HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS SPEECH 1318 – INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Spring ‘12 INSTRUCTOR: B K Whetstone Smith bk.smith@hccs.edu 713.718.6628 Office Hours: By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a complete study of relationship communication; it includes the fundamental process as well as the stages of relationships .Other areas of interest and emphasis are the self, self perception, verbal and non-verbal communication, listening (technique and procedure), conflict, conflict management, and power in relationships. Language, appropriate and inappropriate, is reviewed and analyzed. Ethics, empathy and sympathy are also addressed. Course length: 16 weeks CRN# Class times: Credit value: 3 semester hours HCC DISABILITY POLICY: HCCS is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973(Section 504). Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who need to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by that office! This may be done in Rm 101, San Jac or call 713.718.6164. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by that office. 2 NOTE: Scholastic Policy Houston Community College defines “scholastic dishonesty” as: cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Penalties for academic dishonesty at HCCS include, but are not limited to, “0” on the test or assignment in question, “W” for the course, or “F” for the course. Please be advised that this instructor leans toward ‘no tolerance’ in these circumstances. Insurance The Fine Arts Department at HCCS strongly recommends that all students carry some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury, both on and off campus. Information regarding low-cost health insurance for students is available in the Fine Arts Office. Under Texas state statue, HCCS is immune to liability in the event of accident or injury. Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At HCC, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continued improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the HCC Student System online near the end of the term. Important Academic advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree plans for Speech Communication is available during the academic semester. Please sign up in the Fine Arts office to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest. TEXTBOOK: Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, DeVito, edition 3 ALL STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SIGN UP FOR : Fine Arts News Letters at www.centralfinearts.info Notice: Students who repeat a course for a third or more times will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal if you are not receiving passing grades. ATTENDANCE: Speech 1318 is both theory and practice; it is similar to a lab/participation class and absences are often impossible to ‘make up’. This requires that students be present for each class session. Students who are absent for more than 6 hours of instruction,, as stated in the catalogue, have reached the maximum time allowed. After an absence, students are responsible for next assignments as though they had been present. The assignments are due regardless. Roll will be taken each class period. You must sign in with name and time entering (not at the end of class). NEVER SIGN IN FOR ANOTHER STUDENT!! Sign the roll sheet when ENTERING class with the correct time. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL. You cannot interact with the class if you are not IN the class. You receive NO CREDIT for the class if you do not attend. If you fail to attend the class, you will be considered not to have done that part of the course. Students who are absent for more than 6 hours of instruction ,as stated in the catalogue, are eligible to be dropped from the course. YOU WILL BE DROPPED WITH MORE THAN 6 ACCUMULATIVE HOURS. A student with 6 hours of absences in the semester will be required to make an appointment (within one week of that absence) with the instructor. If not, YOU WILL NOTBE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE. A student may expect a 10 point reduction FROM THE TOP OF THE FINAL GRADE AVERAGE for each absence from class session after accumulating 6 hours IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE. Jury duty, HCCS campus activities, and rare exception (defined by this professor) ARE THE ONLY EXCUSED ABSENCES. This does NOT include childcare issues, illness, funerals and personal travel (these are covered by the 6 hours mentioned in HCC policies). 4 Please be advised of the following: this instructor feels that it is the duty of each student (should he/she at some point, for whatever reason, cease coming to class) to officially drop the class in order to receive a ‘W’ on the transcript. This instructor will record an ‘F’. GRADING: A=93% AND ABOVE A-=90-92% B+=87-89% B=83-86% B-=80-82% C+=77-79% C=73-76% C-=70-72% D=60-69% F=below 60% Attendance and class participation – 30% Tests – 25% Final Exam counts double (GRADE X 2) Communication Journal – 25% Book report – 20% Communication Journals and Book reports are necessary accomplishments for class completion and credit. REQUIRED! . Reading, project, and/or speaking assignments will be noted below. Students must complete all assignments given and present each during the specific time period requested. ANY INFORMATION IN THIS SYLLABUS REGARDING CLASS ASSIGNMENTS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT THE INSTRUCTOR’S DESCRETION. STUDENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED PROMPTLY AS CHANGES ARE MADE. ETIQUETTE: NO CHEWING GUM EVER!!!!!!!!!! Effective communication calls for clear heads….as well as mouths. Besides, it drives me crazy! Please turn off cell phones. This 5 is a no-discussion, no exception, no tolerance regulation.. Please leave the classroom tidy. Be aware of leaving trash behind. Appropriate language is expected at all times Computers in class must be approved by the instructor. Without approval, do not use personal computers at any time.. Absolutely no guests or children will be allowed in class at anytime. No exceptions! CLASS CALENDAR/GUIDELINE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Week 1: Introductions Lecture on Fundamentals of Communication Journals assigned Discussion of class overview Week 2: Chapters 2 and 3 Self and Self Perception Quiz Introductions Week 3: Chapter 4 Emotions Personal Experience Week 4: Chapter 5 Language Test - Vocabulary Week 5: Chapter 6 Nonverbal Communication Group Project Week 6: Chapter 7 Listening Individual project Week 7: Chapter 8 Relational Dynamics Midterm test review : Open Midterm exam 6 . Week 8: Chapter 9, 10 Conflict, Conflict management: Power in Interpersonal Relationship Lecture Supplemental Material Week 9: Book reviews Course overview week Weeks 10 and 11: Open for ‘catching up and optional assignments Week 12: Communication Journal Review and report Week 13: Group projects Book reports/Journal reviews : Course review, Exam prep Weeks – 14, 15 open COURSE COMPETENCIES: Twelve weeks from today, you should be able to: Define and practice ‘Communication I Q’ Understand and value the communication process Recognize and respect the role of self perception in relationships Have ‘frame of reference’ a part of every-day vocabulary Understand the significance emotions have in our relations with others Understand the power of nonverbal communication Appreciate conflict, conflict management, and power as a part of the whole in interpersonal communication See self disclosure as an important choice in relationships Understanding the element of power in relationships Ability to participate in effective conversations, learning the stages and importance of rules of engagement 7 I have read and I understand all information in this syllabus. It has been explained to me and all questions have been explained and answered. Name_______________________________________ Class_________________________________________ Date__________________________________________ Signature______________________________________ Contact information: Comments: