The Global Fund – Latin America and the Caribbean An Overview Lelio Marmora – Regional Team Leader Latin America and the Caribbean Montego Bay – Jamaica June 2009 Summary Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) 85 Grants in 30 countries 1,607 millions USD total lifetime budget 681 millions USD disbursed to date 53% Latin America & 47% Caribbean region (total lifetime budget) 67% HIV - 18% TB - 15% Malaria (total lifetime budget) 23% Governmental PR for 24% of the total lifetime budget ** 77% Non Governmental PR for 76% of the total lifetime budget ** Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: ** Excluding Round 8 as information is not available yet Grants approved and funds allocated Total The Global Fund: Latin America and the Caribbean: Grants Countries 628 grants 85 grants 140 countries 30 countries Total Lifetime Budget Total The Global Fund: Latin America and the Caribbean: $24,199 millions $1,607 millions Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: Disbursements LAC Vs Global LAC disbursements Vs Global - in millions USD (total: 7’630) LAC disbursements Vs Global - in % 681 9% LAC total disbursed Other regions of The Global Fund 6'949 LAC total disbursed Other regions of The Global Fund 91% Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: LAC – Latin America Vs Caribbean region Total lifetime budget in millions USD ($1,607 millions) Number of Countries 15 Caribbean Latin America 15 752 Caribbean 47% Latin America 53% 855 Total disbursed funds in millions USD ($681 millions) Number of Grants 29 Caribbean Latin America 299 Caribbean 44% Latin America 56% 56 Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: 382 LAC - Funds allocated by disease LAC Total lifetime budget by disease in millions USD and in % 240 TB 15% 286 Malaria 18% HIV/AIDS 67% 1'081 Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: LAC - Disbursements by disease HIV/AIDS LAC Disbursement by disease in millions USD and in % 49% 110 Latin America Caribbean 51% Tuberculosis 22% TB 16% 73 Caribbean Malaria 11% Latin America HIV/AIDS 73% Malaria 28% 78% 498 Caribbean Latin America 72% Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: LAC - Grants by PR type Grants by PR type* 18 Civil Society: NGOs 24% 43% 3 4% 32 Private Sector Government: MoH Government: Other Multilateral Organization 19% 9% 14 7 * Excluding Round 8 as information is not available Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: LAC - Grants by subregion Central America: 25 Central America Caribbean Andean Region: 21 Southern Cone & Brazil: 10 Caribbean Latin24% America 41% 24% Caribbean: 29 11% Gran Total*: 85 Southern Cone & Brazil Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: * Including Round 8 Andean region LAC – Funds allocated by subregion Total Lifetime Budget in millions Total Disbursed in millions Central America $349 $155 Andean Region $324 $156 Caribbean $752 $299 Southern Cone and Brazil $182 $70 $1,607 $681 TOTAL Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: LAC - Disbursements by disease by subregion Total disbursed in millions Central America Andean Region Caribbean Southern Cone and Brazil TOTAL ($681) HIV/AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis $111 $28 $17 $75 $24 $57 $255 $20 $24 $58 $0 $12 $499 $72 $110 Source: Grants in details - LAC - Grants by disease by subregion HIV/AIDS Central America Andean Region Caribbean Southern Cone and Brazil TOTAL (85) Malaria Tuberculosis 14 5 6 9 6 6 16 7 6 5 1 4 44 19 22 Source: Grants in details - LAC - Funds allocated by disease by subregion Total lifetime budget in millions HIV/AIDS Malaria Central America $276 $39 $33 Andean Region $112 $104 $109 Caribbean $602 $88 $62 $91 $56 $36 $287 $239 Southern Cone and Brazil TOTAL ($1,607) $1,081 Source: Grants in details - Tuberculosis LAC - PRs by subregion Governments NGOs & Multilateral Private Sector Organizations Central America 5 12 7 Andean Region 1 11 5 11 9 5 0 7 1 17 39 18 Caribbean Southern Cone and Brazil TOTAL (74 Grants*) Source: most recent available data from Global Fund: * Excluding Round 8 as information not available Annex I – List of countries LAC Countries (All Grants) Country Fund Portfolio Manager Program Officer Cuba Matias Gomez Cecilia Vitale Dominican Republic Matias Gomez Adriana Jimenez Guyana Cécile Collas Cristina Barzelatto Haiti Luca Occhini Noémie Restrepo Jamaica Cécile Collas Cristina Barzelatto Multi-country Americas (CARICOM) Cécile Collas Adriana Jimenez Multi-country Americas (CRN+) Cécile Collas Adriana Jimenez Multi-country Americas (OECS) Matias Gomez Adriana Jimenez Suriname Cécile Collas Cristina Barzelatto Bolivia Matias Gomez Cecilia Vitale Colombia Luca Occhini Filipo Iarrera Ecuador Matias Gomez Filipo Iarrera Multi-country Americas (Andean) José Gabriel Castillo Marta Urutxi Peru José Gabriel Castillo Marta Urutxi Belize Luca Occhini Filipo Iarrera Costa Rica Luca Occhini Elin Bos El Salvador Luca Occhini Elin Bos Guatemala Cécile Collas Cristina Barzelatto Honduras Matias Gomez Cecilia Vitale Multi-country Americas (Meso) José Gabriel Castillo Serena Buccini Multi-country Americas (REDCA+) Matias Gomez Cecilia Vitale Nicaragua José Gabriel Castillo Serena Buccini LAC team members contacts Team Leader Fund Portfolio Managers