WRA Links.doc

Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA)
Engineering students are required to complete a 4-credit Tier I writing course in Writing,
Rhetoric and American Cultures, which is taken during the freshman year. Students have the
option of selecting from a variety of courses, each of which emphasizes unique aspects of our
American culture.
Students needing additional help in writing (as determined by ACT/SAT scores) will be required
to enroll in WRA 1004: Preparation for College Writing, and WRA 0102: Preparation for College
Writing (lab) before completing the Tier I WRA course.
WRA 110
WRA 115
WRA 120
WRA 125
WRA 130
WRA 135
WRA 140
WRA 145
WRA 150
WRA 195H
Writing: Science and Technology (I)
Writing: Law and Justice in the United States
Writing: American Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts
Writing: The American Ethnic and Racial Experience
Writing: American Radical Thought
Writing: Public Life in America
Writing: Women in America
Writing: Men in America
Writing: The Evolution of American Thought
Writing: Major Topics in American Thought
Note: Students who receive 1.0 or 1.5 are required to either repeat their WRA course or enroll in
AL 201 writing tutorial (2 credits) concurrently with IAH Choice A course.
Tier I Writing Website
MSU Descriptions of Courses