HCC EDUC 2301 Midterm Test Review Terms Chapters 1-6 Exceptional Children Handicap Impairment Disability Deficit Perspective Cultural Perspective Sociological Perspective Typical Learners People first language Civil Rights At-risk Accomodations Modifications Special Education services Twice as many males Labeling Classification Exclusionary Past Brown v. Board of Education Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Common wealth of Pennsylvania Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Zero Reject Nondiscriminatory Identification and Evaluation Free Appropriate Public Education Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Due process safeguards Parent and student participation and shared decision making Assistive Technology Right to Education No Child Left Behind Act Community Based Instruction Prereferral intervention Collaboration Mutlidisiplinary teams Differentiating instruction Different instruction Array of services Co-teaching IEP team Continuum of services Continuum of alternative placements Cultural pluralism Melting pot Nativism Tossed Salad English Language Learners (ELL) Multiple intelligences Multicultural education Inclusion Peer tutoring Family involvement Impact of a child with disabilities on the family Roles of the exceptional parent Cultural reciprocity Cultural interpreter Intellectual disabilities Mental retardation Intelligence Quotient Advantages and disadvantages of IQ tests Adaptive behavior Characteristics of people with intellectual disabilities Learned helplessness Prenatal Perinatal Postnatal Biomedical causes Down Syndrome Fragile X Syndrome Phenylketonuria (PKU) Self-determination Mediated scaffolding Positive reinforcement Response cards Normalization Learning Disability Exclusion Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) Dyslexia Phonological awareness Curriculum based measurement (CBM) Emotional or Behavioral Disorder Externalizing behaviors Emotional Disturbance Internalizing behaviors Brain disorders Temperament Behavioral intervention plan Teacher praise Self-management Self-monitoring Continuum of School Wide Positive Behavioral Supports Peer mediation Group contingencies