Language Learning Center Writing Workshop for Multilingual Speakers and Writers

Learning Center
Writing Workshop for Multilingual
Speakers and Writers
Matthew David Collins Pizzorno
Adjunct Faculty
Palomar College and ALCI: CSU San Marcos
Help me I am
What is
Upon finishing this workshop, you will be able to:
• Understand some of the main characteristics of
ACADEMIC WRITING through looking formal
and informal writing.
• Apply your knowledge of the characteristics of
ACADEMIC WRITING by deciding what is
ACADEMIC WRITING based on what we have
4 Main Characteristics of
Academic Writing
Analytic –
Objective –
Intellectual –
Rational –
4 Main Characteristics of
Academic Writing
Analytic – concerned with real facts and details, rather than
general aspects..
Objective – based on things which can be seen or measured,
rather than on personal feelings.
Intellectual – based on an enlightened judgment of complex
ideas and information, rather than an appeal to emotions.
Rational – using clear thinking to make decisions and
judgments based on reason, rather than passionate
arguments against a doctrine or belief.
Let’s Practice These
Choose an Example of
Academic Writing
 1.
There were a lot of students who enrolled at the
university for the first semester.
 2.
In 2004 there were approximately 250 students
who enrolled in the first semester at James Cook
University to undertake a Bachelor of Education
1. Statistics from Road Safety Australia show that male drivers
accounted for 40% of total traffic accidents in the North
Queensland region in 2004 and female drivers accounted for
the remaining 60%. These figures suggest that male drivers are
more skilled in avoiding traffic accidents than female drivers.
2. It is my honest opinion that men are better drivers than
1. Thus, based on personality theory as developed by Mr. I. M
Sure, it is quite clear that personality is a product of both
genetic and environmental influence.
2. Thus, differences in personality can obviously be attributed
to genetic influence. I am sure that all of us have recognized
similar personality traits in ourselves and our parents. If we
would but look at our own circumstances, frustrating though
these may appear at times, would we not be able to
conclude for ourselves that personality is actually the product
of genetic transfer?
 1.
The potential for abuse of the proposed voluntary
euthanasia legislation, quite clearly necessitates
that every state in Australia reject the proposal
 2.
The pain that legalizing euthanasia would bring
to unwitting victims of such legislation far outweighs
the pain of any terminal illness and thus such
legislation should be rejected immediately.
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