“Before all else,” Augustine wrote, “you must live together harmoniously, in one heart and one in soul, on the way to
God…Let all of you live together in unity of heart and mind, and honor God in one another.”
St. Augustine
Who am I? Who do I want to become? What’s my relation to those around me? What are my responsibilities to others? How will I contribute to the common good? Through Caritas community you will gain wisdom which will help you live an authentic life of integrity and in service to others.
VEXP 1000 is the integrating seminar of Caritas Community. The Caritas seminar is a one-credit course fall 15 and one credit spring 16. You will receive a grade at the end of each semester. This syllabus contains course expectations for the integrating seminar commonly known as “fourth hour.”
Course Instructor:
Student Facilitators: Place: Basement Lounge in Good Counsel
Service Learning is explicitly designed to promote learning about the historical, sociological, cultural, economic and political contexts that underlie the needs or issues the students address.” Barbara Jacoby, Service Learning Essential,
Josey Bass 2015. This is the function of the integration of your ACS course, Fourth hour and your service experience. In the tradition of St. Augustine and St. Thomas of Villanova we include the search for truth through faith and the great books to better understand how we can contribute to a more just world.
Reading ( Tolle Lege) may help you understand yourself, others and the timeless issues you encounter in the
Villanova and Cristo Rey Community or alternate service site.
Reflection without knowledge can be dangerous so you will have required readings and assignments for the seminar which will help you raise questions about what you see, hear and feel while driving to and from Cristo
Rey, while tutoring and encountering issues that affect the students at Cristo Rey.
We will learn best from one another if we have open dialogue and remain open to the questions and ideas of the ancients, your fellow Villanovans and our community partner. It is up to you as to let knowledge and experience ignite change in you and possibly the world.
Learning Outcomes
Students will live the mission of Villanova University, “ The University community welcomes and respects members of all faiths who seek to nurture a concern for the common good and who share an enthusiasm for the challenge of responsible and productive citizenship in order to build a just and peaceful world.” University Mission Statement
Students will meet the needs of the students at Cristo Rey who are struggling with academics.
Student will have a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and how that relates to the students at Cristo Rey and the school.
Students will increase understanding of course material as a result of reflection on historical, cultural and sociological analysis of the lives of the poor in urban environments.
Students will question cultural stereotypes about socioeconomic status, race and culture.
Students will examine their role as citizen in creation of policies and practices that serve the “common good”
The Common Good is considered the conditions in which ALL people can flourish.
Students will learn for the sake of others, seeking wisdom about the conditions in this world which keep others from reaching their potential.
General Course Goals for all first year learning communities
Developing cooperative learning skills in working and learning with and from other members of Caritas
Community and the students and teachers at Cristo Rey or your service site.
Enhancing your skills
Reciprocal learning
of class participation
-you will tutor students at Cristo Rey and learn from them and the school.
You will be challenged to think critically
through seminar discussion
, ask questions and make connections between what you lean in the classroom, what goes on in your life and how you can challenge the power dynamics that structure all of our lives.
Applying personal development and leadership skills to all aspects of college life.
Making a successful transition to college.
Understanding more about Villanova's Augustinian and Catholic heritage as it applies to life today.
Attendance is required at these events. If you have class during any of these times please let your instructor know.
If you miss due to illness or family emergency you will need a note from health center.
Monday, September 1 Fourth hour begins
Thursday 9/10 Reyna Grande Author of the Distance Between Us a Memoir (2015)
Monday, September 21 6pm possible dinner with Cristo Rey students West Lounge, Dougherty
Friday, September 26 2:15-5:30pm Tutoring workshop at Cristo Rey with Cristo Rey Students
Sunday, October 4 : 10-3:00pm Mural Arts tours of North Philadelphia (bus will meet on south campus)
Monday, November 9 6pm-9 Community Partnership Dinner, Villanova Room-annual dinner for all SLC communities with panel of partners who speak of the benefits of volunteers and the challenges that their students/clients face.
Service Schedule—Schedule Reflects the Monday in the WEEK OF
Tuesday, August 25 6pm Caritas Meeting pizza, meet Cristo Rey rep, former Caritas students, fourth hour facilitators. You will have a chance to ask questions and learn about Caritas.
