Language Learning Center California State University San Marcos Tel: 760.750.8058 Fax: 760.750.3313 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 Supplementary Upper-Division Tutor Application Full Legal Name: Birth Day & Month: Emergency Contact: Relationship: ~ Language you are applying to tutor: ~Your level: Intermediate/200s ~Areas you feel ready to tutor: Spanish French High Intermediate/300s 202 grammar Phone: German High/400s 202 mini-essays Graduate/Near Fluent 300-500 essays ~How many college semesters of this language have you taken? Fluent/Native 250-500 complex grammar What was the highest class? ~What was the highest-level course where you got a 3.3 or higher? Course: Grade: ~Other coursework/exams (eg. study-abroad, AP, IB…): ~If a native speaker, describe your language background: ~Please describe your personal skills, strengths, and characteristics that make you a strong applicant. ~Please describe your related work and life experiences (jobs, volunteerism, travel, tutoring received or given…). ~What do you think is different about being a tutor versus being a teacher/instructor? The California State University Bakersfield | Channel Islands | Chico | Dominguez Hills | East Bay | Fresno | Fullerton | Humboldt | Long Beach | Los Angeles | Maritime Academy Monterey Bay | Northridge | Pomona | Sacramento | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Jose | San Luis Obispo | San Marcos | Sonoma | Stanislaus NOTE: It is highly suggested that you attach a cover letter and/or resume to this application. I understand that Learning Language Center tutors must have: Junior standing or higher at CSUSM (Note: Sophomores with high GPAs are also considered) 3.0 overall GPA, with a 3.3 GPA in the language(s) being tutored or fluency if no courses taken Admission or registration in a CSUSM undergraduate- or graduate-degree program. Enrollment in courses toward the completion of the degree during the appointment period Ability to participate in 1-2 day training prior to the start of the semester. I confirm that I meet the above requirements, or that I have spoken with the Director about any exceptions. Signature Date Please submit all application documents to Hilary Taylor, Director via one of the below methods. (Note: Some instructors may prefer to send their reference directly to the Director, which is fine.) Drop Off: CSUSM Language Learning Center, Kellogg 1107 (basement) Email: