UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting Minutes for February 19, 2016

UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting
Minutes for February 19, 2016
New Student Service Multi-purpose Room
Members present (signed in):
Members present: (22 voting members)
Jon Goebel, Faith Mishina, Janet Ray, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Kekoa Harman, Susan Shirachi, Chris
Frueh, Linda Connelly, Mitchell Anderson, Seri Luangphinith, Karen Pellegrin, Patricia Jusczak, Alice
Davis, Vladi Skorikov, Shawon Rahman, Jim Beets, Mindy Alles, Brian Bays, Tam Vu, Maria Haws,
Lazareth Sye, Bobbi Barra, Jean Ippolito (non-voting)
Members absent: (6)
Judith Steinman, Yumiko Ohara, Doug Mikkelson, Hopkins Armando Garcia, Norbert Furumo, Kevin
Others present: (1)
Matt Platz, Kim Furumo, Fon de Pillism Michael Shintaku
Approval of minutes from the last meeting (January 15, 2016)
Motion to approve: Mitch, Second: Linda
Discussion: none
Vote: (12) in favor (3) abstain
Faculty Congress Chair Report
 Update from the Chair of the Task Force (TF) for the Investigation of Re-Organization – Chris
o Task forces met 3 times, Chris is Chair, Matt P ex officio, Inviting Dean as well.
Gathered numbers. Identified issues like resources, accreditation, faculty numbers,
o 5 Option handout (appended) Ready for complete report by next month
o Develop models more, create appendix, more details will be developed.
o CAS, COBE, CAFNRM – have 76,000 SSH in a year. Divided by 3 colleges, 25k SSH, 4
colleges 19k
o Justification is beyond balancing numbers. Better decision making, resources, and
o Matt, will come over to CAFNRM to discuss more in depth. What happens in CAS
determines what happens on every part of campus. PHARM & NURSING is
complicated. Pharm has distinct revenue stream…would be difficult to combine with
university funding.
o This will be online soon for TF
o Email Chris with feedback and suggestions
 Status of FC Administrative Evaluations
o Received email from Risa Dickson and Debra Ishii in System HR Office and they will be
conducting yearly evaluations of Chancellors and VCs as well as Deans.
o Bylaws state we need to do admin evals of Chancellor and VC
o Used to be conducted regularly
o 360 evals now evaluate chancellor and VC.
 Nomination of rep for the System Conflict of Interest Committee
o Doug M. is willing to serve
o Vote: all in favor
 Memos from Chancellor in response to FC motions
Responses are posted on the FC page. http://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/ Approved in
PDF form.
o All 4 motions have now been approved by chancellor ad responded to.
 Status of Faculty Lounge move from PB-9 to old Student Services (SS) building 2nd F
o Faculty Congress will be sharing the COBE Conference room space on the upper floor of
the renovated old Student Services building once it is completed. FC understands that we
are losing the PB-9 space to the Testing Center. Testing center will be open to all faculty
for test administration. Will be open April 2016.
o The Faculty Congress Executive Committee agrees that COBE will have priority in
scheduling the use of the conference room, and FC will also defer to COBE about
furniture selection. The Faculty Congress office furniture and file cabinets will be moved
to the smaller adjoining office space. IF COBE needs to use the Conference Room
without notice, faculty in the room can be bumped to the smaller office space or to the
 Summarize all campus council
o ACCFSC – David Lassner spoke extensively about a reorganization plan at the system
level – he is drafting the plan and will send it out to the Faculty Senates for feedback.
The desire is to Integrate all campuses of the UH System into a tighter whole. There was
once talk about recombining the Manoa Chancellor and UH President back into a single
position, but Lassner is opposed to that. The BOR has given permission for Manoa to
begin their search for a new Chancellor. Another idea is to re-name the Chancellors of
Manoa, Hilo, Maui and West Oahu as Vice Presidents for the System. Mostly ideas have
to do with creating more financial efficiency and accountability. ACCFSC comments
afterward were concerns that the reorganization plans were all financially centered and
not focused on high academic standards and replacing faculty positions.
