LASSI Writing Assignment 1300.doc

EDUC 1300
LASSI Assignment
Instructions: The gray boxes
are available for you to highlight and type right in.
Take the LASSI online. The LASSI identifies your strengths and weaknesses as a college student.
There is a link to the LASSI in your Student System Sign In. Be sure and print out a copy of your
Student Report when your LASSI is completed.
The LASSI provides information on these aspects of learning and studying. These are some of
the very topics that you will be studying in your student success course this semester!
Anxiety (ANX)
Attitude (ATT)
Motivation (MOT)
Information Processing (INP)
Selecting the Main Idea (SMI)
Test Strategies (TST)
Concentration (CON)
Self-Testing (SFT)
Study Aids (STA)
Time Management (TMT)
Read your results carefully and identify one or two categories that you want to focus on
improving. Choose a topic to write about from the list below:
minimizing cramming
minimizing procrastination
minimizing distractions
minimizing stress
participating in a specific class
note-taking in a specific class
preparing for a specific class
preparing for a quiz or test
taking a quiz or test
reading your textbook
participating in a study group
using a specific study strategy or study aid, such as self-tests, visual
organizers, or mnemonic devices
Write a paragraph about one of the topics above. The paragraph should be at least seven
sentences long. English mechanics and grammar errors will result in a point reduction from this
assignment. Here is a list of questions that may help you form your thoughts for your
According to the LASSI, what are your relative strengths as a college student? What are
your relative weaknesses?
Do you agree with your LASSI results? Why or why not?
What is a problem or challenge you might experience in college?
Why do you have this problem or challenge? Did you have this same problem or challenge
in high school?
What will happen if you don’t find a solution to this problem? What are the potential shortterm and long-term academic consequences?
Highlight the gray box below and type right in it. Write your paragraph below: