February 25, 2005

Congress Meeting
February 25, 2005
Present: Jerry Calton, Kelly Burke, Jen Michaud, Helen Rogers, Larry Heintz, Randy Hirokawa, Margaret
Haig, Rick Castberg, Philippe Binder, April Komenaka, Andrew Grabar, Linc Gotshalk, Michael Marshall,
Jason Cabral, Kaleoonalani Dudoit, Bruce Mathews, Stephen Hora.
Assessment Support Committee Report.
Motion: Waive the 48-hour rule so that the current revision of the document Academic Program
Seven-Year Review can be discussed by the Congress.
Motion seconded and passed, 12 In favor and 0 against.
Motion: Refer the document to the VCAA and college deans/directors for review and refinement.
The proposed revision will be reviewed by the Congress.
Motion seconded and passed, 12 in favor and 0 against.
General Education Committee Report.
The GE committee has invited each of the colleges, through the dean/director and faculty senate, to
propose its own GE requirements within the framework of accreditation guidelines and the
distinctive mission and objectives of the college. While the process can be expected to take some
time, the committee has asked the colleges to give a progress report by May 15, 2005.
Academic Policy Committee Report.
The draft document on contract renewal, promotion and tenure is being reviewed by the
The committee reviewed proposed changes in the way cross-listed courses will be handled
in the catalog and the semester course schedule and concluded that these are not policy
changes. It therefore took no action.
The committee moved the following resolution on the status of unclassified students,
whether undergraduate or graduate:
"All academic policies relating to satisfactory academic progress, probation, and dismissal
apply to unclassified students as well as classified students."
Motion was passed 12 In favor, 0 against.