January 21 2016

Katie Lane
SGA Secretary
SGA Executive Meeting: Chuy’s
6:30 PM
Denton updates:
Budget- have stipend incentive for Reps (like Denton and Dallas)
1. Extra Rep position (Head of Reps)
2. Midterm and Final Relaxation Day (put in place next semester)
Extension of library hours = permanent
More projects to work on this semester:
dining on campus
Reps- new position in place- Head of Reps taken by Raelynn Cockrell
This position is under the VP (head of media)
Head of reps will keep in contact with all other reps and inform
them of events and when personnel are needed, such as Monday breakfast
and Tuesday snack
Visibility- need for increase attendance of SGA executive board at events;
Saderrick can purchase a “clicker” to count people at events
Photos taken at events can be hashtagged: #SGAHOU and
submitted to VP Katrina Miller as Head of Media via email:
#MaroonMonday – make a student body trend. Wear SGA or maroon
TWU shirts. Post on SGA social media to increase visibility
6:50 PM
Get Budget form
Need to start recruiting predecessors now, J1s going into J2 semester, or
J2s going into S1. Recruit from multiple programs- nutrition, OT, PT,
Healthcare, EMBA
7:00 PM
New project for this semester ideas:
1. Gym- increase quality, squat rack, better tools in restrooms (blow
driers, coat hangers)
2. Find out what the students want- survey monkey; petitions
3. Recycling
Katie Lane
SGA Secretary
4. Dining- Cyber Café- restock with different foods; coffee machine;
other dining options
Contact Beth Lewis for more info and to get the conversation
Go into all programs and their classes- Briefly introduce SGA, recruit
reps, let them know they can have shirts, it is a resume booster, and they
can receive a letter of recommendation from Saderrick
Have rep help with event to determine reliability
Give rep a shirt
Have rep sign contract mandating a required number of hours
If rep meets hours required- they receive a letter of
***Contract will becreated by Katie Lane and submitted to Saderrick
for review Sunday 1/24/16***
Jinu- Post Blackboard announcement about any major events to increase
Jessie- parking is being taken care of by Denton & C.A.R.E.
7:10 PM
Position redefinition:
President- correspondence, meeting agenda, face and
representative of SGA
Vice President- head of social media, overseer of Head of Reps
Treasurer- more one on one communication with President and
activity coordinators, budget management
Activity coordinators- activities, breakfast/snacks, event,
coordinate with Head of Reps and all other representatives
Secretary- document minutes and content for meetings, construct
Rep contract
SGA Mixer (Monday 1/25/16): wear yellow SGA shirts
Music, Popeye’s for lunch (grilled and fried) , photobooth, have
Reps work in shifts to divide workload, send pic of event to SGA email
Submission of photo enters them in to win a prize from a drawing
Circus de’ Solei (Students pay $20, SGA pays the rest)
Tickets either $56.5/person with SGA expense total of $1,095.00
OR $71.25/person with SGA expense total of $1,537.50
Katie Lane
SGA Secretary
Friday, Feb. 12 @ 7 PM: 15 tickets available
Saturday, Feb. 13 @ 7 PM: 15 tickets available
Activity Coordinators:
February: Circus de’ Solei
March: Paint night or Purple Glaze
April: 4/3/16 Houston Rockets vs OKC @ 2:30 PM: 50 tickets
May: Relaxation Day
Volunteer opportunities available at anytime:
Shriners Hospital TMC
Friend and Family Day Ideas:
7:50 PM
Equine Ranch- picnic and horseback riding
Field day
Screen on the Green (lawn movie)
Zuma fun center- arcade, racecars, golf
Breakfast for 1/25/16
Eggos, thin bagels with peanut butter and cream cheese, cereal,
Snacks for 1/26/16
Protein bars, pretzels and chocolate chips
SGA general meeting Feb. 8: Guest speaker is Betty Duson, TWU
counselor; lunch= Chick-fil-a
8:00 PM
Meeting adjourned