Extra Credit Assignment Scientific Article Summaries BIOL 1406 – Spring 2012 Summary Articles Outline Students have the choice to submit a portfolio comprised of ten (10) article summaries that pertain to the life sciences, healthcare, and/or scientific research by May 4th. Each complete article would be worth a total of ten (10) points. Though you can turn in the articles at any time during the semester, the submission deadline for the articles is the last day of lecture for the semester. The article topic must be involved with scientific research, plant/animal science, biotech industry/pharmaceutical research, science in government/politics, and/or the healthcare. The articles must be from a valid, primary source (i.e. Science, Cell, Newsweek). Each summary article should be at least one (1) page in length. For each article, you must provide a copy of the source you used in order to receive credit. The articles should be neatly organized and comprised in a folder. Below is the structure of how each section of the articles should look: Title of the article Author of the article Abstract/Introductory Summary Methods/ Complete Summary Conclusions/Discussion Take home message