Report to the Congress

UH Hilo Congress Assessment Support Committee
2005-2006 Report to the Congress
Endorsed by Congress - April 28, 2006
Members of the Committee: James Beets, CAS; Todd Belt, CAS; Richard Crowe, CAS; Barbara
Meguro, CAS; Ruth Robison, OSA; William Sakai, CAFNRM; Errol Yudko, CAS; Chair,
April Komenaka, CAS
Program Review: The Assessment Support Committee (ASC)
 provided orientation to the program review process to program chairs beginning
their self studies in Spring 2006
 edited and modestly re-formatted the Program Review Guidelines as revised by the
VCAA and Dean of CAS at the request of the Congress
 compiled a list of “best practices for the external reviewer visit,” drawing on
suggestions from programs that had completed the review process and responding
to questions from programs preparing for the external review.
 distributed the Guidelines and “best practices” documents to the Congress in March
2006. Following Congress endorsement, the documents are posted on the VCAA
webpage and on the ASC webpage. Hard copies have been distributed to programs
beginning their 2006-2007 self studies in Spring 2006.
 updated the program review schedule (attached)
Assessment Activities:
The VCAA has funded assessment –related projects undertaken by various departments.
The ACS reviewed all proposals.
 Assessment project awards totaling $20,885.50 went to History (electronic student
portfolios), Mathematics (Mathematics testing and placement), Nursing (consultant),
OSA (survey software).
 Standardized senior exam fees totaling $4,613 for Computer Science and the College
of Business and Economics.
Campus Academic Assessment Plan:
The ASC has reviewed, revised and updated the Academic Assessment Plan last
reviewed and accepted by the Congress in April 2002. The revised plan is attached.
 Following the practice of other institutions that have succeeded in developing
cultures of evidence, the ASC has incorporated into the Plan the following charge to
the administration: “The administration shall establish a permanent line for
assessment in the annual budget to fund campus training in assessment and to
support the recommended actions emerging from program reviews and ongoing
program assessment, and agreed upon by departments and the Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs” (p. 2).
 Other charges: the VCAA will continue to fund departmental assessment activities,
whether associated with program review or not; the Institutional Analyst and
Alumni Office will assist departments in gathering alumni information and feedback;
training in assessment practices will be linked to the program review schedule.
 The ASC finds that considerable progress has been made in assessment and
assessment-related activities on campus; these achievements are summarized in the
Plan timeline. Consulting with various units, the ASC has compiled a list of
assessment objectives for 2006-2007, also summarized in the Plan timeline.
 The ASC has set several objectives for itself for 2006-2007, including development of
an assessment resources webpage, bringing in (with VCAA funding) a consultant to
assist programs in developing assessment strategies, and tracking the progress of
program reviews and administrative follow-through on recommended
Program Review Schedule 2002-2009 (As of April 28, 2006)
Computer Science
Internal/External Review
Completed 2002-2003
Completed 2002-2003
Completed 2002-2003
Completed 2002-2003
Completed 2002-2003
Completed 2002-2003
Hawaiian Studies
Religious Studies
Completed 2003-2004
Completed 2003-2004
Completed 2003-2004
Completed 2004-2005
Completed 2003-2004
Completed 05/06/05
Completed 10/26/05
Pending meeting to discuss MOU
Completed 01/11/06
Dated 11/7/05, pending dept.
Completed 2004-2005
Completed 2004-2005
Completed 11/07/05
Dated 12/02/05, pending dept.
Japanese Studies
Physics & Astronomy
Completed 2005-2006
Pending meeting to formulate MOU
Completed 2005-2006
Pending meeting to formulate MOU
Completed 2005-2006
Pending meeting to formulate MOU
With Political Science
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
Pending meeting to formulate MOU
Postponed from 2005-06
Postponed from 2005-06
Postponed from 2003-2004
Performing Arts
Political Science
Admin. of Justice
Marine Science
2007-2008 (Other Programs & Certificates)
Environmental Studies
International Studies
Status of MOU
Completed 5/13/05
Completed 12/16/04
Completed 08/01/03
Completed 10/15/04
Dated 05/05/05, pending dept.
Completed 11/15/05
Natural Sciences
Pacific Islands Studies
Occupational Safety & Health (minor)
Women’s Studies
Externally Reviewed Programs
Business Administration – self study completed, accredited 2004
Education – self study completed, reaccredited 2005
Nursing – self study completed, reaccredited; third review 2006-07