HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPRING BRANCH CAMPUS BIOLOGY 1406 /GENERAL BIOLOGY I/ FALL 2010, COURSE Number //62676// Instructor: Dr. Jessica A. Moody Jessica.Moody@hccs.edu TEXTBOOK: Campbell, N.A., BIOLOGY, 8th Edition, Vol. I, Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 2008. LAB MANUAL: Merritt R.G. and Keating, R.J., LABORATORY EXERCISES FOR COLLEGE GENERAL BIOLOGY 1, 3rd Edition, 2002. LECTURES: Tuesday: Room 515 2:00-5:00 p.m. LABS: Thursday: Room 528 2:00-5:00 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: By appointment only COURSE DESCRIPTION: Discussions focus on biological chemistry, biological processes, cellular morphology, metabolism, genetics and molecular biology. Core Curriculum Course; cannot be used in conjunction with 1308. PREREQUISITE: College reading skills/one year of high school Biology/high school Chemistry recommended. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Roll will be taken, and I expect students to attend all classes. Good class attendance is absolutely essential to do well in this course! I reserve the right to drop a student after missing in excess of 12.5% of the hours of instruction. It is a good idea to exchange names and phone numbers with others in the class so that you can obtain the information you missed as quickly as possible. In case of a prolonged absence (2 or more class meetings), the instructor should be notified. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to check for information you missed as a result of your absence. Please DO NOT contact me to find out what material was covered. 2. Notes: Notes for each lecture will be posted prior to class on the Learning Web. It is your responsibility to access and print the notes. Bring the notes to class with you to serve as a discussion outline. You must take your own notes and read the textbook to do well in this class! Anything that I discuss in class is fair game for an exam. 3. Exams will be given at the beginning of class time. After the first exam has been completed, submitted, and that student has left the room, no more exams will be passed out. DON’T BE LATE TO AN EXAM! Each student is allowed to drop ONE LECTURE exam only. No make-up lecture exams, quizzes, or lab exams will be offered. 4. Due Dates: If you are absent for any reason, you will not be allowed to make up missed in-class assignments or quizzes from that day. Quizzes are generally given at the beginning of the class period. If you are late to class, you will not be given extra time to complete your quiz. If you arrive after the quiz has ended, you will receive a zero for that quiz. Late homework/lab assignments and the end-of-the-semester project will be accepted up to the next class meeting and are penalized 50%. 5. All phones and beepers must be turned off or be in silent (courtesy) mode. You may not leave the room during a test to answer a phone call. Should this occur your test will be taken up immediately. There will be no use of cell phones in the laboratory. I will allow the use of laptops in class, but only if you are using them for note taking purposes. 6. LABORATORY. Students are expected to abide by the rules of safety at all times during the laboratory exercises. Students work in groups during the laboratory sessions, but individual participation is expected in completion of laboratory reports. These reports are to be completed and turned in at the following laboratory 1 session or when requested. A grade will be given for each report. 5. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY DURING EXAMINATIONS. A verbal warning will be promptly issued if dishonesty is suspected with a possible zero entered for the test grade. If it should become a chronic and persistent problem the student will be advised to withdraw from the course. 6. STUDENT CONDUCT. Abusive language or disruptive behavior by a student(s) will not be tolerated. Talking and sleeping in class during lectures is distracting to the professor and to other students. It will not be tolerated. 7. STUDENT HANDBOOK- important information for all students. Also contains the mission statement of the Houston Community College System (available online at HCCS home page.) 8. DISABILITIES. Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. For questions, contact Donna Price at 713.718.5165 or the Disability Counselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, log on to www.hccs.edu, click Future Students, scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Information. District ADA Coordinator – Donna Price – 713.718.516 Central ADA Counselors – John Reno – 713.718.6164, Martha Scribner – 713.718.6164 Northeast ADA Counselor – Kim Ingram – 713.718.8420 Northwest ADA Counselor – Mahnaz Kolaini – 713.718.5422 Southeast ADA Counselor – Jette Friis – 713.718.7218 Southwest ADA Counselor – Dr. Becky Hauri – 713.718.7910 Coleman ADA Counselor – Dr. Raj Gupta – 713.718.7631 9. No children are allowed in class at any time. 10. CORE CURRICULUM. Essential to the learning process are six basic intellectual competencies. Among the objectives covered in this course the following components will be addressed such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking and computer literacy. 