Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2009 Fall Technical Conference ICEF2009 September 27-30, 2009 , Lucerne, Switzerland ICEF2009-14098 ICES2008 Modifications to Quasi-dimensional Burning Model of Spark Ignition Engines M.R. Modarres Razavi and A. Hosseini and M. Dehnavi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Mashhad, Iran, 91775-1111 E-mail:,, ABSTRACT The way in which position of spark plug affects combustion in a spark ignition engine can be analyzed by using two-zone burning model. The purpose of this paper is to extract correlations to simulate the geometric interaction between the propagating flame and the general cylindrical combustion chamber. Eight different cases were recognized. Appropriate equations to calculate the flame area (Af), the burned and the unburned volume (Vb & Vu) and the heat transfer areas related to the burned and unburned regions were derived and presented for each case using Taylor expansion in order to replace numerical solution with trigonometric algebraic functions. INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, strict environmental legislation has driven a significant research effort to reduce the environmental impacts of fuel combustion in internal combustion engines. To accomplish this goal, an understanding of the complex chemical and physical processes that occur during combustion is required [1- 3]. However, detailed measurements in real combustion systems are costly and difficult due to short time scales in temperature and pressure [1]. Therefore, to provide insight into the non-linear interactions that occur during combustion and obtain parameters that cannot be measured directly, numerical models for combustion have been developed [2, 4]. The codes employed to simulate internal combustion engines include quasi-dimensional models and two or three dimensional codes. Although two or three dimensional codes, which are classified as CFD codes, permit to simulate very well the physical phenomena involved in engines, the long time needed for calculation is one of their shortages [2, 5]. Quasi-dimensional models have reasonable accuracy and fast computation time [6]. During the combustion period in an IC engine, different in-cylinder conditions can lead to different heat fluxes. The flux varies substantially with location: regions of the chamber that are contacted by rapidly moving high-temperature burned gases generally experience the highest fluxes. In regions of high heat flux, thermal stress must be kept below levels that would cause fatigue tracking. Spark plug and valves must be kept cool to avoid pre-ignition and knock problems which result from overheated spark plug electrodes or exhaust valve. Therefore, solving these engine heat transfer problems is obviously a major design task. Heat transfer affects engine performance, efficiency, and emissions. For a given mass of fuel within the cylinder, higher heat transfer to the combustion chamber walls will lower the average combustion gas temperature and pressure, and reduce the work per cycle transferred to the piston. Thus specific power and efficiency are affected by the magnitude of engine heat transfer. Heat transfer between the unburned charge and the chamber walls in spark-ignition engines affects the onset of knock which, by limiting the compression ratio, also influences power and efficiency [7]. Thus, predicting engine behavior over a wide range of design operating variables contributes to screen concepts prior to major hardware problems, to determine trends and trade-offs , and, if the model is sufficiently accurate, to optimize design and control. It can also provide a rational basis for design innovation. For the processes that govern engine performance and emissions, two basic types of models have been developed. These can be categorized as thermodynamic and fluid dynamic in nature, depending on whether the equations which give the model its predominant structure are based on energy conservation or on a full analysis