Populations: S = Susceptible I1 = Infected but not yet infectious (incubation period) Standard SIR I1(0) = Number that are infected in the attack I2 = Infectious Q = Quarantine (both susceptible and infectious people) Q = Qs + Qi Qs = Susceptible people that get quarantined Qi = Infected people that get quarantined (incubation and infectious) R1 = Fully recovered (no residual damage) R2 = Recovered, but sustained some residual damage D = Dead S = S+Qs I = I1+I2+Qi+D R = R1+R2 Input Parameters: d = mortality rate for the disease add in treated vs. untreated later κ = recovery rate κ = (1/μ2)*(1-d) d1 = mortality rate for the disease (if untreated) d2 = mortality rate for the disease (if untreated) κ1 = recovery rate (for untreated infectious people) κ2 = recovery rate (for treated infectious people) φ = fraction of people treated per day λ = fraction of infected people that sustain long term residual damage μ1 = average duration of non-infectious stage (incubation) μ2 = average duration of infectious stage β = transmission rate (fraction of people infected per day per infectious person) αi = fraction of infected people quarantined per day αs = fraction of susceptible people quarantined per day (contacts of infected people) green = known blue = unknown (parameterize and/or optimize to determine) S+Q+I1+I2+R1+R2+D = N Track 7 different populations Susceptible S s(t)* i2(t)*β Infected (not yet infectious) I1 Assumption: don’t know that I1 people are infected s(t)*αs i1(t)*1/μ1 Infectious I2 i2(t)*αi i1(t)*αs i2(t)*κ(1-λ) Quarantine Q = Qs + Qi qi(t)*κ(1-λ) Fully Recovered R1 (insusceptible) qi(t)*κ*λ Standard SIR S = S+Qs I = I1+I2+Qi+D R = R1+R2 i2(t)*κ*λ Recovered R2 (but disabled) i2(t)*d qi(t)*d Dead D Initial Assumptions • Constant population – No immigration/emigration, births, or deaths (not related to the disease) • One recovery rate – Don’t separate treated vs. non-treated people (add in later later) • People in the incubation stage (non-contagious) are treated as susceptible in terms of quarantine/treatment since they are not yet known to be infected • Treatment has no significant side effects (compared to mortality rate of disease and likelihood of long term damage from the disease) – Add this in later (when separate the treated vs. non-treated people) Basic SIR Model st = susceptible fraction of the population at time t it = infected fraction of the population at time t rt = recovered fraction of the population at time t β = transmission rate κ = recovery rate st+1= st – β*st*it rt+1 = rt + κ*it it+1 = it * (1 + β*st – κ) Smallpox Incubation Period (Duration: 7 to 17 days) Not contagious Incubation Period 7-17 days (avg.12-14 days) (not contagious) Initial Symptoms (Prodrome) (Duration: 2 to 4 days) Sometimes contagious Prodrome Period 2-4 days (sometimes contagious) Early Rash (Duration: about 4 days) Most contagious Pustular Rash (Duration: about 5 days) Contagious Pustules and Scabs (Duration: about 5 days) Contagious Symptomatic Period 20 days (contagious) Resolving Scabs (Duration: about 6 days) Contagious Scabs resolved Not contagious Recovered (not contagious) http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/overview/disease-facts.asp