Standing Committee Reports
 Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith
o Report uploaded here: http://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/committee_assessment.php
o Data from 3 areas: ENG 100, CHEM, ACCT. Reading scores across board are low.
Looking at developing reading curriculum. Hosted workshop Saturday to help faculty dev
reading strategies. Core comp assessment: artifacts coming in still. Will be uploaded in
the near future.
o Strategic plan, deans’ council meeting: what is our role (FC)? What should have been
happening each year is we should be assessing how we are meeting these goals.
Assessment committee was never in charge of this assessment. Links were posted in the
Executive Committee meeting minutes from February 12, 2016. Summative assessment
could still be completed.
o New strategic plan? Need to assess our existing plan outcomes to inform our next plan.
o Important for research proposal funding approvals – Jan
o We should refer this to the FC Executive Committee to develop a motion regarding a new
strategic plan
 Motion: Have the FC Executive Committee develop a motion regarding a new
strategic plan. Mitch. Seconded by Laz
 Discussion:
 Vote: unanimous (22)
 Academic Policy, James Beets
o Report posted: http://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/committee_academic.php
o Policy statement
o APC reviewing senate bylaws for potential comments and alignment
 FC website has links to other colleges. Some colleges don’t have these posted.
Jim can send these if requested.
 Student Success Comm. and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina
Prior learning assessment – prev. credit for work. They are currently working on a
definition of what a portfolio consists of. Checking other universities. Limiting
parameters are WASC and Curriculum Committee. Work in progress.
Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra
o Month or two before budget to BOR. Not much going on now.
Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
o Jan 28 meeting. Completed duties for the year. Approx. 150 course mods, 50 progs.
General Education, Yumiko Ohara
o Deadline for apps for new certifications was today. Will accept late apps. GenED
working on passport – will bring to FC later.
Program Review, Mitchell Anderson
o Norbert MOU still in progress (needs signature)
o Admin Justice, Poly Sci, MOUs done
o CAFNRM MOUs still in process
o Art still in process (self-study done) – looking for external reviewer
o History waiting for external review
o Mar Science done – Susan picking up where Randy left off.
o Some programs working on next fall’s review process.
o Need to institutionalize these processes – need to make the process transparent.
o They (committee) wants to be involved in the MOU process to help facilitate
Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
 Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina
 UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo
o Matt emailed asked about previous instructors to sign up
o No change in students’ understanding how to use campus resources from week two to
final week
o Need to give it a few more cycles before deciding on its effectiveness.
Liaison Reports
 Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
o Not present
 Professional Development, Jan Ray
o Working on techno Tuesday, new grad pathway system.
 Chelsea will do this techno Tuesday
 Puts in student’s path and helps them register for classes.
o Info on copyrights for another techno Tuesday
o Contract renewal T&P workshop
 Distance Learning, Jan Ray
o Continuing representing the university at system wide events
o Report posted: http://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/ProfDevelopmentLiaison.php
o Look at other Techno Tues. time slots
 Grad Council, Tam Vu
o Meeting last week
o Developed parallel policies for undergrad programs
 Policy development and assessment
 Applicant members Jan 15 only 48, Feb 15 now 144
 Research Council, Jim Beets
o Not met since last month.
o Faculty Dev committee (ad hoc)
 Met last month
Received emails from faulty who want to participate (20 interested faculty)
Come up with strategy for faculty dev committee, responsibilities
Will meet next Friday
Faculty Senate Chair Updates
 CAS, Jean Ippolito
o Tracy Wegner, VC CAS senate to vet interim associate dean position. No report
 CAFNRM, Maria Haws
o Dean CTAHR and CAFNRM – discussing the ides of merging
o Petition to join CAFNRM discussed
 CoBE, Tam Vu
o Senate approved concentration on health care
o Process of measuring new space for furniture
o Congress needs to decide where to put furniture
 KHUOK, Kekoa Harman
o Had symposium at end of January. Leaders from other native groups all over world.
