ARTS 2356
**Journal Entries 1 & 2 due 1/25
HW: Bring RC paper, sketches and journal entries and objects
1/25, Tu
HW: Bring RC paper, sketches and journal entries and objects
1/27, Tr
*Journal Entry 3 due 2/1
Bring Camera + 1 Roll of Black and White Film (not CN based film!!!)
35mm SLR with manual functions; TMax 400, Tri-X 400, or Ilford Delta 400
2/1, Tu
HW: Bring journal and camera with film already loaded
2/3, Tr
HW: Finish shooting test roll of film. Bring camera with film inside, film processing tank and extra
2/8, Tu
HW: Shoot 2 rolls of film – aperture priority & shutter priority
2/10, Tr
*Journal Entry 4 due 2/15
HW: Finish shooting & processing 2 new rolls of film – aperture priority & shutter priority.
2/15, Tu
HW: Turn in contact sheets 2/17. Critique #2, 2/24.