Tuesday 9/1 4 th hour begins this week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
WEEK OF 9/14 Tour of Cristo Rey at Cristo Rey (3:15-4:30) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Monday 9/21 Dinner with Cristo Rey students West Lounge (tentative pending approval by Cristo Rey)
WEEK OF 9/21 Tutoring Work Shop??
WEEK OF 9/28: Begin tutoring with 20 minutes for ice breakers and team building activities
WEEK OF 10/5: Tutoring with 20 minutes for ice breakers and team building activities
10/12: Villanova Fall Break
10/19: Tutor assignments and tutoring
Regular service schedule
Regular service schedule
Regular Tutoring Schedule
11/16 regular tutoring Schedule
11/23 Monday/Tuesday tutoring only Thanksgiving Week
11/30 regular tutoring schedule
12/7 Last week of service (Mon. through Wed no Thurs. or Friday Service reading Day)
Some ground rules for class:
Ask questions.
If you don't understand something, or if you have concerns, ask your instructor or student facilitator. The questions you ask may be more instructive and important than the answers you have.
ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT in class is the best way to be successful in this course. So, o Be fully present in every class session o
Participate in every class session o Take chances, volunteer, share your views o When participating, share Why you think/feel What you think/feel o Cell Phones are off; if you need to refer to an online journal please bring your computer.
Your attendance in class and at service can affect your grade. Since this course is primarily experiential in nature, you need to attend all classes and service days. Students who have more than TWO unexcused absences will
NOT PASS the class.
Assignments are in the syllabus
Essay: Each week you will be given a journal prompt, all 1-2 page essays should be turned in when they are due. Deductions may be taken for essays turned in late.
Comfort zone.
Some of the material may be new and different, and will touch on sensitive subjects such as religion, politics, poverty and race. If you are in any way uncomfortable with anything that comes up, please let a member of the leadership team know. Your concerns will be treated respectfully.
Copies of work.
Please date and keep copies of all the work that you submit for the entire course.
Villanova seeks to make reasonable academic accommodations for students with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability, please contact me outside of class, and make arrangements to register with the Learning Support Office
(610-519-5636; nancy.mott@villanova.edu).
Academic Integrity.
There will be a number of short reaction papers or other assignments for this class. These will be based on your experience and the materials covered in the course. In producing these works, you are expected to follow the normal rules of academic integrity regarding plagiarism and collaboration. If you for some reason do consult any other sources in preparing any of these papers, you must include footnotes and a formal bibliography, following the principles laid out in Easy
Writer by Andrea Lunsford, which is required for your ACS Seminar. You are free to share your thoughts and journal and reflections with others at any time regarding the reading for this course. Discussion outside the classroom is highly encouraged provided your written assignments are your own work.
Articles and current events will be available on line. Link to all assignments and readings http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/undergrad/resources/servicelearning/y1_community/assignme nts.html
Grades for written assignments will be given a number from 0-3. Written assignments are “essays” are 1-2 page reflections. They are meant to be a reflective tool for you so that your experience at service and learning can be connected throughout the semester. In order for your instructor to assess your ability to integrate knowledge use concrete examples from ACS, life, service or fourth hour readings or discussion.
Criteria for grading written work
3pnts: The essay responds the prompt and is thoughtful, well written, and insightful.
2 pts: Work completed with competence and enthusiasm
1 pnts: Work completed in a cursory but passable fashion
0 pts: Work not completed with any degree of competence and must be re-done to gain
You may miss one assignment without penalty
Your final grade will be based on four factors.
