Value Engineering in Hungary Orlando, June 11 2012 Zsuzsanna Kondor Director General Coordination Managing Authority National Development Agency , HUNGARY Content of the presentation • The European Union and its Cohesion Policy • Value engineering in Hungary • The role of the National Development Agency in financing development programmes • Value engineering case studies • Challenges: preparing for 2014+ Cohesion Policy • The European Union and its Cohesion Policy Differences in development in the EU-27 GDP per head as a % of the community average <50 50 - 75 75 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 125 125 Disparities across the European Union Hi Lo Ratio GDP per cap (% EU27 average) Luxembourg 251% Bulgaria 33% 7.6* Population Germany 82.5 million Malta 404,000 204 *In US, this difference is only 2.5 and Japan 2 How much does it cost? One third of the EU budget 2007-2013 €347 billion over 7 years* *1 EUR = 1,31 USD in January 2007 What does the EU citizen get for this? The three funds target: • ERDF (€201 billion): regional development, economic decline in industrial or rural areas, competitiveness and co-operation • ESF (€76 billion): employment, social inclusion and tackling discrimination • Cohesion Fund (€70 billion): environment and transport ……with overarching aim of “boosting growth and employment” What do we spend the money on? European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund (€271 billion) European Social Fund (€76 billion) Employment Environment Transport Human capital Research/Innovation Information society Social infrastructure Energy Tourism Culture Institutional capacity Adaptability of workers and firms Social inclusion Capacity building Technical assistance Who gets what? • Convergence 81.9% (regions lagging behind the most) • Competitiveness 15.7% • Territorial co-operation 2.4% • Total budget €347bn, which will unlock up to €700bn A method based on what works: Programming, Partnership and Decentralised Management Geographical Eligibility for Structural Funds Support 2007-2013 Convergence objective (Regions < 75% in EU 25) Convergence objective statistically affected regions Objective 'Regional Competitiveness and Employment' Phasing-in regions, "naturally" above 75% Objective 'Regional Competitiveness and Employment' Index EU 25 = 100 Source: Eurostat • Value engineering in Hungary Known of: Known of: •20 CVS •19 PVM •over 1000 AVS •11 Universities •20-30 VM projects/year •SHVA 70 members 1949 L. D. Miles: VE VE in Hungary 1968 1949 L. D. Miles: VE VE in Hungary Society of Hungarian Value Analysts 1991 1968 1949 L. D. Miles: VE 1996 1991 1968 1949 L. D. Miles: VE VE in Hungary Society of Hungarian Value Analysts VE in Hungarian Public Procurement Act “The tender-owner might oblige the tenderer to utilize Value Engineering…” Hungarian Public Procurement Act, 2003. CXXIX. 53. § (4) 1997 1996 1991 1968 1949 L. D. Miles: VE VE in Hungary Society of Hungarian Value Analysts VE in Hungarian Public Procurement Act VE in Hungarian Highway Design Act Prime Ministers Office – Preparation of legislation PUBLIC SECTOR •National Bank of Hungary •Nuclear Power Plant •Ministry of Social Affairs •Transport Agencies •National Development Agency •Hospitals PRIVATE SECTOR •Telecommunication •Construction •Banks •Pharmaceutical •Many others NON-PROFIT SECTOR •Autism •Mentally Handicapped •Blind People •Hearing Impairment • The role of the National Development Agency in financing development programmes Distributing EU funds… EU funds, 1989-2013 35 00 30 00 25 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 Phare Phare + ISPA + Sapard SFs + CF ERDF + ESF + CF 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 1989 50 0 NSRF operational programmes (2007-2013) Econom ic De ve lopm e nt OP 10% Tr ans por t OP 25% Im ple m e ntation OP 1,3% Envir onm e nt and Ene r gy OP 16,8% ROPs 23,2% E-Adm in. OP 1,4% State Re for m OP 0,6% Social Re ne w al OP Social 14% Infr as tr uctur e OP 7,8% National Development Agency • coordination of implementing Structural and Cohesion Funds in Hungary • USD billion 32,75 for the period 2007-2013 • 15 operational programmes - economic, social, public administration, regional, European territorial cooperation development programmes etc. • 52,000 projects approved since 2004 • Value engineering case studies Successful projects • National Strategy of Supporting Autistic People, 2008 • Implementation rules for EU funds, 2005 • Data and documents handling, 2009 • Public procurement control system, 2010 • Comperative assessment of EU and national level regulations, 2012 Project Owner: Ministry of Social and Labor Affairs Project Subject: Institute Development Conception 2008-2013 BEFORE AFTER Focus on supporting the autistic children Focus both on suporting the autistic children and adults Project Owner: National Development Agency Project Subject: Revision of Implementation Rules for EU funded projects BEFORE AFTER Focus on individual, institutional interests Focus on programme objectives and common interests Project Owner: National Development Agency Project Subject: Purchase of Sophisticated IT tool BEFORE AFTER Focus on various sources of information No change in focus!!! Project Owner: National Development Agency Project Subject: Redesign of Public Procurement Control System (reduce risks) BEFORE AFTER Focus on large projects and established, institutional practices Focus on risky public procurements and unified approach Project Owner: National Development Agency Project Subject: Reduce administrative burden, restrictions and speed up absorption of funds BEFORE AFTER Focus on Focus on Experience • Reinforces institutional knowledge • Enhances intraorganisational cooperation and team work • Top and middle management level support is a must • Implementation of recommendations is also a credibility issue • Changes the way we think • Challenges: preparing for 2014+ Cohesion Policy Challenges: preparing for 2014+ Cohesion Policy Current context • Crisis, austerity measures in many Member States, less monies to be better spent • Use of public funds, accountability, error rate to be reduced • Need for increased effectiveness The role of the EU 2020 strategy • Principles of the reformed Cohesion Policy • Thematic concentration • Result orientation (negative and positive sanctions) • Integrated approach, strenghtened partnership Thank you for your attention! Any questions?