October 16, 2015 edition

October 16, 2015 edition
Please follow links in titles for original posting and further details.
DER Noontime Seminar
Kristen Burt will present on MSU’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
October 20, 2015 | 12:00-1:00pm | 3540EB | lunch provided
Webinar: Research Project Grants (R01)
 Viewers Will See Presentations by Four-Five CSR/NIH Experts
 What You Need to Know about Application Receipt and Referral
 How Your Application Is Reviewed
 Key Things to Know About the NIH Grants Program
November 06, 2015 | 2:00-4:00pm | 3405-B EB
VPRGS Research Workshops
Using UAVs (Drones) for Research | Presenter: Justin Booth | October 22,
2015 | 3:00-5:00pm | Main Library, Reference Instruction Room
Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Forum | October 22, 2015 | MSU Union Ballroom
Budget-Building for Grant Proposals | November 19, 2015 | 3:00pm | Main
 Women's Health Research Conference | November 20, 2015 | 8:00am-4:pm |
Kellogg Center
Trifecta Drop-In Discussion: iPhone and the Apple ResearchKit
Informal discussion lead by Apple Account Executives Lisa Wyka and David Pugh
November 4, 2015 | 10:30-11:30am | 3540EB
Department of Health and Human Services - Chief Acquisition Officers
Council wants feedback from YOU.
A national dialogue (Reporting and DATA Act Open Dialogue) on improving the
grant processes and reducing costs is available for you to VOTE or comment.
Please take a minute to send your ideas in.
Rock Talk: All About Indirect Costs
View Sally Rockey’s presentation to gain further understanding on the
background and use of indirect costs in supporting research and sheds some light
on the costs of research, both direct and indirect.
Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM
The Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is hosted by the American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Education and Human Resources Programs
(EHR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Human Resource
Development (HRD), within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources
Write On-Site with Trifecta
Every Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | CAS207
SPA (OSP|CGA) Federal Uniform Guidance
Stay up to date with grant regulation changes resulting from Uniform Guidance.
New Facilities & Admin Rate: 7/1/15
Michigan State University has negotiated new Facilities & Administrative rates,
e.g., F&A, indirect or overhead rates that will be effective from July 1, 2015 until
June 30, 2019.
The federal rates for July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 are:
Research - 53.5%
Other Sponsored Activities - 36%
Off-Campus - 26%
The new federal rates for July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2019 are:
Research - 55%
Other Sponsored Activities - 36%
Off-Campus - 26%
MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy
College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline
Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days
prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will
take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued
cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review,
approval and timely submission.
Gates Foundation: Addressing Newborn and Infant Gut Health Through
Bacteriophage-Mediated Microbiome Engineering (Round 16)
2) Gates Foundation: Explore New Solutions in Global Health Priority Areas
(Round 16)
3) Gates Foundation: Explore New Ways to Measure Delivery and Use of
Digital Financial Services Data (Round 16)
4) Gates Foundation: Novel Approaches to Characterizing and Tracking the
Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance (Round 16)
5) Virtual Acoustic Microphone System (VAMS) DARPA-BAA-15-60
6) BAA for Advanced Aircraft Power Systems; Fuel Technology; Aircraft
Energy Conservation and Environmental Compliance N68335-15-R-0003
7) MSU MTRAC Program
8) DoD FY15 Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award W81XWH-15-OPORPPORA
9) Hybrid-Cycle Power and Thermal Management System (PTMS)
Development BAA-AFRL-RQKP-2016-0002
10) Gremlins DARPA-BAA-15-59
11) Leveraging the Analog Domain for Security (LADS) Program DARPA-BAA15-61
Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs NSF 15-572
Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) NSF 14-592
Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs NSF 15-574
Early Career Research Program DE-FOA-0001386
FY2016 Scientific Infrastructure Support for CINR Funding Opportunity
Announcement DE-FOA-0001282
Undergraduate Student Instrument Project (USIP) – 2015 Flight Research
Opportunity NNH15ZEA001N-ATD
Household Air Pollution (HAP) Health Outcomes Trial (UM1) RFA-HL-16012
Planning for Regional Centers of Research Excellence in Noncommunicable Diseases in Low and Middle Income Countries (P20) RFACA-15-007
BRAIN Initiative: Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording
and Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (U01) RFA-NS-16-008
Helicopter Active RPG Protection (HARP) N00014-15-R-BA14
Global Education and Training Initiative (GETI)
Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan
(R21) PAR-14-331
Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)
NSF 15-608
Gates Foundation: Addressing Newborn and Infant Gut Health Through
Bacteriophage-Mediated Microbiome Engineering (Round 16)
Precise engineering of the gut microbiome requires understanding of hostmicrobiome interactions, including population dynamics, mechanistic insight into
nutrient use and signaling, the progression of disease, and the stability of such a
complex ecosystem with respect to disruption. Such studies can be enabled by
the development of a tool that would allow the specific perturbation of native
microbiome communities in newborns and infants. These challenges are even
more critical when considering treatment, which requires specific yet robust (e.g.
