Course Syllabus FSHN 2303 hybrid.doc

Fashion Design & Fashion Merchandising Programs
FSHN 2307 Fashion Advertising and Communication
Course Location: HCC- Central, San Jacinto Building Room: 230 Course Semester Credit Hours: 2 Lecture/ 3 Lab/ 3 Credit
CRN: 86159 Course Contact Hours: 80 Course Length: 8 weeks Type of Instruction: hybrid
Aichell Joseph-Demerson
Course Information
Course Description Fundamentals of fashion buying with instruction in planning, pricing, and purchasing retail fashion
inventories. Identification of wholesale merchandise resources.
Prerequisites Must qualify to take GUST 0342 (or higher) in reading and MATH 0306 (or higher) in mathematics
and ENGL 0300 (or higher) in writing.
Course Learning
1. Document advertising industry principles, practices, and job opportunities.
Outcome 2. Analyze current fashion advertising campaigns.
3. Create and present a fashion advertising campaign.
SCANS (Secretary’s Demonstrate Thinking Skills: Problem Solving Students will research, develop and present
Commission Addressing to the class a formal Advertising Campaign including budget, sample items, and target
Necessary Skills) market analysis.
Knowing How to Learn: Students will complete a final project that involves all knowledge
accumulated during the entire semester.
Textbook Information Merchandise Buying and Management, 4th Edition by John Donnellan ISBN 978-1-60901490-2
Addendum HCC is committed to provide a learning and working environment that is free from
discrimination on the basis of sex which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that when a complaint is filed, a prompt and
thorough investigation is initiated. Complaints may be filed with the HCC Title IX
Coordinator available at 713 718-8271 or email at
Course Goal
Educate students on retail buying and the management of retail inventories. The course covers topics
relevant to future buyers and store management personnel.
Student Learning Outcomes
The student will be able to:
1. Document fashion merchandising resources, brands versus private labels.
2. Analyze the role of fashion media in predicting consumer buying trends.
3. Interpret retailing formats and trends in retail growth and expansion.
4. Communicate the activities involved in preparing for and making fashion market buying trips.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
1. Document fashion merchandising resources, brands versus private labels and fashion versus
non-fashion retailers.
2. Analyze the role of space management.
3. Interpret electronic data exchange.
Communicate the activities involved in retail technology point-of-sale systems, and the role floor ready
merchandise plays in the contemporary retail environment.
Projected Calendar
This calendar, along with the entirety of the syllabus, is subject to change at any time. Students will be notified ahead of
time and are responsible for making changes of their own syllabus.
Tuesday, March 21
Class Introduction
Thursday, March 24
Discussion Post 1- Initial post due
Sunday, March 27
Syllabus Quiz due
Discussion post responses due
Class meeting
Tuesday, March 29
Thursday, March 31
Sunday, April 3
Part 1 quiz due
Tuesday, April 5
Class meeting
Thursday, April 7
Discussion post 2-Initial post due
Sunday, April 10
Part 2 Quiz 2 due
Discussion post responses due
Tuesday, April 12
Class meeting
Thursday, April 14
Sunday, April 17
Part 3 Quiz 3 due
Tuesday, April 19
Class meeting
Thursday, April 21
Discussion post 3-initial post due
Sunday, April 24
Tuesday, April 26
Part 3 Quiz 4 due
Discussion post responses due
Class meeting
Thursday, April 28
Discussion Post 4-initial post due
Sunday, May 1
Tuesday, May 3
Thursday, May 5
Sunday, May 8
Part 3 Quiz 5 due
Discussion post responses due
Class meeting
Final Exam/Final Project Due-
Course Evaluation
Course Evaluation
Reading Quizzes/Out
of Class Assignments
In Class Participation
& Attendance
Project Value
Final Project/Exam
A. Fashion Design and Merchandising Department Attendance and
Participation Policy for classes that meet ONCE a week.
Attendance & Participation Grade
Over 3
 *Three (3) tardies (up to 15 minutes late) = One (1) Absence.
More than 15 minutes late will be recorded as an absence.
Numerical Grades Related to Letter Grades
Make-Up Policy
Students are responsible for turning in all work that is assigned. Work that is turned in
late will automatically have 10 points deduction for each class period that it is overdue.
No late quizzes or discussion forum questions will be permitted.
Course Procedures
Discussion Posts
Initial discussion posts are due on the 4th day of the week (Thursdays), you must respond to at least one other
participant by the 7th day of the week (Sunday).
Chapter Quizzes
Each chapter quiz is due by the 7th day of the week (Sunday). After which the quiz will close and there will be
no opportunity to make it up.
Bonus Quiz
There is a bonus quiz that will be made available during the last week of the course. The bonus quiz consists of
10 questions from the bank of test questions. The quiz is worth 10 bonus points.
The professor for FSHN 2303 does not offer an “I” – a grade of incomplete as a final course grade.
PLEASE BE ADVISED!!! No late work will be accepted for scoring purposes. There are no make-ups for missed
work. The student is responsible for submitting all work on time as described in the course resources. All
submissions must be done within EagleOnline using the appropriate tool within the learning management
system (LMS) as defined in the assignment’s instructions. It is the distance education student’s duty and
responsibility to be certain that whatever computer system they use to take this course is working properly,
equipped with the needed technology and software, and works well with EagleOnline. Technical problems are
not acceptable reasons for not submitting work as required. The student is fully responsible for having a
backup plan in the event he or she runs into personal computer or Internet connection issues. The student is
expected to plan their personal responsibilities and life schedule in order to submit assignments before but
certainly by the due date and time. Late or missed work will not be scored for grading purposes and will
received “zero” points towards the course grade.
