Agenda for 10/21 Congress Meeting, K127, 3:00 pm

Agenda for 10/21 Congress Meeting, K127, 3:00 pm
I. Approval of minutes from September meeting
II. Chair’s Report:
a. Faculty Development Fund
--Varying overloads for increasing student exposure to writing assignments
--Campus visit from Halena Zeleski for a seminar on new procedures for repeated measures
analyses in the life, agricultural, and social sciences
--Upcoming survey to solicit further ideas that would also affect a wide range of faculty
b. “Creating a Culture of Engagement”
III. Committee Reports*
*Please note that Committee Reports are for informational purposes only. For further clarification, suggestions, and/or airing of personal
anecdotes , please see the relevant committee chair outside of the Congress meeting.
IV. Discussion of adding “Senate Reports” to future agendas
V. Motion regarding temporary waiver of attendance rule for CRC committee chair.
VI. Second Reading and Vote on 9/23 Motion to Amend Bylaws:
Motion to change the wording of the Faculty Congress Bylaws:
Current Language:
b. General Education Standing Committee
The Congress will appoint a General Education Standing Committee of no fewer than five nor more than
seven faculty members (at last one of which shall come from each UH Hilo unit) and one student
representative. The Congress will also appoint a faculty member to serve as Chair of this Committee.
This committee shall be charged with advising the Congress on all matters relating to campus-wide
General Education, developing policies and procedures for implementing and monitoring General
Education, and undertaking regular assessments of the effectiveness of General Education at the
b. General Education Standing Committee
The Congress will appoint a General Education Standing Committee of no fewer than five nor more than
seven faculty members (at last one of which shall come from each UH Hilo unit) and one student
representative. The Congress will also appoint a faculty member to serve as Chair of this Committee.
This committee shall be charged with advising the Congress on all matters relating to campus-wide
General Education, developing policies and procedures for implementing and monitoring General
Education, and undertaking regular assessments of the effectiveness of General Education at the
VII. Vote to Confirm New Members of Standing Committees