resistant to resistance) perturbations to the system while at the same time having
limited or no negative impact on the host.
Deadline: November 11, 2015
Gates Foundation: Explore New Solutions in Global Health Priority Areas
(Round 16)
The Gates Foundation is seeking innovative ideas to assess the burden of disease,
to develop better vaccines, and to develop new diagnostics, specifically to: 1Better understand cause of death from tissue samples; 2-Develop a quantitative
measurement of Mtb bacterial load; 3-Develop immunization strategies that
increase somatic hypermutation; 4-Explore and develop approaches to
immunization that drive donor unrestricted cytotoxic T cell responses; 5-Develop
parenteral vaccines that induce mucosal immunity; 6-Develop point-of-care
nucleic acid diagnostics to below $2 per test; 7-Enable self-testing for cervical
cancer; 8-Develop malaria diagnostics to accelerate toward eradication.
Deadline: November 11, 2015
Gates Foundation: Explore New Ways to Measure Delivery and Use of
Digital Financial Services Data (Round 16)
The challenge: Develop an innovative analytics or data capture solution to
improve the delivery and use of digital financial services in developing countries.
The focus of this call is on solutions that are relevant to commercial strategies and
likely to make large improvements in performance outcomes for commercial
deployments. Solutions should either create completely new approaches or
create improvements an order of magnitude lower cost, faster, higher quality,
less risky, greater transparency/auditability and/or more reliable than existing
Deadline: November 11, 2015
Gates Foundation: Novel Approaches to Characterizing and Tracking the
Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance (Round 16)
The Gates Foundation is soliciting innovative ideas for tools, technologies,
models, analytics, surveillance platforms, and other approaches to generate
evidence about the burden and impact of antimicrobial resistance and improve its
translation into practice. Specifically, proposals that support the following:
1-Accelerating the generation of robust evidence to characterize and track the
epidemiologic and economic burden of AMR, 2-Understanding and describing the
epidemiology of resistance and transmission of AMR 3-Evaluating and prioritizing
the impact of existing and novel interventions on resistance patterns
Deadline: November 11, 2015
5) Virtual Acoustic Microphone System (VAMS) DARPA-BAA-15-60
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of underwater laserprojected virtual acoustic arrays in support of maritime operations. Proposed
research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary
advances in science, devices, or systems. Specifically excluded is research that
primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.
Deadline: November 12, 2015
BAA for Advanced Aircraft Power Systems; Fuel Technology; Aircraft
Energy Conservation and Environmental Compliance N68335-15-R-0003
Engineering Department, are soliciting proposal abstracts for technologies that
will significantly increase the mission performance, operational capabilities,
reduce the total ownership cost, and improve system readiness of Naval Air
Deadline: November 13, 2015
7) MSU MTRAC Program
Eligible projects span a broad range and generally fit under the USDA definition of
food, fuel & fiber or anything related to these areas, either as inputs or outputs.
Ideal candidates are MSU bio-based innovations that have the potential to create
superior value-added products and materials. Projects will have shown promise in
the laboratory, but need further development in order to become successful in a
competitive market. The goal of the MTRAC program is to assist in transitioning
these discoveries through to implementation where they can benefit society, with
emphasis given to commercialization in Michigan.
