2/16/07 Minutes

K-127 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Members Present: Philippe Binder, Kelly Burke, Jason Cabral, Keola Donaghy, Sevki Erdogan, Barbara
Leonard, Shuguang Li, Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Bruce Mathews, Mark Panek, Jennifer Richardson, Helen
UHHSA Members: Aurora Manly
Ex-Officio Members Present: Steve Hora, Marcia Sakai
Others Present: Dan Brown, Anastasia Pavlovic, John Pezzuto
Meeting called to order at 3:03 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard
1. Approval of the minutes of the January 26, 2007
Approved by acclamation
2. Report from the Chair
Presentation on the New College of Pharmacy by Dean John Pezzuto. The
presentation is posted on the Faculty Congress website at:
Dean John Pezzuto discussed history, staffing, accreditation, the profession of
pharmacy, shortage of pharmacists, expectations for pharmacy graduates &
possible academic partnerships.
Ad-hoc Committee on West Hawaii. A meeting of 11 faculty was held and discussed
faculty interest in offering academic programs to West Hawaii. A survey for UHH
faculty was prepared and administered. The survey results were distributed and are
on the Congress website. About 90% of respondents support a presence for UHH in
West Hawaii. Although still in the exploratory stage, Chair Barbara Leonard will
share the survey results with the BOR at the BOR meeting in Kona next week.
The resolution to change academic calendar to allow more time between semesters,
approved by members of Congress in January, was sent to Dr. Linda Johnsrud, UH
Vice President for Academic Policy. The proposed University of Hawai’i Academic
Calendar for 2006 – 2011 (provided by Dr. Johnsrud) was distributed. The resolution
is under consideration by Dr. Johnsrud and UPHA, and will be discussed by the
ACCFSC next week.
3. Reports from committee chairs:
Kelly Burke, Academic Policy Committee
Report from the Chair on the status of University 101. The committee met last
week and discussed background, objectives & standards. Committee has a
good picture of where the program’s current status and will meet again next week
to consider location, administration, standards and oversight.
Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Admissions Committee
Report from the Chair The committee will meet Feb. 27 to look at data regarding
assessment and retention
Sevki Erdogan, Assessment Support Committee
Report from the Chair. Waiting on data.
Philippe Binder, General Education Committee
Report from the Chair on General Education on WASC requirements and any
deficiencies with our current General Education Curriculum. The committee met
last week and will be discussing minimum WASC requirements with our WASC
advisor next week. The Committee has approved a policy of articulation with
HCC on new History courses.
Steve Hora has provided funding for Bruce Mathews, Keola Donaghy, Barbara
Leonard & April Komenaka to attend a conference on General Education put on
by AACU in Newport.
Note: Faculty Congress will need a new Chair for the General Education
committee for next year, and will hopefully be able to attend the AACU meeting in
May. Suggested criteria for Chair: from CAS, tenured, & a member of Congress
since the Chairs of the Faculty Congress comprise the Executive Committee.
1. Report from the ad-hoc By-Laws Committee to suggest changes to the UHH Faculty
Congress Charter and By-Laws.
First reading of the proposed changes to the By-Laws. This is the first reading
and is not for a vote. Revisions to the ByLaws are intentionally flexible. Details
of Section 6: Administrative Review were discussed. Vice Chancellor Steve Hora
suggested that the instrument be sent to the Chancellor for comment before it is
sent out to the faculty. The revisions are posted on the Faculty Congress website
and will be voted on at the March 23, 2007 Faculty Congress Meeting.
2. Consideration of the proposed Social Contract and Dispute Resolution Process written
by Rick Castberg (adapted from Evergreen State University)
Motion: To support in principle the proposed Social Contract and Dispute
Resolution Process written by Rick Castberg.
Moved: Philippe Binder, Seconded: Keola Donaghy
Vote: 12 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Motion passed.
3. Announcements
At the March 23, 2007 Faculty Congress Meeting Jane Panek will present on
behalf of AAUP and bring all attendees a Red Book.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard.
Respectfully submitted February 19, 2007 by Congress Secretary Jennifer Richardson