BIOL 2401 Syllabus sp 16.doc

Biology Department
SE College
BIOL 2401 – Human Anatomy & Physiology (Part 1)
Spring Semester 2016
4 Credit Hour Lecture-Lab Course
Instructor: Dr. Denise Durham
Instructor Information:
Telephone: 281-765-7902
Prerequisites: Biology 2401, Anatomy & Physiology I
Instructional Materials
1. Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
by Martini, 10th edition
2. Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab Manual
by Dr. Jyoti R. Wagle, Sixth edition, 2006.
3. Mastering Anatomy & Physiology, Pearson
Course Goals & Description
A course of study covering the structure and function of human cells, tissues and organ
systems including the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems.
A Core Curriculum Course.
You are spending a good deal of time, energy and money on this course – please, make
most of your investment! It takes approximately 2-3 hours of study time for each hour
of class time to master the material. This class will have over 96 contact hours (4 hr.
The class and study time necessary to succeed in this class will be close to 300
hours (20 hours per week)!
Course Prerequisites:
College Level Reading as determined by SAT, ACT, TASP or successfully passing
ENGL0305 with “C” or better. Biology 1406 (General Biology) is strongly recommended.
Course Goals:
This course is intended for students majoring in one of the physical sciences or life
sciences, engineering, or for students who are pursuing pre-professional programs in
medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, or other health programs. The
course is also beneficial to students who are preparing themselves for higher-level
science courses in their respective curricula.
Course Student Learning Outcomes:
The course is designed to provide the information and exercises necessary for student
to obtain an understanding of the anatomical and physiological processes of the human
organism. Topics covered in this course include the molecular, cellular, tissue and
organ structures and functions of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous
systems and the special senses.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Program SLO #1
To recognize, identify, and describe the basic structures and functions associated with
most life forms.
Program SLO #2
To develop basic laboratory techniques appropriate to the field of Biology.
Program SLO #3
To develop study skills and habits appropriate for pre-professional students interested in
health-related fields.
The following Student Learning Outcomes, with their associated assessment criteria, are
not all-inclusive, and are meant to be used along with all other course learning outcomes
and assessment devices, listed under Course Objectives, in the determination of the
student's final course grade. Completion of the specific Student Learning Outcomes
listed below, at any assessment grading level, does NOT and will NOT guarantee the
student that final course grade at the end of the semester.
Course Student Learning Outcomes:
The course is designed to provide the information and exercises necessary for student
to obtain an understanding of the anatomical and physiological processes of the human
organism. Topics covered in this course include the molecular, cellular, tissue and
organ structures and functions of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous
systems and the special senses.
1. Students will be able to understand and apply the principals of homeostasis and the
Importance of feedback loops.
PSLO* #1
2. Students will be able to evaluate information and make conclusions based on their
knowledge of membrane transport.
3. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of muscle structure to explain how
muscles function.
4. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the structure of the skeletal system to
its functions.
5. Students will be able to understand and apply their knowledge of changes in polarity on
Membrane potential.
6. Students will be able to apply and demonstrate their knowledge concerning reflex arcs
PSLO#s 1 and 2
7. Students will be able to apply the knowledge gained in lab utilizing anatomical models,
physiological experiments, histological slides and the compound light microscope.
8. Students will utilize online interactive evaluation tools to gauge their understanding of
key anatomical and physiological concepts prior to lecture/examinations/quizzes
where applicable.
Learning Objectives:
1. Consistently able to demonstrate understanding and application of feedback loops on
homeostasis without the instructor’s help.
2. Consistently able to explain membrane transport and determine the outcome of
scenarios concerning membrane transport
3. Always able to describe muscle structure and use that knowledge to explain muscle
4. Always able to apply knowledge of the structure of the skeletal system to its functions.
5. Consistently able to demonstrate knowledge of interactions involving changes in
membrane polarity without the instructor’s help.
6. Consistently able to demonstrate all parts, functions, and steps involved in a reflex arc.
7. Consistently prepared and able to demonstrate skills using the body system models and
laboratory techniques at the classroom standards.
8. Consistently able to find and focus the specimen on the microscope slide without the
instructor’s help.
