ASSIGNMENT 1 Due – Wednesday February 12th 2014 Please email the assignment on due date at 1. Evaluate the algebraic equation in Excel formula Z= (8x2 + 3y – 7) / (2x + 1) Answer: ________________________________ 2. Consider the following data Use MS excel notation and functions to compute the following (a) Write a formula to compute total sales in February. (b) Write a formula to compute average sale of Product 5. (c) The total sales of Product 3 are expected to increase by 7.5% in May with respect to April. Write a formula to compute the expected sales. (d) Write a formula to find the month with the highest sales of product 3. (e) Write a formula to determine the percentage of the total sales obtained from product 6. 3. What will be returned by cell E if the following logical expression is entered in MS Excel =(IF(OR(AND(A1>B1,NOT(D1-A1>0)),MOD(D1,B1)>1),IF(OR(D1+C1<>A1,C1=1),1+A1*C1,0))) Answer : ______ 4. Apply the Operator Order of precedence to compute the following arithmetic operation. Use manual calculation and then apply in excel to check your answer. 2^2^2^2^3*4-1+2^2^2*2^2-5*121/11^2 5. Using the data below Calculate the Average and Final Grade (A,B,C…)of each student at the end of term. Overall Score 90 or above 80 - 89.9 70 - 70.9 60 - 60.9 Below 60 Grade A B C D F