Computer Knowledge
Computer knowledge is necessary to successfully complete this course including knowing how to use
EagleOnline as a learning tool. There are help resources within the FSHN 2303 EagleOnline course for students
to know how to effectively use EagleOnline as a student. The student is expected to use only Microsoft Word
(NOT MS Works) to develop word processing assignments. Save all MSWord files only as a “.doc” – DO NOT
use any other format (i.e. rtf, txt, etc.). Some projects may be turned in pdf format as well.
As a Hybrid education course, the student will submit assignments via EagleOnline. The student must submit
the documents in Microsoft Word format only. EagleOnline assigns a date and time stamp on all
correspondence. This indicator is used closely for documents submitted. The time and date on the student’s
computer is not the official source. Only the documentation within EagleOnline will determine the date and
time submitted. The student has until 11:55 P.M. on the date assignments are due to send documents. The
student should never wait until the last moment to send any document as numerous problems could occur
during the transmission. If an assignment arrives past the due date and time, the student will earn zero – “0”
points for the assignment.
Technical problems are not a reason for a student’s failure to submit assignments on time. It is fully the
student’s responsibility to create and development assignment far enough in advance that submitting them on
time is not a problem. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the professor regarding
problems and to continue to attempt submission of assignments until he or she has been successful.
Remember, there is a “no late work acceptance” policy.
Class Supplies List
Retail Advertising and 1. Any other supplies mentioned in class.
Promotion Supplies
HCC Policies
Student with Disabilities Students with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, visual, hearing,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability
Services Office at their respective college at the beginning of each semester. The faculty is
authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support
Services Office.
Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling
course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by
College Systems officials against a student accused of academic dishonesty. Academic
dishonesty may include a grade of “0” or “F” on the particular assignment, failure in the
course, and/or recommendations for probation or dismissal from the College System. A
recommendation for suspension or expulsion will be referred to the College Dean of
Students for disciplinary disposition.
Attendance Policies 1. Students are expected to attend all classes (see college catalog for attendance policy).
2. Students are responsible for all work missed during their absence.
3. Student may be dropped from courses for absences that exceed 12.5% of the total
semester hours, usually equated to more than 4 absences in a 2-day per week class
and more than 2 absences in a 1 day per week class
HCC Course Withdrawal The State of Texas has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses
Policy excessively. For example, if you repeat the same course more than twice, you have to pay
extra tuition. Beginning in Fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time
entering freshmen to no more than SIX (6) total courses withdrawals throughout their
educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
Greater Learning Student necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked
Survey System to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division
chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the
Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Other Student Information
Fashion Boot Camp Fashion Boot Camp is held at the beginning of each fall and spring semester
for all fashion students to alert them to the student opportunities for the
upcoming semester. If you are not able to attend and would like to receive
FSHN 2303 – page 6
these valuable opportunities, please contact the fashion office located at
HCC-Central campus by calling 713. 718.6152.
Student Competitions HCC fashion students are highly successful in student competitions at the
local, state, national and international levels, frequently winning best-ofshow, and cash/scholarship awards.
Fashion Resource Center The resource center is located throughout the 2nd Floor of the Fannin
Building. It houses the Historical Fashion Collection, fashion books,
videotapes and designer press releases. The Historical Fashion Collection is
a collection of international designer, ethnic and vintage clothing dating
from the 1900’s to the present.
Class Rules
A. General Rules
1. Sign-in each class. Late students need to put the time in which they are
2. No food or drinks in the classroom. Students are only allowed a close
cap water bottle. There will be a 15-30 minutes break in between.
3. Return all supplies to their respective places.
4. Table room is limited, only necessary supplies for class maybe on table.
Please be respectful to other students.
5. Only the student enrolled in the current ongoing class may be allowed
in the classroom. This means no children, parents, spouse and etc.
6. No talking on cell phone during class hours. They must be turned off or
put on silence. 10 points will be deducted from FINAL grade if it goes
off during class. If there is an emergency, please make prior
arrangements with the instructor before class begins.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that institutions have policies and
procedures that protect students’ rights with regard to sex/gender discrimination. Information
regarding these rights are on the HCC website under Students-Anti-discrimination. Students
who are pregnant and require accommodations should contact any of the ADA Counselors for
It is important that every student understands and conforms to respectful behavior while at
HCC. Sexual misconduct is not condoned and will be addressed promptly. Know your rights
and how to avoid these difficult situations.
Log in to: . Sign in using your HCC student e-mail account, then go
to the button at the top right that says Login and enter your student number.
DE Student Handbook
The Distance Education Student Handbook contains policies and procedures unique to the DE
student. Students should have reviewed the handbook as part of the mandatory orientation. It
is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the handbook's contents. The handbook
FSHN 2303 – page 7
contains valuable information, answers, and resources, such as DE contacts, policies and
procedures (how to drop, attendance requirements, etc.), student services (ADA, financial aid,
degree planning, etc.), course information, testing procedures, technical support, and academic
calendars. Refer to the DE Student Handbook by visiting this link:
Houston Community College adheres to all the applicable federal, state, and local laws,
regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required
enabling equal educational opportunity.
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,
hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the
Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester.
Faculty is only authorized to provide the accommodations requested by the Disability
Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester.
Faculty is only authorized to provide the accommodations requested by the Disability
Support Services Office.
For questions, you may contact the following ADA Counselors at Central Campus: Jaime
Torres – 713-718-6164; Martha Scribner – 713-718-6164. You may also visit their
website at