
Ecological Footprint
It compares human consumption of natural
resources with planet Earth's ecological capacity
to regenerate them.
It is an estimate of the amount of biologically
productive land and sea area needed to
regenerate (if possible) the resources a human
population consumes and to absorb and render
harmless the corresponding waste, given
prevailing technology and current understanding.
Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate
how many planet Earths it would take to support
humanity if everybody lived a given lifestyle.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia
A hectare is the size of a soccer field
A global hectare accounts for average global
Geographical Distribution
Images removed due to copyright restrictions.
Global Demand
Images removed due to copyright restrictions.
Footprint by Component
Image courtesy of World Wide Fund for Nature Japan under Creative Commons 3.0
Your Ecological Footprint
 A)
 B) Female
How often do you eat animal based
products? (beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs,
dairy products)
A) Never(vegan) or Infrequently (no meat,
and eggs/dairy a few times a week) (strict
 B) Infrequently (vegetarian)
 C) Occasionally (no meat or occasional
meat, but eggs/dairy almost daily)
 D) Often (meat once or twice a week)
 E) Very often (meat daily)
How much of the food that you eat is
processed, packaged and not locally grown
(from more than 200 miles away)?
 A)
Most of the food I eat is
processed, packaged, and from
far away
 B) Three quarters
 C) Half
 D) One quarter
 E) Very little. Most of the food I
eat is unprocessed, unpackaged
and locally grown.
Compared to a typical American,
how much trash do you generate?
 A)
Much less
 B) Somewhat less
 C) About the same
 D) Much more
Which housing type best describes
your home?
 A)
Free standing house without
running water
 B) Free standing house with running
 C) Multi-story apartment building
 D) Row house or building with 2-4
housing units
 E) Green-design residence
Do you have Electricity in your
 A)
 B) No
How many people live in your
 A)
1 person
 B) 2 people
 C) 3 people
 D) 4-5 people
 E) 6 or more people
What is the size of your home?
 A)
2700 square feet or larger
 B) 2200-2700 square feet
 C) 1600-2200 square feet
 D) 1050 -1600 square feet
 E) 550-1050 square feet
On average, how far do you go by car each
week (as a driver or passenger)?
 A)
300 miles or more
 B) 200-300 miles
 C) 150-200 miles
 D) 50-150 miles
E) 0-50 miles
How far do you travel by motorbike
each week?
 A)
0-2 miles
 B) 2-10 miles
 C) 10-30 miles
 D) 30-70 miles
 E) more than 70 miles
How many miles per gallon does your car
get? (If you do not own a car, estimate the
average fuel efficiency of the cars you ride
 A)
More than 40 miles per gallon
 B) 30-40 miles per gallon
 C) 15-30 miles per gallon
 D) 5-15 miles per gallon
 E) Fewer than 5 miles per gallon
What is the gas mileage of your
 A)
 B) 30-40
 C) 40-50
 D) 50-60
 E) more than 60 mpg
How often do you drive in a car
with someone else, rather than
 A)
Almost never
B) Occasionally (about 25%)
C) Often (about 50%)
D) Very often (about 75%)
E) Almost always
On average, how far do you travel on public
transportation each week (bus, train,
subway or ferry) ?
 A) 50 miles or more
 B) 25-50 miles
 C) 5-25 miles
 D) 1-5 miles
 E) 0 miles
Approximately how many hours do
you spend flying each year?
 A)
more than 100 hours
 B) 25-100 hours
 C) 10-25 hours
 D) 4-10 hours
 E) 0-4 hours