UH Hilo Faculty Congress Minutes for Meeting of September 25, 2009

UH Hilo Faculty Congress
Minutes for Meeting of September 25, 2009
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, K-127
Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m.
Members Present:
Norman Arancon, Harald Barkhoff , Brian Bays, Kathleen Commendador, Michelle
Ebersole, Sevki Erdogan, Emmeline dePillis, Ramon Figueroa-Centeno, Kerri Inglis,
Jean Ippolito, Barbara Leonard, Seri Luangphinith, Yumiko Ohara, Yu Cheng Qin, Sabry
Shehata, Norman Stahl, Elizabeth Stacy, Ghee Tan, La`akea Yoshida.
Members Not Present:
Hiapo K. Perreira
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Rose Tseng, Chancellor, Philip Castille, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Michael
Crosby, Acting Vice Chancellor for Research, Debra Fitzsimons, Vice Chancellor for
Administrative Affairs, Luoluo Hong, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Marcia Sakai,
Dean, COBE.
Other Guests Present:
Marta deMaintenon, Helen Wong Smith, Gabriele Matull Worst, Sonia Juvik, Cathy
Zenz, Jeff Scofield, James Cromwell.
I Approval of minutes of 9/11/09, 8/27/09, and 3/24/09
Minutes were approved by acclamation.
II Report from Chair: Sevki Erdogan reported that Vice-Chancellors Castille and
Fitzsimons met with the Congress Executive Committee and proposed that Congress
have its own budget to allocate as it sees fit. Congress Executive Committee will develop
a draft budget for discussion with the Vice Chancellors.
III Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
1. The Executive Committee presented a motion on General Education
Implementation (Appendix A). The motion was modified to change the last
paragraph from “Be it Resolved: That the 2009-2010 UH Hilo Faculty Congress
urgently requests that the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs allocate the necessary
time and resources toward the implementation of the 2008 General Education proposal by
the 2010—2011 academic year” to “Be it Resolved: That the 2009-2010 UH Hilo
Faculty Congress urgently requests that the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs allocate
the necessary time and resources toward the implementation of the 2008 General
Education proposal by the 2011—2012 academic year, and that a preview of the new
General Education be placed in the 2010 UHH Catalogue.”
The motion to amend the original motion was approved 15 for, 4 against, and 1
abstention. The motion, as amended, was approved 18 for, 0 against, and one
2. The Executive Committee presented a motion to amend the Charter to enable
Congress to elect its own members (first reading – will be voted on at the next
meeting (Appendix B). The motion was amended as follows: Remove “at-large”
from the document, and change “Faculty Congress will hold elections for at-large
representatives to the Congress each spring semester.” to: Faculty Congress will
hold elections for representatives to the Congress each spring semester. Each unit
will elect its own representatives to the Congress.”
Motion to amend the motion was passed unanimously.
The motion will be voted on, as amended, at its second reading at the
October Faculty Congress meeting. If approved, it will be mailed out to the
tenured and tenure-track faculty for approval.
3. The Executive Committee presented a motion to amend the by-laws to create a
new standing committee: Committee for Curriculum Review (2nd reading, motion
was presented April 25, 2008 and tabled for a future meeting). (Appendix C). The
motion was amended to add “degree-granting” before college, and to change
“alternative” to “alternate.” The motion, as amended below, was approved
Motion to amend the bylaws: (Introduced April 25, 2008, amended as follows:
Move to add a new standing committee under “5. Standing Committee
Membership” as follows:
f. Curriculum Review Committee
The Congress will appoint a Curriculum Review Committee of not less than five
members with at least one member and one alternate from each degree-granting
College, one member and one alternate from the Graduate Council, and the
University Registrar or his/her designate. The Congress will also appoint a
faculty member currently serving on Congress to serve as Chair of this
Committee. The purview of this committee will be to approve all curricular
revision and new curricula university-wide. Members shall serve two-year
staggered terms. The Chair of this committee will receive a one-course course
reduction or one-course overload payment for year. Terms of office will be
overlapped so that each year half of the membership will be replaced to provide
continuity from year to year.
Motion was approved 18 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.
4. Motion by Barbara Leonard to appoint Sevki Erdogan as Chair of the
Curriculum Review Committee was approved unanimously.
5. The Executive Committee informed Congress of its intention to commence the
annual Administrative Review of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors this fall
semester. Motion to appoint the Executive Committee with the addition of Norm
Stahl to design the instrument for the survey.
Motion passed unanimously.
General Education Committee:
 Request to approve membership of committee: Jean Ippolito, Chair; Matt Haslam,
Humanities; Yumiko Ohara, CHL; Norman Arancon, CAFNRM, Emmeline de
Pillis, COBE; Elizabeth Stacy, Natural Science; April Komenaka, ex-officio
member and advisor. Membership of the General Education Committee was
approved by acclamation.
Budget Committee:
 Request to approve membership of Committee: Barbara Leonard, Chair; Sevki
Erdogan, Normal Stahl, Brian Bays. Membership for the Budget Committee
was approved by acclamation.
IV New Business
Discussion of Curriculum Review Process flowchart posted on the Vice
Chancellor of Academic Affair’s website. Motion by Ramon Figueroa-Centeno to
ask the Administration to change “NOTE: Process will be reviewed and revised
prior to 12/31/2010 by a shared governance body appointed by the UH Hilo
Chancellor” to NOTE: Process will be reviewed and revised prior to 12/31/2010
by Faculty Congress”. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Barbara Leonard to approve Keri Inglis as the Faculty Congress
liaison to the Graduate Council was passed by acclamation.
Motion to table the remainder of the agenda until the next meeting and adjourn
was made by Barbara Leonard and passed by acclamation.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.
The next Congress meeting is October 30, 2009, 3-5 pm, K-127.