The Earth. Layers of the earth Core/Mantle/Crust-names based on composition

The Earth.
Layers of the earth
Core/Mantle/Crust-names based on composition
Inner core/outer core/mesosphere/asthenosphere/lithosphere-names based on physical
Heat transfer and models of convection in the mantle, Temp. and Pressure changes
Plate Tectonics
Continental drift-evidence for drifting continents includes glacial deposits, flora and fauna found
on different continents, jigsaw fit of continental margins
Championed by Alfred Wegener in the early 1900s
What are the main types of crust-What are the main differences between them?
Plate boundary types
For each main type, know the types of associated features, a couple of geographic
examples, and the effects of having different types of crust (oceanic and continental)
Convergent-Subduction zones and trenches, Divergent-Mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys
Transform -Strike-slip faults
Passive Continental Margin continental and plate boundary are not the same. Typically results
from a divergent plate boundary-> continental rifting and sea floor spreading
Active Continental Margin continental and plate boundary in the same place. Either a transform
boundary or a convergent boundary with mountain building and/or volcanoes.