11. If a student lacks the prerequisite for this course they should meet as soon as possible with the Instructor to determine the exact status of this situation. 12. As mandated by the Texas State Legislature students who repeat a course for a third or more times may soon face significant tuition and fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your Professor or Counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other possible assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. 13. It’s your responsibility to submit all the work required during the semester including exams, quizzes, lab reports, homework, and any other assigned work; you will receive a grade of (0) for any missing work. 14. Contact: E-mail will be the best choice for contact. 2 GRADE DETERMINATION: Your grade will be determined by the following Details Points (if applicable) Lecture Exams* 5 Exams 100 pts each: T/F, short answer, multiple choice, essay 400 Percent of Final Average 40% Homework/Quizzes/Labs/Inclass assignments Project Various times throughout the semester; lecture & lab Team Project 250 25% 100 10% Lab Exam 1 Exam 150 pts: Objective type questions, multiple choice, practical work 150 15% Final Exam Final Exam is comprehensive 100 10% 1000 100% Total: *LOWEST LECTURE EXAM GRADE WILL BE DROPPED LETTER GRADE ASSIGNMENT: Letter Grade A Final Average in Percent > 89.5 B 79.5 – 89.5 C 69.5 – 79.5 D 59.5 – 69.5 F < 59.5 Tentative Instructional Outline: *Note: Subject to Change* Week Number Lab Lecture 1 JAN 18 Syllabus JAN 20 Exploring Life (Ch. 1) 2 JAN 25 Chemistry of Life (Ch 2) Lab 3 (Chemistry) JAN 27 Water (Ch 3) Lab 1 (Microscope), Lab 2 (Metric) 3 FEB 1 Carbon (Ch 4) FEB 3 Exam I (Ch 1-4) 4 FEB 8 Macromolecules (Ch 5) FEB 10 The Cell (Ch 6) Lab 4 (macromolecules) 5 FEB 15 The Cell Membrane (Ch 7) FEB 17 Metabolism (Ch 8) Lab 5 (L enzymes) 6 3 Week Number FEB 22 Lab Lecture Exam II (Ch 5-8) FEB 24 Labs 6 (Slides) , 7 (Osmosis), 8 (Plasmolysis) 7 MAR 1 Cellular Respiration (Ch 9) MAR 3 Photosynthesis (Ch 10) 8 MAR 8 Cell Cycle (Ch 12) Lab 10 (Chromotography) MAR 10 Lab 11 (Mitosis) 9 MAR 22 MARCH 14-20 SPRING BREAK/CAMPUS CLOSED Meiosis (Ch 13) MAR 24 Lecture Exam III (Ch 9, 10, 12, 13) 10 MAR 29 Genetics (Ch 14) MAR 31 Inheritance (Ch 15) Lab 12 (Meiosis) Lab 14 (Genetics Crosses) 11 APR 5 DNA Structure (Ch 16) APR 7 Lab 15 (Electrophoresis) 12 APR 12 Lecture Exam IV (Ch. 14-16) APR 14 LAST DAY FOR STUDENT WITHDRAWALS Gene to Protein (Ch 17) 13 APR 19 Gene Regulation (Ch 18) APR 21 14 APR 26 PROJECTS DUE; REVIEW LAB EXAM APR 22-24 EASTER BREAK- CAMPUS CLOSED Viruses/Bacteria (Ch 19) APR 28 LAB EXAM 15 MAY 3 DNA Technology (Ch 20) MAY 5 Lecture Exam V (Ch 17, 18, 19, 20) 16 FINALS WEEK Final Exam (Comprehensive) Thursday, May 12th 2:00 pm 4 IMPORTANT DAYS See calendar for exact date and time/ withdrawal, drop, holidays…etc. 01/19/11 Last day drop/add/swap 01/31/11 Official date of record. 04/14/11 Last day for administrative withdrawals-4:30 pm 05/08/11 Instruction ends HCC Course Withdrawal Policy The State of Texas imposes penalties on students who drop courses excessively. Students are limited to no more than six total course withdrawals throughout their educational career at a Texas public college or university. In order to withdraw from your class, you MUST first contact your professor, PRIOR to the withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” on your transcript. After the withdrawal deadline has passed, you will receive the grade that you would have earned. Zeros averaged in for required coursework not submitted will lower your semester average significantly, most likely resulting in a failing grade of an “F”. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the class; however, your professor reserves the right to withdraw you without your request due to excessive absences. If you do not feel comfortable contacting your professor to withdraw, you may contact a counselor. However, please do not contact both a counselor and your professor to request a withdrawal; either one is sufficient. The final withdrawal deadline for regular term is 04/14/11 at 4:30pm. Classes of other duration (mini-term, flex-entry, 8-weeks, etc.) may have different final withdrawal deadlines. Please review HCC’s online “Academic Calendars by Term” or contact the HCC Registrar’s Office at 713.718.8500 to determine mini-term class withdrawal deadlines. It’s your responsibility to contact me regarding withdrawal prior to the withdrawal deadline; your absences or disappearance from the class doesn’t mean you will receive a (W). You will receive a (W) only if you contact me prior to the deadline. 5