Deadline: November 16, 2015
DoD FY15 Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award W81XWH-15-OPORPPORA
The FY15 Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award is intended to support research
that evaluates the comparative effectiveness of prosthetic clinical interventions,
and/or their associated rehabilitation interventions, using patient-centric
outcomes for Service members and Veterans who have undergone limb
impairment or limb amputation. The objective is to improve the understanding of
prosthetic devices, treatments, rehabilitation strategies, and secondary health
effects. The ultimate goal is to advance the adoption and implementation of these
evidence-based interventions. Proposed projects should be designed to provide
patient-centric outcomes data regarding prosthetic devices, and/or related
clinical interventions and must include the anticipated effect on patient care
Deadline: November 16, 2015
Hybrid-Cycle Power and Thermal Management System (PTMS)
Development BAA-AFRL-RQKP-2016-0002
The objective of this solicitation is to evaluate, design, and develop key
technologies and integrated systems for meeting the auxiliary power and thermal
system requirements of next generation aircraft. Specifically, aircraft-level
accessory system architecture analysis, system and component design and
development, and integrated system demonstrations will likely be required under
this activity.
Deadline: November 16, 2015
10) Gremlins DARPA-BAA-15-59
The goal of the Gremlins program is to demonstrate safe and reliable aerial
launch and recovery of multiple unmanned aircraft, with traceability to an
objective system capable of employing and recovering diverse distributed
payloads in volley quantities. Gremlins will also explore the operating cost
advantages of limited-life, reusable systems.
Deadline: November 17, 2015
11) Leveraging the Analog Domain for Security (LADS) Program DARPA-BAA15-61
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of enhanced cyber
defense through analysis of involuntary analog emissions. Proposed research
should investigate innovative approaches that enable evolutionary advances in
science, devices, or systems.
Deadline: November 17, 2015
12) Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs NSF 15-572
The Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research and
education activities that invent new computing and networking technologies and
that explore new ways to make use of existing technologies. The Division seeks to
develop a better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and
network systems and to create better abstractions and tools for designing,
building, analyzing, and measuring future systems.
Deadline: November 18, 2015
13) Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) NSF 14-592
The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program supports research on
the ecological, evolutionary, and socio-ecological principles and processes that
influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The central theme of
submitted projects must be quantitative or computational understanding of
pathogen transmission dynamics.
Deadline: November 18, 2015
14) Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs NSF 15-574
The Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) studies the inter-related
roles of people, computers, and information. IIS supports research and education
activities that 1) develop new knowledge about the role of people in the design
and use of information technology; 2) increase our capability to create, manage,
and understand data and information in circumstances ranging from personal
computers to globally-distributed systems; and 3) advance our understanding of
how computational systems can exhibit the hallmarks of intelligence.
Deadline: November 18, 2015
15) Early Career Research Program DE-FOA-0001386
The Office of Science of the Department of Energy hereby invites grant
applications for support under the Early Career Research Program in the following
program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and
Environmental Research (BER); Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy
Sciences (FES); High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP). The purpose
of this program is to support the development of individual research programs of
outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in
the areas supported by the DOE Office of Science.
Deadline: November 19, 2015
16) FY2016 Scientific Infrastructure Support for CINR Funding Opportunity
Announcement DE-FOA-0001282
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) conducts
crosscutting nuclear energy research and development (R&D) and associated
infrastructure support activities to develop innovative technologies that offer the
promise of dramatically improved performance for advanced reactors and fuel
cycle concepts while maximizing the impact of DOE resources.The development of
nuclear energy-related infrastructure and basic capabilities in the research
community is necessary to promote R&D that supports nuclear science and
engineering (NS&E), DOE-NE’s mission, and the Nation’s nuclear energy
Deadline: November 20, 2015
17) Undergraduate Student Instrument Project (USIP) – 2015 Flight Research
Opportunity NNH15ZEA001N-ATD
USIP-2015 solicits proposals from U.S. institutions of higher education to develop
an undergraduate-led Project Team that will fly a science and/or technology
payload relevant to NASA strategic goals and objectives on a sounding rocket,
balloon, aircraft, suborbital reusable launch vehicle (sRLV), or CubeSat launched
on an orbital launch vehicle.
