Spring 2011 Workshop Calendar Flyer

Center ARTES at California State University San Marcos
in Partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education Present:
Workshops—Spring 2011
Drama in the Classroom
Tuesday, February 15th, 5:30-7:30 pm
Arts 342, Cal State San Marcos
Director of Education at The Old Globe, Roberta Wells-Famula will guide an interactive session
using Creative Dramatics, Theatre Games and Reader’s Theatre techniques that can be
incorporated into any teacher’s lesson plans. Activities focus on each of the Actor’s Tools
(voice, body, imagination) and how an understanding of these elements will aide in writing
characters and text while building performance skills.
Flipbooks and Their Relationship to Contemporary Visual Communication
Tuesday, February 22nd, 5:30-7:30 pm
Arts 342, Cal State San Marcos
Join video and installation, poet artist Eszter Delgado, as she explores the relationship between
the visual arts, motion, and narrative with the creation of a flipbook. The flipbook was one of the
fundamental discoveries leading to the media revolution, which includes film, animation, and
early Internet applications. She will demonstrate how flipbooks can stimulate interaction and
develop narrative and artistic skills in the classroom.
The Creative Process, The dance in all of us and the Kinesthetic Learner
Tuesday, March 8th, 5:30-7:30 pm
Arts 342, Cal State San Marcos
Let us revisit, reexamine, and create a refreshed landscape in our understanding and experiences
of integrating Arts into the Classroom. Through experiential investigations around the
relationship of dance, and creativity we will use the language of dance from around the world
revealing ways one might truly cultivate an aesthetic education.
Music in the Classroom
Tuesday, March 15th, 5:30-7:30 pm
Arts 342, Cal State San Marcos
Join music faculty professor from CSUSM, Randy Griswold, as he discusses and demonstrates in an
interactive workshop musical techniques that can be used in the classroom.
Center ARTES: About Us
Center ARTES at CSU San Marcos is committed to restoring arts education to San Diego County schools. Our primary
initiatives include providing access to the arts for students, professional development for educators, strategic planning
for districts, and leadership and state-wide advocacy on important arts education issues. Through partnerships with
schools, districts, artists, and arts institutions, we connect educators with tools, resources, and personnel to seamlessly
integrate the arts into their classrooms, exposing diverse student bodies to a rich, comprehensive arts education while
improving student learning across the curriculum.
For more information, visit our website at www.csusm.edu/centerartes or call (760)750-4431