Course Syllabus Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2401 Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN) Spring 2012 CRN 80765 16 we Instructor contact information (phone number and email address) Lifang Tien, 713-7 Office Location and Hours 6815 Rustic, Hou M and W 11-2pm Course Location/Times N201 Drennan, F Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable Credit Hours Lecture Hours Laboratory Hours Total Course Contact Hours On campus, web Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable Course Length (number of weeks) 16-weeks working schedule: 16 weeks Wee 1-2 Introduction/The Human Organism, Chemistry, Histology: The study of Tissues Wee 3-4 Wee 5-6 Wee 7-8 Week 9-10 Histology: The study of Tissues Integumentary system, Exam #1 Skeletal system: Bones and Bone tissue Skeletal system: gross anatomy Articulations and movement. Exam #2 Muscular system: Histology and Physiology; Muscular system: Gross Anatomy Ex. 8, 9 Week 11-12 Week 13-14 Week 15-16 Functional organization of nervous system; Exam #3 Ex. 10 Spinal cord and spinal nerves; Brain and cranial nerves/Integration of nervous system Special senses, Lab final, Lecture Final Ex. 11, 12 Safety regulations/Ex. 1,2 Ex. 3, 4,5 Ex. 6,7 Lab exam #1 Lab final Type of Instruction Hybrid, Online Course Description: Study of the struc including integum Curriculum cours Course Prerequisite(s) PREREQUISITE( College-le College-le Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1. Develop a voca information relate 2. Recognize the body systems and 3. Define and exp control physiologi 4. Apply microsco human body and body systems. 5. Demonstrate la evaluate physiolo anatomical and p Learning Objectives Develop a vocab information relat Recognize the a of body systems Define and expla to control physio Apply microscop human body and in all body syste Demonstrate lab and evaluate ph interpret graphs SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable Core Curriculu No Competencies Instructional Methods As an instructo responsibility to nutrition, mode monitoring the that you learn in As a student wa responsibility to study for the ex class. As I believe that be effective, you activities. Online You will be invo you will want to prepared to discu assigned reading Instructor's Requirements Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable none HCC Grading Scale and assessments Assessment: Total 12 quizz quizzes will be quizzes. Total Total four lectu (please also re exam will be 7 Questions will questions cov terminology. T questions requ textbook and c knowledge in There will be 2 hands on expe of anatomy str levels. Each exam wi 600 points, plu points will be 7 The average w assigned on th No extension, quizzes and e A = 100- 90 B = 89 - 80: C = 79 - 70: D = 69 - 60: 59 and below IP (In Progres W(Withdrawn) I (Incomplete) AUD (Audit) IP (In Progress) is re-enroll to receiv education course points by the tota and "I" do not affe See "Health Scien Instructor Grading Criteria Instructional Materials TEXTBOOK: Fun & Judi L. Nath, Be LAB MANUAL: H Edition. Ed. Drs. J HCC Policy Statement: Access Student Services Policies on their Web site: Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policies on their Web site: Access CE Policies on their Web site: