Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy

Fossil Fuels: Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal
Alternative sources of energy
Oil and Gas form from the PRESERVATION of organic material in the ocean.
Occurred mainly in the Mesozoic during a time of very warm temperatures and
sluggish ocean circulation: SOURCE ROCK (no oxygen to decay the carbon in the
deep ocean)
Equatorial seaway between Asia and Africa (Middle East, Libya, Italy), N. and S.
America (Venezuela Mexico and the Gulf US) have most of the world’s known
Oil forms from the increased pressure and temperature of the organic material.
Higher pressure and temps lead to Gas instead of Oil
Oil and gas then MIGRATE into a RESERVOIR rock-much like an aquifer, which
needs to be TRAPPED by an impermeable layer.
World’s proven reserves relative to current use indicates 40-60 year’s supply at
current technology
Coal forms from a similar process with terrestrial plant material (COAL SWAMPS).
Again, these formed in a few specific times of earth history
Amt. of Pressure and Temperature determine type (grade) of coal
Effects of burning fossil fuels: CO2 increase in the atmosphere SO2 (acid rain)
Alternative energy sources
Tar sands and Oil Shales-require a lot of energy to retrieve, huge amts. Of water and
land disruption
Non-CO2 producing alternatives:
Nuclear-huge power returns, radioactive waste
Dams-cheap-changes rivers
Wind-not consistent
Solar-Depends on sun
Geothermal (20% of Big Island electricity generation)-H2S emissions, limited to
volcanic areas.
Also, the external costs of building the infrastructure of solar and wind-what is the
total energy budget of constructing solar and wind power