Mr. Olson: Room 301: Voyagers Physical Science Contact: Fall Semester, 2006-2007 Voyagers! Welcome to room 301. I am looking forward to working with you this year. Please read the information in this letter carefully and share it with your parents. By understanding and following these guidelines, you will be on your way to a successful year in Physical Science. SCIENCE Supplies: * We sometimes use calculators. Your math one will suffice. Bring it. * Metric Ruler 12”/31cm * Colored pencils are preferable to markers for most of the projects requiring color illustration. Mr. Olson Voyager Team Expectations Be respectful of the teacher and other students. Be on time, in your seat and silent when the bell rings. Have all of your materials and your binder reminder in class. Remain seated unless given permission to leave your seat. Raise your hand for permission before you speak. Leave all food, drink and gum at home. Homework: Always record assignments in your Binder Reminder. Homework is due on the assigned day and is related to current study. "In class" assignments not completed in a timely manner will need to be taken home and completed to receive credit. Large projects/team projects must be turned in by the due date for full credit. Points will be deducted for any late assignments. Work missed due to an absence must be made up in a time period equal to the number of days missed. Students are responsible for getting missed assignments. Mr. Olson's Expectations *When Mr. Olson is talking, you are listening. *You are responsible for your own behavior and success. *You are expected to participate. *We all have a right to a quiet and orderly classroom environment. You are to contribute to that environment, not detract from it. *You will be held accountable for any damage to, or misuse of, any school equipment or property, including desktops, books, and science equipment. *Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by science. Supplies Grading Policy A 90-100% C 70-79% F below 60% B D 80-89% 60-69% Grades are determined by points earned in each of the following areas: tests, quizzes, homework, lab work, lab reports, class work and projects. More info at Back to School night. WE HAVE RECEIVED AND READ MR. OLSON'S CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR 2006/07. Print student's name ______________________ You will need a spiral notebook specifically for science, that you will use each day in class. Parent Signature._________________________ #2 lead pencils or mechanical pencils (preferred), blue or black ink pen for some assigments, red correcting pencil, a set of colored pencils, glue stick, tape, and a supply of loose-leaf notebook paper. A highlighting pen will be useful. the top for your reference. Please return only this signed box section. Keep This coupon is worth homework points.