SYLLABUS: BEGINNING DRAMA Rev. 8/15 Dram 1351-0047 73549 Instructor: Michelle Robinson Phone: c 281-910-4047 Email: Course Description: This course is designed to develop a proficiency in beginning acting techniques, with an emphasis on content, organizational skills, time management skills, and the delivery of scenes, monologues, projects and assignments, as instructed. Class Objectives: To teach student to become self-sufficient, open and capable of performing objectives of a beginning acting/drama class; Experience the significance of acting as a communication process; Display the qualities of active listening; Prepare scenes, monologues and assignments as required; Evaluate and define contents of scenes, monologues and individual/group projects. Research topics for class/homework assignments; Decrease anxiety for performing in public. Responsibilities of Students: Read all in-class and out-of-class assignments; Participate in class activities, including relaxation techniques, individual and group projects, etc… Attend class regularly, missing no more that 3 hrs of instruction; Keep a journal and participate in journal project; Write a Communication/Event Critique paper; Participate in Monologue/Scene work individually and in groups. Grading: 50% Presentations 30% Classwork, Participation & Attendance 20% Journal entries, Exam(s), One Performance Paper (attending a play and delivering a paper on it.) DRAMA 1351 is a performance-based class. Therefore, your attendance and participation in this class is VERY important! You will be graded, as stated earlier, for your contributions to the class. Class structure is formed around the presentations/scenes/monologues you will be assigned or will choose. Special needs Students: If you have a disability which qualifies under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act,) please contact the counseling center to determine accommodations. Interspersed with these specific assignments will be numerous exercises (some graded and some not) to develop and improve the student’s natural capabilities. Some books that may be used for class (you can buy these, if you’d like, from The Essential Theatre by Oscar G. Brockett The Workshop Monologue by Jack Poggi How to Stop Acting by Harold Guskin Additional books as noted. If you happen to have a legitimate emergency or problem, please contact the instructor at the number or email listed ASAP. FOR use in the syllabi for DRAM 1310, DRAM 1351, DRAM 2366: Core Curriculum: This course fulfills the following core: Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility. A variety of academic experiences are used to develop these competencies. Each of these core competencies will be assessed and evaluated via the regular assignments, assessments, projects and experiences students complete throughout this course. These competencies are integral to successful completion of those assignments, assessments, projects, and experiences and will be used in the evaluation of such per the standardized rubrics established by HCCS. Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking skills should allow students to apply creative thinking, innovation, levels of inquiry, qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and multiple levels of evaluation as well as being able to synthesize information and construction new strategies of thought. Communication: Communication skills include not only written and oral skills, but also visual presentation. Students should be able to communicate not only with instructors, but hone their communication skills for successful self-presentation in the larger world. Teamwork: An emphasis on Teamwork should allow students to actively engage in considering different point of view and use that knowledge to not only work with but also support others with a shared goal. Social Responsibility: In order for students to not only understand their own experience but also the experience of others, both near and far, Social Responsibility has been placed as a competency. Students with clear Social Responsibility should be able to understand other cultures, their own role in societal and civic matters, and the world as a global community. Rev: 8/14 ADDENDUM PAGE FOR DRAMA 1351 HCCS, SPRING BRANCH, FALL 2014 INSTRUCTOR: MICHELLE ROBINSON I have read, printed out and understand the syllabus for the above class. Name: (printed)________________________________________ Signed:_______________________________________________ Dated:________________________________________________