BS /MS List of Requirements and Advising Worksheet page 1 of 3 Name Student ID: Year Expected Graduation REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE BS DEGREE IN BIOLOGY Need at least 136 total credits. Up to 9 GRADUATE credits can be used for both the BS and MS (list under ”double count” courses) and under BS degree program BIOLOGY COURSES Need at least 5 labs [either UG or Grad level; best with > one at Grad level], and one in each of three distribution areas. Can count up to 9 cr. for both BS and MS degrees. Note: do not include any Grad research courses (9301-6). double count? Comments COURSE NAME # credits 4 Usually AP credit General Biology I 2105 4 Usually AP credit General Biology II 2106 4 Genetics 3351 1 Research Prospectus 8920 double count LAB COURSES (BIO 3000+) Evol. Ecol. Pop. Biology area Organismal Biology area Cellular Mol. Biology area Lab 1: Lab 2: Lab 3: Lab 4: Lab 5: Addl. courses (if taken): Total (must be at least 36 cr) BIO Lab Rotations – 1st Year 6401* 6402* nd BIO Lab Rotations – 2 Year 6403 6404 Total Undergraduate Rotations [ [ [ [ [ [ 1 1 1 1 ] ] ] ] ] ] Faculty lab: Faculty lab: Faculty lab: Faculty lab: * Transfers after first year typically don’t take # credits COGNATE SCIENCE COURSES CHM 1151/1103 5 Chemistry CHM 1152/1104 5 CHM 2211/2201 4 CHM 2212/2202 4 MAT 1310 3 Mathematics MAT 1315 3 PHY 1100/1101 4 Physics PHY 1102/1103 4 Total Cognate Sciences Free Electives # credits Total Free Elective credits revised 14 March 2011 BS /MS List of Requirements and Advising Worksheet page 2 of 3 CORE CURRICULUM Humanities Augustine&Cult. Sem. 1000 Augustine & Cult. Sem. 1001 College Ethics Fine Arts For. Lang. (Intermed.,Adv. or special)1 For. Lang. (Intermed.,Adv. or special)1 History (1040 or 1050) History (advanced; > 2000) English (1050) English (adv. Literature; > 2000) Philosophy (1050) Philosophy (advanced; > 2000) Theology/Relig. St (1050 or 1051) Theology/Relig. St (adv.;> 2000) Social Sciences2 Discipline 1 – Intro. Discipline 2 – Intro. Discipline 1 or 2 – Adv. Mathematics Natural Science sequence Course # ACS 1000 ACS 1001 ETH 2050 # credits 3 3 3 3 3/6 3/6 HIS 1040/50 3 HIS 3 ENG 1050 3 ENG 3 PHI 1050 3 PHI 3 THL 1050/51 3 THL 3 Writing WI 3 courses ACS 1000 ACS 1001 ENG1050 WE 5 courses, 2+ in BIO BIO (>2) Other (Any) ETH 2050 Diversity 1 in ea. of 2 areas 3 3 3 Area __ Area __ (see Catalog for desc. of areas) see above see above Total Core course credits 1 2 Foreign Language Requirement - need at least two language courses through intermediate level (or 1 year of Introductory Arabic, Chinese, ancient Greek, Japanese, or Russian). For other languages, Introductory courses may count for “Free Electives”. Social Science Requirement - three semesters in two disciplines; incl. one introductory and one advanced course in same discipline; Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology TOTAL FOR BS BIOLOGY DEGREE NEED 136 TOTAL CREDITS Total Biology Total Undergraduate Rotations Total Cognate Sciences Total Free Elective credits Total Core course credits TOTAL (at least 136 for BS) revised 14 March 2011 BS /MS List of Requirements and Advising Worksheet page 3 of 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATE BIOLOGY MAJOR – MS DEGREE Need at least 20 Course Credits and 10 Research credits. Take at least 20 Graduate course credits and 10 Grad Research credits must be completed to receive the MS degree. DOUBLE COUNTED COURSES - Up to 9 GRADUATE credits can be used for BOTH the BS and MS degrees. Please list these courses in the appropriate spaces below. [typically 9301-9306 courses are not included in this category] Students will usually use BIO 8920:Research Prospectus to fulfill the seminar course needed for the BS degree. The remaining 8 credits can be accounted for several ways, but primarily by one of two options: OPTION 1 –TWO 4 CR GRAD LAB COURSES IN ADDITION TO 8920:RESEARCH PROSPECTUS OPTION 2 –ONE 3 CR GRAD COURSE AND ONE 4 CREDIT GRAD LAB COURSE PLUS BIO 8910:BSMS RESEARCH PROSPECTUS COURSE IN ADDITION TO 8920:RESEARCH PROSPECTUS # credits COURSE # AND NAME Comments DOUBLE-COUNT COURSES - max 9 credits BIO 8920 Research Prospectus 1 [ ] List all research courses in next section OTHER GRADUATE COURSES (except BIO 93xx) Total (must be at least 20 cr) BIOLOGY-GRAD RESEARCH Research Fall 4th year Research Spr 4th year Research Fall 5th year Research Spr 5th year BIO 9303 BIO 9304 BIO 9305 BIO 9306 2 2 3 3 IP grade until thesis completed IP grade until thesis completed IP grade until thesis completed IP grade until thesis completed Total (must be at no more than 10 cr) revised 14 March 2011