Chuck Malenfant, Bruce Matthews, Mark Panek, Regina Titunik 2007-08 Members Present:




K-127 3:00 – 4:50 pm

2007-08 Members Present: Kerri Inglis, Jim Juvik, Barbara Leonard, Gail Makuakane-Lundin,

Chuck Malenfant, Bruce Matthews, Mark Panek, Regina Titunik

2008-09 Members Present; Harold Barkoff, Kerri Inglis, Terrance Jalbert, Jim Juvik, Gail

Makuakane-Lundin, Chuck Malenfant, Bruce Matthews, Pamela Thompson, Regina Titunik

Others Present: Dan Brown, Philip Castille, Helen Rogers

Meeting called to order at 3:05 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard

1. Due to lack of a quorum at the start of the meeting, Minutes for the 4/25/08 Congress Meeting were not approved.

2. Chair’s Report. Barbara Leonard introduced and welcomed new Congress members, and then read from her Annual Report, where she assessed the performance of the outgoing Congress with respect to goals established at the beginning of AY 2007-08 (appended below). In particular,

Barbara Leonard recommended that the new Congress complete the outgoing APC’s work on

Tenure and Promotion procedures, follow up on amending the Congress by-laws to create a standing committee for Curriculum Review, and follow up on the recently made WASC recommendations regarding governance.

(Jim Juvik joined Congress at this point and created a quorum.)

3. Committee Reports a. Guest Dr. Dan Brown of the Graduate Council was present and discussed the challenges of the Graduate Programs with no (or very little) administrative structure. Barbara Leonard recommended that the new Congress appoint at least one Graduate Council faculty members as one of the two Congress members on the Long Range Budget Committee to assist the

Graduate Council in obtaining funds to properly run the graduate programs. b. General Education Committee Chair Regina Titunik discussed the support given by the

Chancellor for course releases to Gen Ed Committee members next fall so that the new program may be implemented, and presented the names of faculty nominated to the committee:

Professor Regina Titunik, CAS Social Science

Professor Karla McDermid, CAS Natural Science

Associate Professor Seri Luangphinith, CAS Humanities

Professor Emmeline de Pillis, COBE

Professor Bruce Matthews, CAFRM

Motion: Jim Juvik moved to approve the nominations, Mark Panek seconded.

Motion passed unanimously. c. Barbara Leonard circulated a draft of the Admissions Committee’s Final Report, on behalf of Chair Emmeline de Pillis, appended below. d. Barbara Leonard briefly discussed the status of Congress’ motion passed at the 4/25 meeting on Salary Compression, and on initiating an immediate search for a permanent

OTDL Director. The Chancellor has responded to these motions, and her response is posted on Congress’ website. A search for Director of OTDL will commence in the fall, with faculty representation. It was also noted that UHPA has mentioned salary compression in one of their talking points in negotiating a new faculty contract with the UH System.

4. Old Business. Congress discussed Cam Muir’s informal survey of faculty regarding archival of paper teaching evaluations. Approximately 48% of faculty responding want the paper documents to be saved for up to five years. Chuck Malenfant recommended asking Helen Wong-Smith, an expert archivist, to better explain to the faculty the potential impacts of choosing to archive or destroy certain documents beyond certain time periods, and to perhaps survey the faculty again next year.

4:32. Chuck Malenfant moved to adjourn the 2007-2008 Faculty Congress. Motion passed unanimously.

4:35. The 2008-2009 Faculty Congress was called to order for the first time by Chair

Barbara Leonard. According to our Charter, Article II, Section 3, “First Meeting of the

New Congress: New members shall be seated at the last meeting of the Congress of the academic year, at which time they shall entertain nominations and elect their officers for the coming academic year.” Since the new Congress lacked a quorum, Barbara Leonard was asked to serve as Chair until the Fall when election can be held. Nominations for officers are still open.

Nominations to date include:

Chair - Sevki Erdogan

Vice Chair - Jim Juvik

Secretary - Chuck Malenfant

General Education Committee Chair - Regina Titunik

Graduate Council Liaison – Kerri Inglis

Academic Policy Committee Chair - ??

Budget Committee Chair - ??

Admissions Committee Chair - ??

4:50. Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Mark Panek, outgoing Faculty Congress Secretary, 5/18/2008.