Active engagement in weekly class sessions (40 points)
Preparation of assigned reaction papers or other homework (30 points)
Grade on two group projects (30 points each)
Attendance at service is critical for reflection, 2 unexcused absence may result in loss of one letter grade
Participation: Assessment of your participation will be based on the following rubric:
Strong work 2-3 Needs development 1.0-2.0
Unsatisfactory 0-1.0
Quality of contributions
Impact on seminar
Frequency of participation
Actively and respectfully listens to peers and instructor
Arrives fully prepared with all assignments completed, notes on reading, observations and or questions
Comments are relevant and reflect understanding of: assigned text(s); previous remarks of other students; and insights about assigned material
Comments frequently help move seminar conversation forward
Actively participates at appropriate times
Sometimes displays lack of interest in comments of others
Sometimes arrives unprepared or with only superficial preparation
Comments sometimes irrelevant, betray lack of preparation, or indicate lack of attention to previous remarks of other students
Comments sometimes advance the conversation, but sometimes do little to move it forward
Sometimes participates but at other times is “tuned out”
Projects lack of interest or disrespect for others
Exhibits little evidence of having read or thought about assigned material
Comments reflect little understanding of either the assignment or previous remarks in seminar
Comments do not advance the conversation or are actively harmful to it
Seldom participates and is generally not engaged
Essay Assignments are 1-2 page reflections. They are meant to be a reflective tool for you so that your experience at service and learning, topics in fourth hour and ACS can be connected throughout the semester. Please use concrete examples from ACS, life, service or fourth hour. The criteria for grading is in the syllabus
WEEK 1 Week of August 31—Forming a Group
Read: The syllabus become familiar with goals, homework assignments, how you access readings and the service schedule. Please come prepared with questions that indicate you read the syllabus.
Essay Assignment In the tradition of St. Augustine, get to know yourself. You can do this in the form of a letter to yourself or stand outside of yourself as if you were your friend and describe you.
Describe yourself talk about how you feel right now, describe what you see, feel, hear and think about. Tell yourself what you need to do to succeed and to be happy. Be your own friend and warn yourself about patterns that could be destructive to yourself or others. Name five characteristics that are essential in a good friend.
How can you draw close to God when you are far from your own self?” He prayed:” Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know You” ~St. Augustine
Think about this for our icebreaker next week:
What is the best advice you got from someone about college?
What is your biggest fear?
Who will you miss the most?
What is your most important goal this semester?
Make a list of 10 values that are important to you. (integrity, honesty
Come up with three statements you would like students to respond to in the context below. Please come prepared with 5 questions about this course, community and Cristo Rey about your fellow students,
Villanova or the syllabus. We will put these questions in a box and pick one out at a time.
WEEK 2 Week of September 7—Dialogue and Debate—Agree/Disagree
Read: Dialogue and Debate “The Way you Say IT” By Dr. Keith Suter, Author, Lecturer, Consultant for
Social Policy http://www.crnhq.org/pages.php?pID=15
Essay Assignment Describe the strengths you will bring to fourth hour. What do you need from the group?
How do you handle conflict or disagreement? Come up with one or two statements for the following group activity.
We are going to practice dialogue and debate in fourth hour. A statement will be read, each person in class must decide whether they agree, strongly agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the statement.
You will find yourself in a small group of students who together will come up with a reason for your decision and come up with a response that might convince others that you are
Sample statements:
Strongly held beliefs and opinions are always grounded in facts.
If people who live in poverty work hard enough they can become middle class.
We live in a post racist society, Hate speech should be legal. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.
The confederate flag is a symbol of racism. Education is equal for all citizens
“What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.” St. Augustine of Hippo
WEEK 3 Week of September 14 Sharing Stories—Building Relationship
Written: You have been assigned one of these assignments in ACS for your writing diagnostic. You may turn in the same assignment or edit it for fourth hour.
Tell a story that one needs to hear in order to begin to understand who you are? Or
Describe a song/music that defines you or describes a formative moment in your life.
Please be aware that you will be asked to share your story in fourth hour and explain why that experience is important in knowing who you are. You will be asked to share as much of your story in fourth hour as you are able. to talk and laugh and do kindnesses to each other; to read pleasant books together; to make jokes together and then talk seriously together; ... to be sometimes teaching and sometimes learning .... These and other similar expressions of feeling, which proceed from the hearts of those who love and are loved in return, and are revealed in the face, the voice, the eyes, and in a thousand charming ways, were like a kindling fire to melt our souls together and out of many to make us one. St. Augustine ( Confessions IV, 77-78).
WEEK 4 Week of September 21—
Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia this weekend. What will he say? What will he say to congress in Washington
D.C.? Listen to what he has to say and discern whether there is any correlation to what Eby and Davis are saying in these texts. Here are some opportunities to hear Pope Francis.
Thursday, September 24 @ 9:15am Pope Francis’ address to congress Washington D.C.
Friday, September 25@ 8:30am Address to United Nations
Friday, September 25 @ 11:30 Prayer Service at the World Trade Center New York
Saturday, September 26 10:30 a.m
. Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia
Eby, John. “Why is Service Learning Bad?” March 1998. http://bonnernetwork.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/54644691/Why%20Service%20Learning%20Is%20Bad%20Eby.
Davis, Adam. “What we don’t talk about When we Don’t Talk About Service” http://www.cccompact.org/sites/default/files/Sample%20Reading%20-%20Davis,%20Adam%20-
Essay Assignment : What are the authors trying to say in these essays? What assumptions does the author make? How do the arguments relate to your own experience? How does this text challenge or support your goals for service and
Caritas? Why do you serve? Create three questions that would further the discussion of Eby and Davis Essays.
Make sure you have these questions for fourth hour discussion.
"Tell me, when you give alms do you look into the eyes of the man or woman to whom you give alms? . . . And when you give alms, do you touch the hand of the one to whom you give alms, or do you toss the coin?
"Let us ask the Lord to give us the gentleness to look upon the poor with understanding and love, devoid of human calculation and fear." Pope Francis 2014
WEEK 5 Week of September 28—North Philadelphia and the Mural Arts Project
Comparing information about North Philadelphia compared to the neighborhood you grew up in.
Research: Preparation for Mural Arts Tour of North Philadelphia. Find as much out as you can about the neighborhoods that Cristo Rey live. Compare the demographics and statistics with the neighborhood you grew up in. Average income, average cost of a home, average amount of money spent per pupil in education system.
Average State test scores, average SAT scores, percentage of college graduates, crime rates, race, and religion.
The zip code for Cristo Rey is 19141.
Here are resources for your research.
Rich Blocks Poor Blocks” https://www.richblockspoorblocks.com/
Pew Charitable Trust Report 2011. Use their website. http://www.pewtrusts.org/~/media/legacy/uploadedfiles/wwwpewtrustsorg/reports/philadelphia_researc h_initiative/PhiladelphiaCityStatisticspdf.pdf
You will need these facts later in the semester for your project so keep these links handy.
Essay Assignment outline your findings from your research and discuss the significance of the data. Does anything surprise you? You will be presenting your information in small groups this week. "
Sunday October 4 Mural Arts tour.
Krapfs bus will pick students up on south campus at 10am and return between 2 and 3pm. Please order bag lunch from dining services or we can plan on going to Reading Terminal Market at 1:30pm.
Week of October 5 No fourth hour, midterms and mural arts tour
Assignments No Reading or written Assignments
Ponder the following question over break. What did you see on the mural arts tour?
October 12-16 Fall Break
WEEK 6 Week of October 20 Poverty
Reading: The Myth of the Culture of Poverty. Paul Gorski
. April 2008 | Volume 65 | Number 7 _Poverty and
Learning Pages 32-36 http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/apr08/vol65/num07/The-
Essay Assignment: What assumptions about poverty did you bring to this reading? Does your experience at
Cristo Rey reinforce those assumptions or challenge them? What assumptions do you think that the students at
Cristo Rey have about you? What is the difference between working out of assumptive world, world of opinion and seeing the world in a different way because of knowledge gained?
Human beings," "only truly flourish in the context of a community." Human beings can only reach their full individual potential if they work to promote and protect the good of society as a whole. Our obligation to love our neighbor is not only an individual commitment; it requires a broader social responsibility.
Kenneth R. Himes O.F.M. Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social
"It is imperative that no one, out of indifference to the course of events or because of inertia, would indulge in a merely individualistic morality. The best way to fulfill one's obligations of justice and love is to contribute to the common good according to one's means and the needs of others, and also to promote and help public and private organizations devoted to bettering the conditions of life." -
Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Second Vatican Council, 1965
WEEK 7 Week of October 27 –Camden Video
Read: Dasani’s Story Chapter 1 http://www.nytimes.com/projects/2013/invisiblechild/?n=Top/News/U.S./U.S.%20States,%20Territories%20and%20Possessions/New%20York%3Fref=newyork#/?chapt=1
Essay Assignment What is Poverty? What does someone else’s poverty have to do with me?
Reflection Questions: o What is poverty? Do you think the 20/20 special gave you any insights? o Which Character did you relate to the most? Why? o Which character did you like the least? Why do you think you dislike that person? o There is a pervasive argument about poverty and that is that people are responsible for themselves and should not look to others, government to get money or goods or services. What do you think about that argument? What do you think about individual vs. communal responsibility ?
