ESOL 0348 Intermediate Grammar Syllabus.doc

ESOL 0348 Intermediate Grammar Syllabus
Level 2—Fall 2010
Instructor: E. Ferguson
Class Time: Mon. 7:00-8:40PM Wed. 7:00-9:40PM
Office Hours: By appointment
Computer Lab: Wednesdays 7:00-7:50PM
Room: 213
Phone: 713.718.7750
Course Description
This course reviews the basic structures of English grammar and develops the production on complex
English sentences.
ESOL 0348 Statement of Purpose
ESOL 0348, Intermediate Grammar, seeks to prepare students for college level academic or workforce
study by accomplishing the following objectives:
1. Building on the syntactic knowledge that students have gained in previous study of English
grammar while introducing more advanced structures.
2. Strengthening student’s abilities to produce the new grammatical structures in a variety of
communicative contexts.
Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, you should be able to demonstrate mastery of:
1. Everything covered in ESOL 0344, Beginning Grammar for Foreign Speakers
2. When to use present continuous over simple present as well as simple past vs. past continuous
3. Formation of sentences with simple modals (can, will, must, have to, should, ought to, might,
4. The present perfect forms, both affirmative and negative;
5. comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, including irregular forms
6. count vs. non-count nouns
7. showing familiarity with the structure of gerunds and infinitive
8. showing familiarity with phrasal verbs
Grade Breakdown
Grade Scale:
Your grade will calculated as follows:
Tests and Quizzes
Daily Work/Lab
Final Exam
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
69 or less F or
Focus on Grammar 3rd Ed. by Marjorie Fuchs, M. Bonner, and M. Westheimer
Attendance: Students may not be absent more than 10 hours in any class. A student who has
more than 10 hours of absences may be dropped from class.
Tardiness: You must come to class on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may be
counted absent.
Withdrawals: F-1 students may not withdraw from class without becoming out of status. Other
students must withdraw before November 12th at 4:30 PM in order to receive a “W”. If you
withdraw after this date, you will receive a grade of IP or F.
Makeup Tests/Late Homework: Please be in class on test nights. If you miss a test, I will drop
the lowest grade at the end of the semester. If you miss more than one test during the semester, you
must see me to make other arrangements.
Academic Honesty/Cheating: Any form of cheating, copying, or plagiarism will result in a zero
for the assignment. See the HCCS Student Handbook for more information.
Students with Disabilities: Students with a learning or physical disability which might affect
their performance in class should contact the HCCS disabilities counselor, Dr. Becky Hauri at
713.718.7909, Fax 713.718.7906.
Cell phones: Students are not allowed to use cell phones in class. Please keep your cell phones
off or on vibrate.
Notice: Students who repeat a course three or more times will face a significant tuition increase at
HCC and other Texas colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor about
opportunities for tutoring/others assistance if you are not receiving passing grades.
Tutoring/Open Lab: Students can get extra help before class.
Holidays: Labor Day –Mon., Sept. 6
Thanksgiving—Wed. evening Nov. 24 thru Nov. 26
Important Dates: Last day of class-- Wed., Dec. 8
Grammar Final—Tues., Dec. 14
Level 2 Grammar Class Schedule
Focus on Grammar 3rd Ed.
Fall 2010
Greetings, Syllabus, Unit 1
Units 3-5
Unit 6 and Unit 8 (TEST 1: Units 1, 3, 6, 8)
Units 16-17
Units 18-19
Unit 20 (TEST 2: Units 16-20)
Unit 21, Units 11-12
Units 13-14; Review
Midterm; Unit 23
Units 24-25
Unit 26 (TEST 3: Units 23-26)
Units 27-29
Unit 32; Review (TEST 4: Units 27-29, 32)
Units 33-34, 36
Unit 37; Review for Final
Final Exam