of the fluid motion. Other labels given to thermodynamic energy-conservationbased models are: zero-dimensional (since in the absence of any fluid modeling, geometric features of the fluid motion cannot be predicted), phenomenological (since additional detail beyond the energy conservation equations is added for each phenomenon in turn), and quasi-dimensional (where specific geometric features, e.g. the spark-ignition engine flame or the diesel fuel spray shapes, are added to the basic Thermodynamic approach) [6,7]. The structure of thermodynamic-based simulations of IC engines is depicted in Fig. 1 [7]. Figure 1. Logic structure of thermodynamic-based simulations of internal combustion engine operating cycle SPARK-IGNITION ENGINE MODELS During combustion, which starts with the spark discharge in spark-ignition engines, the actual processes to be modeled become much more complex. Many approaches to predicting the burning or chemical energy release rate have been used successfully to meet different simulation objectives. The simplest approach has been to use a one-zone model where a single thermodynamic system represents the entire combustion chamber contents and the energy release rate is defined by empirically based functions specified as part of the simulation input. At the other extreme, quasi-geometric models of turbulent premixed flames are used with a twozone analysis of the combustion chamber contents-an unburned and a burned gas region-in more sophisticated simulations of spark-ignition engine. Features of spark-ignition engine combustion process that permit major simplifying assumptions for thermodynamic modeling are: (1) the fuel, air, residual gas charge is essentially uniformly premixed; (2) the volume occupied by the reaction zone where the fuelair oxidation process actually occurs is normally small compare with the clearance volume-the flame is a thin reaction sheet even though it becomes highly wrinkled and convoluted by the turbulent flow as it develops; thus (3) for thermodynamic analysis, the contents of the combustion chamber during combustion can be analyzed as two zones-an unburned and a burned zone. In the absence of strong swirl, the surface which defines the leading edge of the flame can be approximated by a portion of the surface of a sphere. Thus the mean burned gas front can also be approximated by a sphere. The flame is initiated at the spark plug; however, it may move away from the plug during the early stages of its development [7, 8]. Then, for a given combustion chamber shape and assumed flame center location (e.g. spark plug), the spherical burning area Ab, the burned gas volume Vb,, and the combustion chamber surface “wetted” by the unburned gases can be calculated for a given flame radius rb and piston position (defined by crank angle) from purely geometric consideration. The practical importance of such “model” calculations is that: (a) the mass burning rate for a given burning speed S b (which depends on local turbulence and mixture composition) is proportional to the spherical burning area (Ab); (b) the heat transfer occurs largely between the burned gases and the walls and is proportional to the chamber surface area wetted by the burned gases [7]. The purpose of this study is to extract correlations to simulate combustion as a functions of engine parameters, mainly spark eccentricity (the distance between the location of spark plug and the center of disc combustion chamber), which reduce the time of calculation to a great extent while maintaining accuracy of the aforementioned codes. EFFECTS OF SPARK ECCENTRICITY ON FLAME PROPAGATION Spark position has an important role in combustion of SI engines. The case in which spark is located at the center of the disk-shaped combustion chamber has been studied before [8]. The four modes and their corresponding correlations are shown in Fig.2. Figure 2. Four different modes of flame front interactions with combustion chamber walls and piston area, with no eccentricity B rf ; rf hgap 2 (case1) (1) B rf ; rf hgap 2 (case2) (2) B rf ; rf hgap 2 B rf ; rf hgap 2 (case3) (3) (case4) (4) where rf is the flame radius, B is the cylindrical bore and hgap is the height of combustion chamber. However, due to some technical considerations, it is necessary that spark plug have eccentricity. Given different values of eccentricity, cylinder bore, and combustion chamber height, eight geometry interaction modes occur [2]. These modes are depicted in Fig.3. Figure 3. Eight different modes of flame front interactions with combustion chamber walls and piston area, with spark eccentricity B rf hgap ; rf e 2 B rf hgap ; rf e 2 (case1) (5) (case2) (6) B B rf hgap ; rf e; rf 2 2 2 (case3) (7) B rf hgap ; rf e 2 (case4) B B rf hgap ; rf e ; rf 2 2 2 B rf (h2gap ( e)2 ) 2 (8) (9) (case6) B rf hgap ; rf 2 2 B rf (h2gap ( e)2 ) 2 (case7) (10) (11) (case8) (12) According to the cases above, the correlations for Ab and Vb using MATHEMATICA software to obtain the volume created by intersection of cylinder and sphere, are presented in Appendix. MODIFICATION OF QUASI-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF AN SI ENGINE WITH SPARK PLUG ECCENTRICITY As it can be seen above, most of the equations have the term in common. The correlations obtained for calculation of burned and unburned regions, and flame area by using this method, include integrals which are hyperbolic due to presence of the term in g(θ) . Since these integrals lack primitive functions, they have no analytical solution and need to be solved numerically for each crank angle and require a great amount of calculations. To simplify these equations and reduce the time needed for calculations, hyperbolic integrals were replaced by trigonometric algebraic functions. These functions were derived by Taylor expansion of hyperbolic statements with . The best replacement for this statement can be obtained by its Newton binomial expansion. Newton binomial expansion is defined as: m (m 1) x 2 m (m 1)(m 2) x 3 ... 2! 3! k (13) m (m 1)(m 2)...(m k 1)x ... ... k! (1 x) m 1 mx Using this expansion is simplified to . In order to minimize the errors, g2(θ) was computed first (Eq.14) and then the Newton binomial expansion was applied (Eq. 15). B2 g2 (x) e2 cos2 (x) e2 sin2 (x) 4 B2 2 2 e sin (x) 4 B2 g2 (x) e2 cos2 (x) e2 sin2 (x) 4 B e2 2e cos(x) sin2 (x) 2 B 2e cos(x) (case5) B B rf 2 ; rf 2 2 2 B rf (h2gap ( e)2 ) 2 B B rf e, rf (h2gap ( e)2 ) 2 2 (14) (15) To compare the exact and approximate results for g and g2, they have been plotted as functions of crank angle in Fig. 4 and 5. Now, can be calculated as: B2 2e3 e2 ) (Be )cos(x) 4 B 2e3 (2e2 )cos2 (x) ( )cos3 (x) B where A, B and C are: rf 2 g2 (rf 2 3 (16) After simplification, the above equation is: rf 2 g2 a0 a1 cos(x) a2 cos2 (x) a3 cos3 (x) (17) where B2 2e3 2e3 a0 rf 2 e2 ; a1 Be ; a2 2e2 ; a3 4 B B Euler equation (Eq.18) can be employed to reduce the exponent of the above equations. Using this equation, we have (Eq.19). 1 (18) cos(x) (eix e ix ) 2 a0 cos(x) a1 cos2 (x) a2 cos3 (x) c0 cos(x) c1 cos(2 x) c2 cos(3x) (19) Applying these modifications, the term which made relations analytically unsolvable is converted to an algebraic equation: 3 2 2 (rf g (x))2 dx K0 x K1 sin(x) K2 sin(2x) K3 sin(3x) e e 2 4 2e 4B e B B A 2 2 3 4Brf B r 4 f 1 B 3 2 (26) 3 e 4 4e3 B B 2 2 3 4Brf B r 4 f 1 B (27) e 2 2e3 B C 2 4Brf 2 B3 rf 4 1 B (28) Similarly, other equations with rational exponents were computed using (Eq. 15). As it can be seen above, most of the equations have the term in common. The correlations obtained for calculation of burned and unburned regions, and flame area by using this method, include integrals which are hyperbolic due to presence of the term in g(θ). (20) Using Newton binomial expansion and considering the desirable accuracy, a number of first nonzero terms of Taylor series were determined. The final form is: 3 2 2 (rf g (x))2 dx K0 x K1 sin(x) K2 sin(2x) K3 sin(3x) (21) In the above equations, K0, K1, K2, K3 are defined as: 3 