UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting Agenda for Oct. 16, 2015


UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting

Agenda for Oct. 16, 2015

New Student Service Multi-purpose Room

Approval of minutes from the last meeting (Sept18 and May minutes)

Faculty Congress Chair Report

Motions from last meeting, actions taken and status posted on FC Website.

Standing Committee Reports

Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith

Academic Policy, James Beets (membership approval pending)

Student Success Comm. and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina

Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra (membership approval?)

Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo (membership approval pending)

General Education, Yumiko Ohara (membership approval pending)

Program Review, Mitchell Anderson

Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation

Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina

Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung

UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo

Liaison Reports

Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong

Professional Development, Jan Ray

Distance Learning, Jan Ray

WASC, Seri Luangphinith

Grad Council, Tam Vu

Research Council, Jim Beets

Faculty Senate Chair Updates

CAS, Jean Ippolito

CAFNRM, Maria Haws

CoBE, Tam Vu

KHUOK, Kekoa Harman

Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin

Library, Mary Haraguchi

Old Business:

Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty Development Standing Committee (2 nd


Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress Representative(2 nd


VCAdminAffairs, Marcia Sakai, to address faculty concerning (1) the plan for a non-smoking campus and the (2) Subcommittee for classroom and technology upgrades.

New Business

Suggestion to change the deadline date for students to withdraw from a class with a “W.” (Postponed until

Susan Brown can attend to explain.)

• Motion to Revise the Graduate Programs Curriculum Pathway Flowchart to include a review by any relevant Units.

Whereas the current flowchart bypasses all entities except the Graduate Council.

Whereas the current flowchart only requires consultation with appropriate Faculty within their respective units.

Whereas the Faculty Congress has no vote on any Graduate Programs (until late in the process).

Whereas Units within UHH are offering multi-discipline degree programs.

Whereas the expertise of Colleges outside the Proposing Unit may forestall problems with various accreditation entities and provide each college a chance to express an opinion on proposed graduate programs resident in other colleges to help prevent unintentional problems.

Therefore, the Faculty Congress requests the Academic Policy Committee revisit the Graduate programs

Curriculum Pathway Flowchart to incorporate a review by relevant entities.

Motion 10 (Proposed) – Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty Development Standing


First Reading - April 17, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting

Second Reading - May 15, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting

Whereas, the Faculty Congress Bylaws does not provide for a Faculty Development Standing Committee;

Whereas, a Faculty Development Standing Committee is needed to coordinate and support faculty development opportunities, including peer-review and feedback on proposals, support for proposal development, etc.;

Whereas, a Faculty Development Standing Committee is needed to organize and conduct the responsibilities of the

Academic Leadership Program, passed by Faculty Congress;

Therefore, the following change to the Faculty Congress ByLaws is proposed to provide for the Faculty

Development Standing Committee.

Proposed Change:

Faculty Congress Bylaws

(revised November 3, 2014) h. Faculty Development Standing Committee

The Congress will appoint a Faculty Development Standing Committee that should have broad general membership from across various units. The Congress will appoint a member to serve as Chair of a standing Faculty

Development Standing Committee. The chair will select no fewer than five faculty members to serve on the committee, and their selection will approved by Congress. If feasible, the Committee should be comprised of at least one representative from each college at UH Hilo.

The primary responsibilities of the committee will be to coordinate and support faculty development opportunities, including peer-review and feedback on proposed activities, support for proposed faculty development activities, several as the evaluation committee, as needed, and coordinate with administration and academic units on faculty development opportunities. Additionally, the committee will organize and conduct the responsibilities of the

Academic Leadership Program. The Committee chair will have the responsibility of scheduling the Academic

Leadership Program activities and events and providing the schedule to every academic unit and notifying faculty.

Members shall serve for two-year terms. Terms of committee members will overlap to ensure continuity among years. In recognition of the duties and responsibilities associated with this office, the University shall grant the

Chair a course reduction of not less than one course during the academic year, associated with the Academic

Leadership Program activities.

Motion 11 (Proposed) – Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress


First Reading - April 17, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting

Second Reading - May 15, 2015 Faculty Congress Meeting

Whereas, the charter does not provide for a Faculty Congress representative from the Graduate Council;

Whereas, a Graduate council representative is needed to ensure effective communication between the Faculty

Congress and the Graduate Council;

Therefore, the following change to the Charter is proposed to provide for a non-voting member from the Graduate


Proposed Change:


(Revised November 3, 2014)

Article II, Membership

Section 1. Membership: The Congress shall be composed of faculty representatives of all colleges at UH Hilo, the

Library, and the Division of Student Affairs (hereinafter referred to as ‘units’). In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a student, who will be selected from among and by the ex-officio, non-voting student members described in Section 2 below.

In addition, one voting member of the Congress shall be a student, who will be selected from among and by the exofficio, non-voting student members described in Section 2 below. A non-voting member will represent the Graduate

Council, who will be selected each year by the Graduate Council.
