HCC Art Appreciation Test #1 Review Slide notes René Magritte. The Treason of ImagesCh. 2 Developing Visual literacy – the ability to communicate why you like or dislike a piece of art. Not taking the visual for granted. The relationship between words, images, and the real world. Magritte – This is not a pipe. Reminding us that The actual thing and the representation of it are not the same thing. Shirin Neshat. Rebellious Silence - Iranian woman. Photo with ink. Poem by iranian woman poet about the belief that some islamic women the chador - liberating because it frees them from being a sexual object – equalizing them with men. The meaning of the poem is lost to many. And so the piece comments on the misreading and miscommunication between islam and the west. Content derived thru treatment of subject matter. Albert Bierstadt. The Rocky Mountains, Lander’s Peak Oil on canvas – representational. Capturing the excitement of the unexplored west. To convey it’s awesomeness actually painted the swiss alps. Example of naturalism/ not quite realism, because of his personal bias in the paintinglooking to represent the sublime. Sesshu Toyo. Haboku Landscape for Soen Much more abstract. Haboku meaning “broken ink” Notice that this is NOT nonobjective. Beatriz Milhazes. Carambola Acrylic painting by brazilian artist. She uses the term conflict to talk about where colors meet/interact . Plants (carambola tree), brazilian carnival ornate churches all inspire her. But result is nonobjective. Jan van Eyck. Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami Oil on wood (same as ghent alterpiece) sometimes meaning can be lost over time as a culture changes. What does this look like? it’s a marriage – green was the trad. Wedding dress (for fertility), shoes removed in ref. to a commandment that god gave moses the the old test. , one candle sybolizes christ, dog – faithfullness and marital fidelity. Used to keep beds in other parts of the house so may not be a bedroom. Jean-Michel Basquiat. Charles the First Artists often create a personal iconography. Did graffiti in nyc- SAMO. Jazz sax player charlie parker. “Royalty, heroism and the streets” Simultaneouly ref. superheros (S, x-mn) himself, X is hobo for OK HERE. Cherokee - a jazz song, the trail of tears (georgia to oklahoma) 4 feathers – The native americans, parker himself (nickname “Bird”) violence of tar and feathering. Kings being beheaded (king charles I of england). Acrylic and oil paintstick Chris Ofili. The Holy Virgin Mary Sometimes work is successful but controversial at the same time. raised catholic in britian –parents from nigeria. Mashing up backgrounds. Yellow resin dots. Bums, elephant dung. Virgin mary. 2000 Giuliani threatens to cut off $ from city for museum b/c of uproar from offended catholics. Court stopped him. Smeared white paint. Maya Ying Lin. Vietnam Memorial Rejection and then understanding. Not a heroic soldier figure. Ground slope down and up, trajectory of war. Every name is listed. Coming up out of the slope – process of healing. Experience walking through piece has content. Richard Serra. Tilted Arc This piece was actually removed - 1989 Federal plaza in lower manhattan. People thought it was a rude scar. Serra intended the work to be confrontational. To cut across the space and make you deal with it. It was destroyed afterward – because it was site-specific. Lawsuit and all. Cai Guo-Qiang. Transient Rainbow Chinese, gunpowder drawings, also “explosion events” East river, nyc coming after 9/11 healing. Museum moving across the river - bridge Circle pi- ancient chinese symbol for the universe. His materials- remnants of time, violence and creation Alberto Giacometti. Man Pointing One example of implied line . Goes right into the room. Titian. Assumption and Consecration of the Virgin Implied line in painting Chéri Samba. Calvary Acrylic on canvas. Zaire. Line of movement. Sol LeWitt. Wall Drawing Follow instructions and remove expressive importance of artist. Hung Liu. Relic 12 Creation goddess raining down -Chinese artist Jacques Louis David. The Death of Socrates Grid – less obvious. He is the subject and the 1st philosopher. Logic/ rationality. Eugène Delacroix. The Death of Sardanapalus Last king of the Assyrian dynasty. Killed and destroyed. Barbara Hepworth. Two Figures Negative/positive shape Figurative. Duccio. Perspective Analysis of Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin, from the Maestà Altarpiece. Perspective is something that artists work toward achieving. Not realistic Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper Is realistic. Monastery wall in milan, italy. Henri Matisse. Harmony in Red (The Red Room). Flattens the dimensional space with color and pattern. Paul Colin. Figure of a Woman Example of chiaroscuro. It’s one way artists rep. light. Mary Cassatt. The Coiffure Hatching . More marks, more shadow Michelangelo. Head of a Satyr Pen and ink. Cross-hatching Michelangelo. The Creation of Adam (unrestored) Palette – range of colors used. Michelangelo. The Creation of Adam (restored) Saturated! Jane Hammond. Fallen Analagous color scheme . Each leaf has name for soldier killed in iraq. Piece kept growing. Cara Grande feather mask Brazilian mask. Example of complimentary color VAN GOGH – OUTDOOR CAFÉ - Complimentary colors VAN GOGH – SELF-PORTRAIT _ Analogous Vincent van Gogh. The Night Café Complimentary colors to bring tension and emotional imbalance. Chuck Close. Stanley (large version) Had success with seraut’s idea. Michelangelo. Pietà Texture. Vatican. Texture. Marble soft, lifelike Manuel Neri. Mujer Pegada Series No. 2 Actual texture Max Ernst. Forest and Dove Visual texture Frottage – to rub William A. Garnett. Erosion and Strip Farms Visual texture Kente prestige cloth (detail) Ghana. Special occasions and ceremonies Miriam Schapiro. Night Shade Hommage to women. Jackson Pollock painting Autumn Rhythm. Energy and motion Jackson Pollock. No. 29, 1950 Energy and motion (painting is behavior) “time” represented in a still piece. Grace Ndiritu. Still Life: White Textiles British born of kenyan descent. She talks about matisse’s harmony in red. Animation and loss of depth of space. Women in matisse’s paintings were african textiles - seduction Taj Mahal. Symmetrical! India – leader of india built it for his wife who died in childbirth. This is Absolute symmetry. Enguerrand Quarton. Coronation of the Virgin Crucifix makes the center line here. Jerusalem and Rome. Purgatory and hell. Unity . Wholeness. Bilateral Jan Vermeer. Woman Holding a Balance Dutch. Weighing jewels, last judgement painting. Small painting. Rose window. Chartres Cathedral France. Rose window. Depictions from bible. Christ right in the center. John Feodorov. Animal Spirit Channeling Device for the Contemporary Shaman. Part navajo. Revamping kitchy toys and products w/o spirituality and assigning them. Circular totem pole. Anna Vallayer-Coster. Still Life with Lobster Only thing with saturated color and more light is the lobster. Georges de La Tour. Joseph the Carpenter. Joseph and Jesus. Larry Poons. Orange Crush Acrylic painting.. Afocal. Distracted all over. Diego Velázquez. Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor). Afocal. What is going on here??? Spanish court of king philip IV. First focus - Princess Margarita - she. Implied lines from her maids. Some people look at us! Glow in the mirror – king and queen. OR the king and queen have come to see her portrait. Double portrait. Assistant of queen and possible relative of velazquez. Raises nobility of artist and act of painting. Hokusai. The Great Wave off Kanagawa Woodcut print. Switching up the expected scale. Laylah Ali. Untitled “Greenheads” more repetition. Not a roller coaster. Horror is the endless repetition.