Human diagnostic.doc

Name__________________________________ Tel: _______________ email _____________________
Most recent English course (give course name or #) grade ________
This isn't going to be graded, but is a way for me to get an idea about your perspectives on modern art and culture. Do
write your best prose in complete sentences. Take your time and try to write legibly.
In a brief essay, tell me about your current attitudes modern music, film or art. You may write whatever you wish. Topics
touched upon might include, but certainly aren’t limited to:
 What sorts of movies do you most enjoy watching? Explain as specifically as possible what you like and why. If
you hate movies, fine, but again tell me why.
 What do you most enjoy reading? Include genres such as essays, short stories, and poetry. Certain author’s or
periods might resonate with you. Explain as specifically as possible what you like and why. If you hate reading, fine,
but again tell me why.
 Why did you decide to take Humanities? What most fascinates you about this subject? If it was the only elective
course open or the only one that fit into your schedule, you can say that too.
 What are your current uses for writing: letters, email, keeping a journal, writing screenplays, your job?
 Particular strengths you know you have.
 Particular weaknesses you know you'll have to work on.
 What you hope/expect to get out of this class besides a passing grade. Provide suggestions how this might be
accomplished given what you know about your own learning style.
Name__________________________________ Tel: _______________ email _____________________
Most recent English course (give course name or #) grade ________
This isn't going to be graded, but is a way for me to get an idea about your perspectives on modern art and culture. Do
write your best prose in complete sentences. Take your time and try to write legibly.
In a brief essay, tell me about your current attitudes modern music, film or art. You may write whatever you wish. Topics
touched upon might include, but certainly aren’t limited to:
 What sorts of movies do you most enjoy watching? Explain as specifically as possible what you like and why. If
you hate movies, fine, but again tell me why.
 What do you most enjoy reading? Include genres such as essays, short stories, and poetry. Certain author’s or
periods might resonate with you. Explain as specifically as possible what you like and why. If you hate reading, fine,
but again tell me why.
 Why did you decide to take Humanities? What most fascinates you about this subject? If it was the only elective
course open or the only one that fit into your schedule, you can say that too.
 What are your current uses for writing: letters, email, keeping a journal, writing screenplays, your job?
 Particular strengths you know you have.
 Particular weaknesses you know you'll have to work on.
 What you hope/expect to get out of this class besides a passing grade. Provide suggestions how this might be
accomplished given what you know about your own learning style.