9. Consistently uses online tools to prepare for class, always ready for classroom
discussions and instructor’s Q&A sessions, completes all online quizzes prior to due
Reading and Testing Schedule
Spring Holiday
Organization session
Chapters 1-4; Labs 1-3
Mastering A&P for Ch 1-4
Chapters 5-8; Labs 4-7
Exam 1 (Ch 1-4)
Mastering A&P for Ch 5-8
Chapters 9-10; Lab 8
Lab Practical I (Labs 1-7)
Mastering A&P for Ch 9-10
Chapters 11-13; Labs 9-10
Exam 2 (Ch 5, 6, 9-11)
Mastering A&P for Ch 10-13
Chapters 14-15; Labs 11 11/21 “W” Day
Exam 3 (Ch 12-14)
Mastering A&P for Ch 14-15
Chapters 16-17; Labs 12
Lab Practical 2
Mastering A&P for Ch 16-17
Exam 4 (Ch 15-17)
Exit Exam
Instructional Methods
This is a lecture and lab course.
For lecture part of this course, chapter outlines, PowerPoints, animations, flashcards,
puzzles and practice quizzes for each chapter will be made available.
During lab, you will be working in groups to study microscope slides, models, human
bones and cat dissection. There are also extensive lab study pages to help you review
the lab material including cat dissections.
Student Assignments
For this lecture-lab course, you must study the text chapters and complete the lab
reports in a timely manner. The study guide and study tools have been developed to
enhance your learning. To better understand each topic, you must read the textbook
and review the material by using the study guide. You are given the entire reading and
testing schedule in the beginning of the semester.
You are also required to complete special assignments that are designed to apply the
knowledge and think beyond the factual learning in the course.
You will take lecture and lab exams to determine how successful you are at achieving
the mastery of course content and skills. For help, there is on-campus tutoring as well
as on-line tutoring available.
Exams and Quizzes
4 exams
Mastering A&P
Final Exam
Lab exams + lab reports
Critical thinking & quizzes
400 points
100 points
200 points
200 points
200 points
1100 points
Grading Scale
90 – 100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
Below 60% = F
1. Lecture exams consist of multiple-choice, true-false, matching, and short answer
questions. Use Study Guide to access outlines and other study tools.
2. Lab exams are practical exam with stations set up in the lab. You will move from
station to station answering specific questions.
3. Final exam is comprehensive.
4. There are extra credit questions in each exam.
5. A maximum of two hour period will be allowed to complete any lecture or lab exam.
6. If, for whatever reason, you are late for a lecture or a lab exam, you will be allowed
to take the exam as long as nobody else has completed the exam and left the room.
Also, you will get only the remaining time to take your exam.
7. Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class that they are due.
8. In lab, you are encouraged to work in groups. However, you are responsible for the
Instructor Grading Criteria:
Students must adhere to testing schedule. Failure to take a test (lab or lecture) will result
in a “0” for the missed exam. Exceptions include work, family, or personal (health)
emergency, and must be properly documented prior to any make-ups.
Only one make-up exam per semester is allowed (with proper medical documentation)
and must be arrange with instructor ASAP. There is no repeating of examinations or
“dropping” of lowest grade/s.
There will be required assignments from Mastering Anatomy & Physiology. To help
you register for the course, here is a quick registration video
And here is a link to our student registration handout and power point presentation: Course Section: 91265
CourseID: southeast75451
Instructor Requirements:
Basic Requirements
Students should be on time for class and be prepared with required materials including
textbook and lab manual. Full class attendance is required including lecture and lab
portions. Full attention during lecture and lab is required.
Phones/Electronic Devices
Absolutely no phone or other personal electronic devices are to be used during class
(lecture and lab). This includes making or taking a call, reviewing messages, texting,
playing games, checking email, surfing the web, anything that involves a phone or other
personal electronic device. If your work or family situation requires that you be available
via phone, your phone can be on vibrate mode and you can take the call during our
regular scheduled breaks or you can exit the class to review the call. Notify your friends,
family, employers, and anyone else who regularly contacts you that you will be in class
and that you should be contacted only when necessary. The taking of calls during class
is not only disruptive but it is also discourteous to classmates and the instructor.
Testing Procedures
Be sure to arrive early for your examinations. There are time limits for exams. You will
not be given extended time for testing if you arrive late.