Deadline: November 23, 2015
18) Household Air Pollution (HAP) Health Outcomes Trial (UM1) RFA-HL-16012
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks applications from
institutions/organizations for a cooperative agreement research grant (UM1) to
conduct a clinical trial across three or more Low and Middle Income Country
(LMIC) settings to test improved stove and fuel interventions on health outcomes
in exposed populations. In addition, each application must include a biomarker
center element for the development and validation of clinical, physiological,
chemical, biochemical and/or microbiological markers of: a) exposure, and b)
pathophysiological responses.
Deadline: letter of intent due December 01, 2015
19) Planning for Regional Centers of Research Excellence in Noncommunicable Diseases in Low and Middle Income Countries (P20) RFACA-15-007
Proposed activities must focus on research infrastructure gaps and NCD-related
problems that have been identified as high priority by investigators, ministries of
health, science and technology organizations, and civil leaders in LMICs. The
ultimate goal of this FOA is to provide support for the planning and design of a
competitive application to support the full-development of sustainable RCREs that
will: 1) strengthen scientific quality and volume; 2) boost collaboration; 3) fortify
the scientific shared core facilities; 4) enhance research activities; and 5) provide
the scientific evidence needed to inform public policy to create a sustainable
model empowering LMIC institutions. At least one of the NCD-related problems
identified for research support under this award must be cancer-focused.
Deadline: December 10, 2015
20) BRAIN Initiative: Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording
and Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (U01) RFA-NS-16-008
Invasive surgical procedures provide the unique ability to record and stimulate
neurons within precisely localized brain structures in humans. Human studies
using invasive technology are often constrained by a limited number of patients
and resources available to implement complex experimental protocols and are
rarely aggregated in a manner that addresses research questions with appropriate
statistical power. Therefore, this FOA seeks applications to assemble integrated,
multi-disciplinary teams to overcome these fundamental barriers. Projects should
investigate high-impact questions in human neuroscience and disorders of the
human nervous system. The research should be offered as experimental projects,
or exploratory research and planning activities, for building teams, generating
data and empirical results that will later compete for continued funding under
new or ongoing FOAs of the BRAIN Initiative or under NIH Institute
Deadline: full proposal due December 15, 2015
21) Helicopter Active RPG Protection (HARP) N00014-15-R-BA14
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving white papers and full
proposals for design, development, and demonstration of Helicopter Active
Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Protection (HARP) Future Naval Capability (FNC)
aircraft survivability products to demonstrate the ability to defeat a RPG with an
expendable countermeasure launched from a tilt-rotor or rotary-wing aircraft.
Deadline: December 21, 2015
22) Global Education and Training Initiative (GETI)
The ACSBI fellowship emphasizes the transfer of knowledge from a host institute
to the applicant and others at the fellow's home institute. It offers the fellow the
opportunity to be mentored by experts in their chosen field, receive hands on
experience in population, behavioural, clinical or basic research, intellectual
stimulation, research guidance, narrative transfer and many other opportunities
to evolve scientifically and academically.
Deadline: December 30, 2015
23) Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan
(R21) PAR-14-331
These grants are expected to inform the development of more comprehensive
research programs that contribute to the long-term goals of building sustainable
research capacity in LMICs to address nervous system development, function and
impairment throughout life and to lead to diagnostics, prevention, treatment and
implementation strategies. The proposed work may also contribute to developing
a base for research networking and evidence-based policy beyond the specific
research project.
Deadline: January 05, 2016
24) Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)
NSF 15-608
DMREF will support activities that accelerate materials discovery and
development by building the fundamental knowledge base needed to design and
make materials with specific and desired functions or properties from first
principles. This will be accomplished by understanding the interrelationships of
composition, structure, properties, processing, and performance. Achieving this
goal will involve modeling, analysis, and computational simulations, validated and
verified through sample preparation, characterization, and device demonstration.
It will require new data analytic tools and statistical algorithms; advanced
simulations of material properties in conjunction with new device functionality;
advances in predictive modeling that leverage machine learning, data mining, and
sparse approximation; data infrastructure that is accessible, extensible, scalable,
and sustainable; the development, maintenance, and deployment of reliable,
interoperable, and reusable software for the next-generation design of materials;
and new collaborative capabilities for managing large, complex, heterogeneous,
distributed data supporting materials design, synthesis, and longitudinal study.
Deadline: January 19, 2016
All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please
adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies.
DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)