Draft Minutes

Agenda - UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting
May 15, 2015
Student Services Multipurpose Room
Julie Adrian, Mindy Alles, Bobbi Barra, Kimberly Furumo, Norbert Furumo, Mary Louise
Haraguchi, Jean Ippolito, Seri Luangphinith, Avis Masuda, Faith Mishina, Karen Pellegrin, Janet
Ray, Vladi Skorikov, Kathleen Stacey, Shih-Wu Sung
Absent: Jim Beets, Michael Bitter, Iota Cabral, Alice Davis, Jesse Goldman, Kekoa Harman,
Michael Shintaku, Todd Shumway
New Members:
Shawan Raman, Kevin Hopkins, Donna Ohora, Maria Haws, Jon Goebel, Yumiko Hara
Guests: Associate Dean CAS Susan Brown
Approval of minutes from the last meeting
 -unbold Matt Platz
 -p. 2--change ‘Jean’ to ‘Sunny Walker’ ; Jean resolved problem;
 Jean I moved to approve minutes; Bobbi seconded motion.
Vote: 14 approve/0 not approve/0 abstain
Faculty Congress Chair Report
 Held elections for these positions o Jan Ray declined nomination for Congress Chair (works for VC Platz)
 Congress Chair – nominated Jean Ippolito and elected.
o Vote: unanimous approve
 Vice Chair – Faith Mishina nominated and elected.
o Vote: 14 approve; 0 not approve; 1 abstain
 Secretary - Jon Goebel nominated and elected.
o Vote: unanimous approve
 Committee Chairs
o General Education: Yumiko Hara (unanimous)
o Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith (unanimous)
o Academic Policy, James Beets (unanimous)
o Student Success and Admissions, Faith Mishina (unanimous)
o Budget Review, Roberta Barra (unanimous)
o Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo (unanimous)
o Program Review, Mitchell Anderson (unanimous)
Committee Reports and Vote to Approve Committee Membership
 Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith –
o Reports linked on Congress website
o Note: sub-change procedures important to review
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Academic Policy, James Beets
Student Success and Admissions, Faith Mishina - committee did not meet
Budget Review, Roberta Barra – presented new budget —reported to be
Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
General Education, Michael Bitter – report posted on website
Program Review, Mitchell Anderson - Seri reported revised schedule for 5
year cycle; working on handbook; MOUs and program review schedule to be
posted on VCAA website.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports
 Monthly Speaker Series, Emmeline de Pillis
 Standard Weekly Schedule Analysis Committee, Michael Shintaku
Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
 Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina – committee did not
 Student Success and Retention (previously EMIT), Faith Mishina
 Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung – no report from committee
 Parking Committee, Adam Pack
 Rose Tseng Lecture Series, Jan Ray
 UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo – training session held last
Thursday; modules set up
Liaison Reports
 Curriculum, Jean Ippolito – 2015 catalog live/online; faculty listing updated
from directory or send to Jean; curriculum done, going through review; cutoff
late June for catalog publication; new Curriculum Coordinator is Shelby
Wong, starting June 22; new proposals in from May 1st .
 Professional Development, Jan Ray – held meeting for Contract Renewal and
Tenure & Promotion in May; another meeting to be held in Fall
 Distance Learning, Jan Ray
 WASC, Seri Luangphinith
 Grad Council, Mike Shintaku
 Research Council, Jim Beets
Faculty Senate Chair Updates
 CAS, Jean Ippolito
 CAFNRM, Mike Shintaku
 CoBE, Roberta Barra
 KHUOK, Iota Cabral
 Pharmacy, Andre Bachmann
 Library, Kathleen Stacey
Old Business:
 Double Major Policy concerning Upper Division Credits (Kim Furumo)
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o Associate Dean Susan Brown resolved confusion with multiple screens;
problem resolved.
Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty Development
Standing Committee (2nd Reading)
o Jan moved to have 2nd Reading of Motion 10 and 11 –
o Norbert seconded
o Discussion – Vladi queried whether we voted earlier on the proposed
committee (yes--February meeting); Do we need another ad hoc
o Seri moved to postpone motion for SY 2015-16 until Jim Beets available;
Jan seconded;
Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress
Representative (2nd Reading Motion 11)
o Discussion:
 Graduate Council has been made aware of this.
 Jan moved we table motion for discussion for next year; Seri
seconded motion.
 Vote: 14 approve/0 not approve/1 abstain.
New Business
 Election of new officers and committee chairs for 2015-16 Faculty Congress –
Note: completed prior to Old Business – see above
 Items for 2015-16 Faculty Congress
o Classroom recording policy
o Proposed course evaluation system concept paper
 New system to be used with entire UH System
o Grad council membership
o Facilities and classroom technology upgrades (CoBe)
o Need to revisit By-Laws regarding student membership
Jan moved to adjourn; Vladi seconded; unanimous approval.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Avis Masuda
Faculty Congress Secretary
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Tables for 2015-16 discussion:
Motion 10 (Proposed) – Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty
Development Standing Committee
First Reading - April 17, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting
Second Reading - May 15, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting
Whereas, the Faculty Congress Bylaws does not provide for a Faculty Development
Standing Committee;
Whereas, a Faculty Development Standing Committee is needed to coordinate and
support faculty development opportunities, including peer-review and feedback on
proposals, support for proposal development, etc.;
Whereas, a Faculty Development Standing Committee is needed to organize and
conduct the responsibilities of the Academic Leadership Program, passed by Faculty
Therefore, the following change to the Faculty Congress ByLaws is proposed to provide
for the Faculty Development Standing Committee.
Proposed Change:
Faculty Congress Bylaws
(revised November 3, 2014)
h. Faculty Development Standing Committee
The Congress will appoint a Faculty Development Standing Committee that should have
broad general membership from across various units. The Congress will appoint a
member to serve as Chair of a standing Faculty Development Standing Committee. The
chair will select no fewer than five faculty members to serve on the committee, and their
selection will approved by Congress. If feasible, the Committee should be comprised of
at least one representative from each college at UH Hilo.
The primary responsibilities of the committee will be to coordinate and support faculty
development opportunities, including peer-review and feedback on proposed activities,
support for proposed faculty development activities, several as the evaluation
committee, as needed, and coordinate with administration and academic units on
faculty development opportunities. Additionally, the committee will organize and conduct
the responsibilities of the Academic Leadership Program. The Committee chair will have
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the responsibility of scheduling the Academic Leadership Program activities and events
and providing the schedule to every academic unit and notifying faculty.
Members shall serve for two-year terms. Terms of committee members will overlap to
ensure continuity among years. In recognition of the duties and responsibilities
associated with this office, the University shall grant the Chair a course reduction of not
less than one course during the academic year, associated with the Academic
Leadership Program activities.
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Tabled for 2015-16 discussion
Motion 11 (Proposed) – Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate
Council Faculty Congress Representative
First Reading - April 17, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting
Second Reading - May 15, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting
Whereas, the charter does not provide for a Faculty Congress representative from the
Graduate Council;
Whereas, a Graduate council representative is needed to ensure effective
communication between the Faculty Congress and the Graduate Council;
Therefore, the following change to the Charter is proposed to provide for a non-voting
member from the Graduate Council.
Proposed Change:
(Revised November 3, 2014)
Article II, Membership
Section 1. Membership: The Congress shall be composed of faculty representatives of
all colleges at UH Hilo, the Library, and the Division of Student Affairs (hereinafter
referred to as ‘units’). In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a
student, who will be selected from among and by the ex-officio, non-voting student
members described in Section 2 below.
In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a student, who will be selected
from among and by the ex-officio, non-voting student members described in Section 2
below. A non-voting member will represent the Graduate Council, who will be selected
each year by the Graduate Council.
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