A2 B 2 C 2 1 3 3 K 0 ( 1) ( A2B ABC ) 8 2 2 2 16 4 2 3 3 K 1 A B(C A) 2 8 3 1 1 1 (AC 2 CB2 A3 AB2 CA2 ) 32 2 2 2 3 3 A 3 B2 K 2 B A( C ) B( AC A2 C 2 ) 4 16 2 64 2 (22) Figure 4. Comparison of the results obtained using Newton binomial expansion with exact values of g(θ). (23) It can be noted that the results obtained by the method employed here are in good agreement with the exact values. (24) Tables 1 and 2 represent the values of approximate and exact functions in terms of Princeton engine specifications, used in reference [9], whose bore is 105 mm. Considering case 3 (Eq. 7) and three different values for eccentricity, 0.1 B, 0.25B, and 0.3 B [9], values of flame 1 1 K 3 C AB 2 8 1 3 1 3 ( AB2 A3 BCA2 3CB2 C 3 ) 96 2 2 2 radius are 1.05, 2.625 and 3.15 cm respectively. (25) 0.21 0.64 0.78 Replacing the correlation of Af with different values of eccentricity, it can be noticed that the error is only a function of the dimensionless term e/B (Tables 3, 4 and 5). Determining the correction function in terms of e/B, error of Af which was represented in Table 1, can be corrected to the values of Table 6. Af )Exact Af )App. e 4.134( ) 3.831 100 B (29) Percentage of error Eccentricity value -3.4252 -3.4252 -3.4252 -3.4252 -3.4252 Percentage of error 2.625 3 3.75 4.5 5 Flame radius Eccentricity value Eccentricity (fraction of bore) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 7.875 9 11.25 13.5 15 2.76822.76822.76822.76822.7682- Table 5. Effect of dimensionless (e/B) on accuracy of Af computation for e = 0.30B 10.5 12 15 18 20 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.15 3.6 4.5 5.4 6 Percentage of error Error (%) 6.3 7.2 9 10.8 12 Flame radius 3.08 6.2 6.6 10.5 12 15 18 20 Eccentricity value Table2. Burned volume (Vb) for Case (3) Eccentricity Exact Approximate (fraction of B) value value (cm3) (cm3) 0.1 420.30 421.22 0.25 542.38 545.84 0.30 576.78 581.29 Error (%) Eccentricity (fraction of bore) Table1. Flame area (Af) for Case (3) Eccentricity Exact Approximate (fraction of B) value value (cm2) 2 (cm ) 0.1 122.67 118.88 0.25 120.06 112.60 0.3 119.46 111.54 Piston bore To determine the precision of this method, the above values were replaced in Eq. 14 and 15. Comparing the results with those of numerical ones indicates that these equations are acceptably accurate. 1.05 1.2 1.5 1.8 2 Table 4. Effect of dimensionless (e/B) on accuracy of Af computation for e = 0.25B Piston bore Figure 5. Comparison of the results obtained using Newton binomial expansion with exact values of g2(θ). 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Flame radius 10.5 12 15 18 20 Eccentricity (fraction of bore) Piston bore Table 3. 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Eccentricity (fraction of B) Exact value (cm2) Approximate value (cm2) Error (%) 0.10 0.25 0.30 122.67 120.06 120.74 123.56 120.35 120.92 0.73 0.24 0.15 NOMENCLATURE B e rf Vb Af Bore diameter (cm) Spark plug eccentricity(cm) Flame radius(cm) Burned volume(cm3) Flame area(cm2) APPENDIX: Correlations for flame area and burned volume, using Mathematica software, are presented here: Af 2 πrf2 Af 2 π rf hgap Af Af Af Af 1 2 π 2 πrf rf rf2 g2 (θ ) 2 dθ θ1 π 1 2 2 2 2 π rf hgap rf rf g (θ ) dθ θ1 1 2 π 2 2 2 πrf rf rf g (θ ) 2 dθ 0 θ2 1 2 2 2 rf hgapθ2 rf rf g (θ ) 2 dθ θ1 π 1 2 2 Af 2 π rf hgap rf rf g (θ ) 2 dθ 0 θ2 1 Af 2 rf hgapθ2 rf rf2 g2 (θ ) 2 dθ 0 π rf3 Vb 2 3 3 π rf2 π hgap Vb 2 2 6 (Case 1) (A-1) (case 2) (A-2) (case 3) (A-3) (case 4) (A-4) (case 5) (A-5) (case 6) (A-6) (case 7) (A-7) (case 8) (A-8) (Case 1) (A-9) (case 2) (A-10) 3 3 π 2 2 2 r g ( θ ) f π rf Vb 2 dθ 3 θ1 3 3 2 2 2 2 π 2 rf g (θ ) rf hgap Vb 2 π hgap dθ 6 θ1 3 2 3 3 π 2 2 2 r g ( θ ) π r f Vb 2 f dθ 3 3 0 2 rf2 hgap π hgap 2 Vb 2 θ2 hgap g (θ )dθ 2 2 2 0 3 θ2 rf2 g2 (θ )2 3 θ1 dθ 3 2 2 2 2 π 2 rf g (θ ) rf hgap Vb 2 π hgap dθ 6 0 3 2 2 rf2 hgap θ2 hgap 2 Vb 2 θ2 hgap g (θ )dθ 2 6 2 0 π θ2 r 2 f g (θ ) 2 3 3 2 dθ (case 3) (A-11) (case 4) (A-12) (case 5) (A-13) (case 6) (A-14) (case 7) (A-15) (case 8) (A-16)