Lecture Exam III Review.doc

Exam 3 Review – some helpful hints
The closed-book exam will consist of true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice questions
which draw from your knowledge, intelligence and creativity. There will also be a couple of short essay
questions. Know the material below and you will be in great shape for the upcoming exam!
-----------------Understand the yeast mating pathway; in particular, understand the signal transduction mechanism.
What is the difference between the endocrine and paracrine signaling mechanisms?
Know what a transcription factor is.
Understand how to apply affinity chromatography in a molecular purification.
Understand growth factors and their receptors.
How does Caffeine act on a cell? What is the molecular mechanism of stimulation.
What is a scaffolding protein?
Understand the process of apoptosis. What is a caspase?
Understand the main points of each step in mitosis.
Apply the process of mitosis to cell division (the serial generation of cells).
What is a cyclin and a cyclin dependent kinase?
What is a mitotic checkpoint; what are the checkpoints?
Discern animal vs. plant cell mitotic mechanisms.
What can cause tumorigenesis?
What is a chromosome, chromatin, gene, allele, locus?
What is dominant v. recessive? Wild-type v. mutant?
What is the difference between a character and a trait?
Understand the life-cycles of Animals and Plants.
Understand the process of meiosis. Understand segregation in gamete generation.
What is non-disjunction during meiosis?
What is a somatic cell? What is a gametic cell? What is their chromosomal compliment?
What is a karyotype?
Understand the concepts of genetic crossover and independent assortment during meiosis.
What is a cohesin protein?
Know the 3 mechanisms that contribute to genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms.
Understand mono-hybrid and di-hybrid crosses; be able to calculate expected offspring ratios.
What is the difference between classical dominance vs. non-classical dominance (types).
Understand the following: sex-linkage, co-dominance, epistasis, incomplete dominance, pleiotropy.
Know how to interpret a pedigree chart.
What is multifactorialism in disease?
What is hemizygosity? How does it affect males in a sex-linked manner?
What is a Barr body?
Understand these genetic terms: trisomy, monosomy, euploidy, triploid, aneuploid, haploid, diploid.
What is a genetic translocation; what effect can a translocation have on causing cancer?
What is genomic imprinting?