
Directions for logging in to your secure webpage
1. Go to the ABLELink Helpsite (http://literacy.kent.edu/ablelink) and click on the Secure Login
2. You will get a security alert (pictured below) about the secure certificate not being issued by
one of the "built in" trusted sources. (Companies that sell certificates).
3. Choose Continue to this website.
Logging into the Online Information Page
1. Enter your Program’s IRN # and Minor Site Code into the correct fields and click “Login”
If you do not know your program’s IRN # and/or Minor Site Code, you can access this by going
to your Set Up/Options Tab on the Main Menu
2. Your program’s IRN # and Minor Site Code are located on the Options Tab in the lower right-hand
3. Once you have obtained this information, enter it into the Log In Page and hit the Log In button
4. If you get a box asking if you want Windows to remember this password, click “No”. You do not
want this information saved to your computer
4. You will now be directed to the Welcome Page. Click on the link you wish to view