Entering and exiting the lecture room or lab room is not permitted once exams have
begun. Please be sure to use bathroom before or after.
Students are expected to conduct themselves as adults. This includes courteous and
respectful behavior towards instructor and classmates. Disruptive behavior or any
behavior that interferes with any educational activity being performed by the instructor
will not be allowed. Additionally, no student may interfere with his/her fellow students’
right to pursue their academic goals to the fullest in an atmosphere appropriate to a
community of scholars. Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the class.
Lab Policy
Lab safety is stated in lab manual. Lab rules and regulations will be discussed during the
first lab and will be adhered to at all times. Each student is responsible for cleaning up
after labs, this includes glassware, utensils, specimens/models and other material used
during lab time (no, clean up is not covered by your lab fees).
Course Policies
1. Textbook and lab manual are required.
2. Class attendance is mandated by the state. Attendance is taken on daily basis and
will be given only if you attend full class period. Coming late to the class or leaving
early for whatever reason, is considered as disruption and no attendance will be
given for that day. You are responsible for everything covered or announced during
your absence.
More than four absences may result in an administrative withdrawal.
If you stop attending the course or do not participate in the assessment, you
are still responsible for withdrawing from the course before the withdrawal
deadline. Failing to do so can result into an F grade at the end of the semester.
3. To avoid disruption in the class, all cell phones must be set on silent mode & out of
sight. No texting during class. Children or anybody who is not officially registered in
the course will not be allowed in the class. Eating, drinking, or smoking is NOT
allowed in the class. Violation will result in you being asked to leave.
4. You must read the lab safety rules before participating in any of the lab activities.
The release form must be signed during the first lab session.
HCC Policy Statement - ADA
Services to Students with Disabilities
Students with Disabilities: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical,
learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office,
Contact Donna Price at 713-718-5165 or a Disability counselor at 713-718-7218 to
make necessary arrangements. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations
by the Disability Support Service Office
HCC Policy Statement: Academic Honesty
A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the
coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available
to other students. The professor is responsible for measuring each student's individual
achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field.
Thus, in our system, the professor has teaching, grading, and enforcement roles. You
are expected to be familiar with the College's Policy on Academic Honesty, found in the
catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of
the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with
honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary
proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of
scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty”: includes, but is not limited to, cheating
on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.
Cheating on a test includes:
 Copying from another students’ test paper;
 Using materials not authorized by the person giving the test;
 Collaborating with another student during a test without authorization;
 Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or
part the contents of a test that has not been administered;
 Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged
incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.
Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written
work offered for credit. Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a
grade of 0 or F in the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or
recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System. (See the Student
HCC Policy Statements
Class Attendance –Participating regularly is the best way to succeed in this class.
Research has shown that the single most important factor in student success is
attendance. Class attendance is checked, tracked, and reported to the business office.
Although it is your responsibility to drop a course for nonattendance, the instructor has
the authority to drop you for excessive
HCC Course Withdrawal Policy
If you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the
course prior to the final date of withdrawal. Before, you withdraw from your course;
please take the time to meet with the instructor to discuss why you feel it is necessary to
do so. The instructor may be able to provide you with suggestions that would enable
you to complete the course. Your success is very important. Beginning in fall 2007, the
Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX
total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate
and/or degree.
To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an
Early Alert process by which your professor may “alert” you and HCC counselors that
you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic
performance. It is your responsibility to visit with your professor or a counselor to learn
about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you – online tutoring,
child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. – to stay in class and improve your
academic performance.
Repeat Course Fee
The State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat
failed classes. To increase student success, students who repeat the same course
more than twice, are required to pay extra tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is
to encourage students to pass their courses and to graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC
will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a
course. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing
grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study
habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance, course
participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available.
Classroom Behavior
As your professor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to
develop and maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Your professor
takes this responsibility very seriously and will inform members of the class if their
behavior makes it difficult for him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are
asked to respect the learning needs of your classmates and assist your professor
achieve this critical goal.
Use of Course Contents
As a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your responsibility to
be respectful of the learning tools provided to you by your professor. To show respect,
you will not copy or share the contents with others unless you receive permission from
the professor.