Just as stocking shelves is easier than having conversations, focusing on service learning as a way to help others or develop empathy is easier--and, we believe, less effective--than using service learning to raise critical questions about why inequalities exist and who benefits from them. Kathryn Peltier
WEEK 8 Week of November 3
Community Partnership Dinner Monday, November 9 @6pm Villanova Room, Connelly Center
If you serve on Monday please arrange to leave earlier so that you are in time for the dinner.
Dress: Business Casual, ties are not required.
You should have a representative from Cristo Rey at your dinner table.
Essay Assignment: Reflection on Camden Video.
Start Project: Interviewing: “Conversations” What do you and the Cristo Rey students want to know about one another?
You will break up into small groups to develop a set of questions that will help you know and understand one another and ask Cristo Rey students to do the same. You may want to develop the list of questions with them. Or talk about it at dinner with Cristo Rey teachers.
You must work out with Abbey what time you can use to have this conversation. Maybe a little bit each day. You will write an essay about the experience. What you wanted to know, what you learned and what the students at Cristo Rey wanted to know about you. How are you the same? How are you different? Are you more similar than different? Are the differences important?
Sample questions
What is your favorite music? TV show? Candy? Sport? Actor?
What is the most important thing in life?
What are the most important characteristics of friends?
What do you like about school? What do you find hard?
What does your family look like?
What is your greatest fear?
What do you want to be?
What do you think of Villanova students when they come to tutor?
What is your best memory?
What is your worst memory?
When students instead see service learning as an opportunity to change their own lives, they begin to reframe how they see themselves and their identities, particularly their privileged ones. They come to reconstruct their identities, challenge their assumptions, and reframe what the distribution of power means both for them and for those they meet through service” Critical Service Learning as a Tool for Identity Exploration . David
Donohue and Tania D. Mitchell
WEEK 9 Week of November 9—Service Reflection
Relationships, friendship, love and community and the common good. What does all this have to do with the students at Cristo Rey? Or the people of North Philadelphia? What is the significance of pondering the success of I verses “we.”
Ancient Wisdom on Friendship by Maureen Tilley Ph.D. pgs. 4-7 http://www1.villanova.edu/content/villanova/mission/office/publications/magazine/_jcr_content/widgetiparsys/downlo ad_0/file.res/2012%20Issue.pdf
(this is a magazine published by the Office of Mission and ministry you might find other articles interesting)
Essay Assignment Please write story about a friendship you cherish include; how did you met, why do you think you are friends?
What attracted you to that person? How do you know you are friends, what are the signs the actions that speak of friendship? Identify three of the most important characteristics that you value in a friend and are essential for you and that person to share. What strengths have you gained, what limitation are you more aware of, what have you learned about yourself through this relationship, what have you learned about your friend, what have you taught your friend? What is your greatest wish for your friend?
What does any of this have to do with service with the students at Cristo Rey?? What do you wish for them for your relationship with the students?
Develop 2 questions you have for others in the group about friendship in general and 1 in regard to the reading on friendship. Please be prepared to share those stories and characteristics and questions in fourth hour. Develop 5 questions you would like to ask the
Cristo Rey students that would help you build a relationship that matters.
WEEK 10: Week of November 16 Service Reflection:
Reading: Eby, John W. “Service Learning as Scholarship. http://thestamp.umd.edu/leadership_community_service_learning/academic/faculty_service-learning/defining_servicelearning_and_its_importance
Essay Assignment: How did your service meet your expectations? Was there meaningful work and interaction at your service site? What did you learn from serving? Has service challenged you in some way? What would you change about service?
Continue working on “Conversations” Project
Assignment: Write about something you have learned in ACS, at Cristo Rey or in fourth hour that challenges your thinking or beliefs and why it challenges you.
Week of November 23 Thanksgiving week—no fourth hour
WEEK 11: Week of November 30 Last Forth Hour of the semester (project presentations about
SUNDAY BRUNCH, December 6 th Christmas, Chanukah, Winter, Kwanza 10am-12 noon
Alumni gym. Ugly sweater contest, gingerbread house building contest, good breakfast, music and good company.