Motion for Congress to hold its own elections-modified, second reading

Appendix B
Proposed change to the UHH Faculty Congress Charter (9/25/2009)
Article II, Membership
Section 1. Membership: The Congress shall be composed of faculty representatives of all
colleges at UH Hilo, the Library, and the Division of Student Affairs (hereinafter referred
to as ‘units’). In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a student, who will
be selected from among and by the ex-officio, non-voting student members described in
Section 2 below.
All faculty representatives must be tenure-track. Each college or unit shall have a
representation of 1 faculty member for every 15 tenure-track faculty members or fraction
thereof. The Chairs of the College Faculty Senates will automatically be voting members
of the Congress in addition to these members. Faculty Congress will hold elections for
representatives to the Congress each spring semester. Each unit will elect its own
representatives to the Congress. If a member misses more than three regular meetings of
the year, they shall be disqualified and the faculty member with the next highest votes
for that unit from the previous election will be elected to that position.
Section 2. Ex-officio, nonvoting members: Ex-officio administration members shall
include the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor
for Administrative Affairs, , the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Deans of the
Colleges, the Director of Athletics, and the Director of Libraries. Ex-officio student
members shall be elected by the student government association, with 2 representatives
from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and 1 representative from each of the
remaining colleges.
Section 3. First Meeting of the New Congress: New members shall be seated at the last
meeting of the Congress of the academic year, at which time they shall entertain
nominations and elect their officers for the coming academic year.
Section 4. Term: Members shall serve staggered 2 year terms.