o Day conference held at Hale'ōlelo
 Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin
o Last of 5 dean candidates coming net week
o Groundbreaking delayed
 Library, Mary Haraguchi – no report
Old Business:
 Suggested wording for Recording Policy on Course Syllabi
o Posted here: http://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/documents/APC-Report-Feb2016.docx
 Transfer of Locus of Tenure document from VCAA
o Discussed at ex committee meeting
o Faith and Jean met with Matt P.
 Sent out for input from ex committee. Haven’t been getting much.
 Other input received:
 Best feedback was from Jodilyn Kunimoto: referenced the UHPA
agreement page 29-30 article 12, 4
o Infor about campus transfer. If a person transfers, they can only
hold tenure on one campus. Can take a leave of tenure for 1-2
years to decide. Can go back to original campus. Why not apply
this reasoning to the policy.
o Discussion: This policy does not really apply to our situation. 4
people want to change units. We need a process to treat them all
the same. If unit A loses a faculty member, how will unit A teach
those courses? Need to develop a plan to deal with where the
funding line goes. FC needs more details to be better informed.
If someone has tenure in PSY, have they met the criteria for
business? There needs to be an equivalency of tenure. Financial
consequences and consequence to program losing the faculty
member is an issue. In unit B (receiving the faculty member),
they will need to pay for the person.
o Motion: Move that we send this back to the executive committee
– Mitch, Laz seconded
o Discussion:
o Vote: unanimous (22 )
New Business:
• Criteria for Distance Learning
o Don’t have a set criteria or DL coordinator
o TF or Ad Hoc committee?
o Motion: To form a Task Force for Distance Learning. Mitch. Seconded by Chris F.
o Discussion: Clear charge. Resp. of congress to derive objectives and charge before we
• How many people, reps, charge of TF
• Possible to get outcome from previous report. This will inform the new TF.
 Recommended forming a TF. Report sent to Mitch and Jean. Can share
with others if needed. Identified a few key issues.
 Original task force was formed to assess what was needed for the DL
• Departments are looking for guidance on DL. WASC related issues dealing with
credits and content, support, testing, etc.
• CRC review DL courses? Not really very many.
• Reciprocity agreements, state to state, costs of agreements can be expensive.
Huge ramifications for DL programs.
o Online certification, best practices in DL is not mandatory. Cindy Yamagucci
o Subsidiary motion: Laz table this motion. No second
o Need clear understanding of what outcomes should be. We have certain requirements
regarding how we teach such as student learning outcomes, credit requirements, etc.
Online classes have to be designed differently. Feedback will be different. There are
some departments that have their own policies.
o Motion: for FC executive committee to write formal motion on the creation of a Task
Force for Distance Learning - Mitch, Alice seconded
o Vote: unanimous (22 )
Course designation for ALEX and Sustainability on transcripts – comments from Chelsea KayWong
o Request that there be a designation on transcripts
o Chelsea – attributes do not appear on transcripts
o Need really good reason to create attributes. Nobody else uses ALEX attributes on
o Nobody is using the sustainability designation either.
o Star does show these attributes.
o Transcripts: Only the title of the course shows up – WI will show up if part of title.
o ALEX advisory committee: strategic plan says we are an applied learning university,
students graduate with experience, WASC asking us to ensure the rigor of these courses.
o WI is a well-known attribute- the only course attribute that shows up. A Lab usually
shows up in the title. Seminar is the same scenario.
o SUNY has an EL (engaged learning)
o Had to cut deans discretionary budgets 66% because of enrollment drop. 50% of our
students come intending to transfer. Applied learning may help turn this around.
Motion to adjourn: Mitch, Jim seconded
Vote: unanimous (22)
Adjourned at 4:54pm