PR Number: R7127110054 Award Number: J7127110054 NAU-391 Park/NPS Unit: Multiple Parks (BAND and MEVE) Title of Project: Part 5, Continuation of a Cooperative Partnership with Colorado Plateau Research Station at Northern Arizona University to Assist with Bird Banding Stations at BAND and MEVE Administered through the: (pick from drop down list): Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Cooperative Agreement Number H1200-09-0005 CESU Partner (pick from drop down list): Northern Arizona University Project Contacts Principal Investigator: Matthew Johnson, Wildlife Biologist, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Northern Arizona University, Box 5614, Flagstaff, AZ 86011; phone: 928-523-7764; fax: 928-556-7092; Co-Investigator (if appropriate): Jennifer Holmes, Wildlife Biologist, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Northern Arizona University, Box 5614, Flagstaff, AZ 86001; phone: 928-523-7076; Partner Administrative Contact: Judge, Office of Grants and Contract Services, Northern Arizona University, Box 4130, Flagstaff, AZ 86011; phone: 928-523-6917; NPS Certified ATR: Stephen Fettig, Wildlife Biologist, Bandelier National Monument, 15 Entrance Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544; phone: 505-672-3861 x 546; fax: 505-672-9706; NPS Technical Expert (if appropriate): Stephen Fettig, Wildlife Biologist, Bandelier National Monument, 15 Entrance Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544; phone: 505-672-3861 x 546; fax: 505-672-9706; Funding Information: Amount Funded: $10,000 Project Dates: Start Date: May 1, 2011 Any Other Product Milestone Dates you need to include: (full dates can go in with the project description) End Date: December 31, 2012 PROJECT ABSTRACT: This funding continues a partnership between the Colorado Plateau Research Station at Northern Arizona University (NAU) for the purposes of assisting with Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) bird-banding stations at Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE) and Bandelier National Monument (BAND). This funding will be obligated in FY2011 through an existing CESU cooperative agreement with NAU. NAU would provide a staff biologist with experience banding birds. The MAPS protocol involves 10 mornings of bird banding and mist netting over a three-month period at each station each year. Results from this multi-year project will provide population demographic information (such as the number of young produced per adult each year, the probability of a young bird surviving to its first breeding season, the probability that a surviving young bird will breed, the number of adults that survive each year, the probability that a surviving adult will return to the same site to breed the next year, and the probability that a surviving adult from a different site will immigrate to the study area). This demographic information will provide land managers inside and outside the NPS with basic where-and-when information essential to identifying the prime sources of life-cycle problems for several species previously identified as needing conservation efforts. Two end-of-year (EOY) requests received funding in FY09 for integrated work at BAND and MEVE are part of the same overall project effort. This funding builds on funding scheduled for FY2011-2013 from IMR International Conservation Office (IMRICO) funds and is an expansion of an existing Park Flight Program at Bandelier. This proposal was initiated at the request of the Southern Colorado Plateau Inventory and Monitoring Network.