5_11_07 Minutes (Draft)

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, K-127
Members Present: Philippe Binder, Marilyn Brown, Kelly Burke, Jason Cabral, Keola Donaghy, Barbara Leonard, Gail
Makuakane-Lundin, Mark Panek, Jennifer Richardson, Helen Rogers
UHHSA Members: Georgia Pinsky, Tommy Ramirez
Others Present: Michael Bitter, Brenden Hennessey, April Komenaka, Chuck Malenfant, Emmeline de Pillis, Regina
Meeting called to order at 3:03 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard
Approval of the minutes 4/27/07 meeting.
Approved by acclamation
Report from Congress Chair Barbara Leonard and recommendations for the 2007-2008 Congress
Deferred. The Chair thanks the outgoing Congress for their work this year
Committee Annual Reports
Will be posted on the on the Congress website
Kelly Burke, Academic Policy Committee
University 101 and the 9 credit rule
Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Admissions Committee:
Recommendation that policy be at the College level, not the University level
Still working on re-admissions for dismissed students
Philippe Binder, General Education Committee:
Clarify what WASCC wants from us
Written summary will be on the congress website
Faculty survey & student survey: will be clarified by next year’s committee
WASCC visit planned for SP 2008 and would like to see progress
Barbara Leonard, Budget Committee:
The Legislature has approved the budget, copies distributed to members of congress
UH-Hilo had significant impact and participation in the process this year
All Tier I and Tier II requests were funded
Discussion of how to alert students of emergency ~ Text messages via cell?
IT is a system wide office, discussion of possible coordination with Manoa
Old Business
4. The VC Academic Affairs office has requested approval of proposed changes to the
document "Contract Renewal, Promotion, Tenure for Teaching Faculty," found on the VCAA’s
website to comply with the UHPA contract. The new wording is an addition and was distributed in
hard copy by Kenny Simmons.
Motion: To approve the proposed changes to the document “Contract Renewal,
Promotion, Tenure for Teaching Faculty by Philippe Binder, Seconded by Mark Panek
Discussion: The wording was unclear and the union requested clarification
The wording was supposed to be the same as in last month’s minutes, but it is not.
There is remaining confusion as to which wording is preferred.
Motion: To table discussion until the correcting wording is verified by Marilyn Brown,
Seconded by Keola Donaghy
Vote: 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstained. Motion passed
New Business
Approval of a campus-wide policy on adoption of "clickers" used in the classroom
COBE Senate Chair Kelly Burke will recommend the adoption of "i-clickers" campus-wide
(http://www.iclicker.com/ ) so that our students will not need to buy different clickers for different
classes, and will allow the bookstore to plan better.
"The University of Hawaii at Hilo should standardize on the iClicker as the sole classroom
response system to be used by faculty in our classrooms."
Motion: To approve campus-wide policy on adoption of "clickers" used in the classroom
by Kelly Burke Seconded by Helen Rogers
Vote: 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 4 abstained. Motion passed
The 2006-2007 Faculty Congress adjourned at 3:38 by the Chair Barbara Leonard
The 2007-2008 Faculty Congress was called to order by Barbara Leonard at 3:39 pm
1. The 2007-2008 Faculty Congress Elections for officers
Chair: Keola Donaghy nominates Barbara Leonard, Seconded by Mark Panek
Approved by acclamation
Vice Chair: Barbara Leonard nominates Sevki Erdogan, Seconded by Keola Donaghy
Approved by acclamation
Secretary: Barbara Leonard nominates Mark Panek, Seconded by Jennifer Richardson
Approved by acclamation
Elections of Committee Chairs will be deferred until the first meeting of the next semester
College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Representatives:
Jennifer Richardson (2nd year of term)
Sevki Erdogan (2nd year of term)
Regina Titunik has been nominated to replace Marilyn Brown in Social Science
A replacement for Philippe Binder will need to be elected from Natural Science
College of Hawaiian Language (CHL) Representatives:
Jason D. "Iota" Cabral (2nd year of term)
Keola Donaghy (2nd year of term) *
According to the Faculty Congress Charter, this is the composition of Faculty Congress.
Article II, Membership: Section 1. Membership: The Congress shall be composed of faculty
representatives of all colleges at UH Hilo, the Library, and the Office of Student Affairs
(hereinafter referred to as ‘units’). In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a
student, who will be selected from among and by the ex-officio, non-voting student members
described in Section 2 below.
All faculty representatives must be tenure-track. Each college or unit shall have a
representation of 1 faculty member for every 15 tenure-track faculty members or fraction
thereof. Each unit will determine its own method of electing representatives to the Congress.
A reception for the 2006-2007 and the 2007-2008 Faculty Congress will be held tonightat
6:00 pm at Waterfalls Inn, 240 Kaiulani St., Hilo. Please come and bring your significant
A review of the UHH Strategic Plan by Brendan Hennessey, April Komenaka, and Barbara
Leonard was presented
Will be available on the Congress website
See the previous review at: http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/uhh/strategic/performance.php
Executive Summary distributed in hard copy to Congress
Respectfully submitted June 6, 2007 by outgoing Congress Secretary Jennifer Richardson