Capstone Project Description

Texas Woman’s University
School of Physical Therapy
Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy
Capstone Project
Completion of the Transitional DPT degree requires a final written or Capstone project. The
Capstone Project is to be a refined and “enhanced” version of a previously completed project,
selected from any core course, except Evidence-Based Practice. As appropriate, elements of
other core courses may be incorporated into the capstone project. Once the Capstone Project is
selected, the student should complete the “Capstone Project Declaration and Plan Form”. This
form must be filed with the Transitional DPT coordinator by the 12 th day of the semester prior
to the final semester of the program. The student may NOT graduate during the same semester
in which this form is completed.
The selected Capstone Project is to be refined to meet the “assessment” criteria outlined in the
“Scoring Rubric for Capstone Project”. These criteria include:
1) the clinical relevance to physical therapy,
2) a review of literature, a description of the project,
3) interventions utilized (if applicable),
4) outcomes and
5) discussion.
Particular emphasis should be placed on the use of literature-based evidence in the selection of
appropriate assessments, interventions and predicted outcomes as appropriate. Using the
“Scoring Rubric for Capstone Project” the Capstone Project will be reviewed and evaluated the
Coordinators of the tDPT and PhD programs, of the School of Physical Therapy. Students whose
Capstone Projects are graded “Unacceptable” will be required to enroll in a one-credit hour
Independent Study the following semester to satisfactorily complete this requirement.
Acceptable formats for the Capstone project, include but are limited to:
Case Report, 5 to 10 pages in length, not including cover page and references. The guidelines
for completing a Case Report are provided in the APTA publication “Writing Case Reports: A
How-to Manual for Clinicians”.
A report leading to a poster presentation at a state or national meeting.
Administrative paper