All students are required to complete a Career Portfolio as a final project for the
class. This project will count as 20% of your grade. We encourage you to be very
creative and professional in your construction of this project. The project must be
turned in by __________. No project will be accepted late without permission from
your instructor. All projects turned in late will be subject to a penalty.
Their will be no exceptions!!
The following are the guidelines for the project:
 Students must secure two individuals with different careers to interview.
 Students will not be allowed to interview persons they have relationships
with unless approved by instructor.
 Students must secure a picture of the person they are interviewing on their
worksite and a business card.
 Students must obtain written permission from all persons interviewed.
The following is a format for the final project:
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Title of Career
Picture of the person being interviewed
A one –two page biography of the person being interviewed
A one page essay expressing what you learned about this career
A one page essay stated if you are still interested in this career after
interviewing this person and why or why not.
 Business Card and other resources (brochures etc)
 List of all references used to compose this project