
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Cooperative Agreement Modification
FUNDING AGENCY: National Park Service, Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network
INVESTIGATORS’ Contact Information: Don L. Stevens, Jr., Director, Program on Designs and Models for Aquatic Resource Surveys, Statistics
Department, 44 Kidder Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Phone 541-737-3587; Email stevens@science.oregonstate.edu - or stevedon@onid.orst.edu
PROJECT TITLE: Design and Statistical Consultation
EFFECTIVE DATES: August 20, 2004 through November 30, 2005
PROJECT ABSTRACT: The National Park Service is engaged in a highly collaborative effort to design an overall sampling framework for monitoring
natural resources at nine National Park Service units across four states in the Great Lakes region. In addition to designing a sampling framework, we
are developing monitoring protocols for five high-ranking indicators. Both the sampling framework and the monitoring protocols must be designed with a
high degree of statistical insight and rigor to ensure our efforts provide valid and interpretable information for managers of the nine parks. It is critical
that the National Park Service engage biostatisticians with current knowledge on monitoring theory, design, and data analysis.
The objectives of this cooperative agreement are to:
1. Get initial input from OSU statisticians who have a working knowledge of several viable sampling frameworks for monitoring;
2. Develop a joint, NPS/OSU critical review of the final recommended framework(s) being advanced by the Natural Resources Research
Institute for the Network’s Sampling Design and Protocol Development project;
3. Develop joint, NPS/OSU critical reviews of proposed sampling designs for five individual monitoring protocols.
Tasks and deliverables:
1. Dr. Don Stevens will attend two collaborative meetings with investigators associated with the Sampling Design and Protocol Development
project (the first is tentatively set for late August 2004). Dr. Stevens will present a summary of the EMAP method and other viable sampling
strategies for general discussion by the group.
2. Dr. Stevens will review, and critique for statistical integrity, the draft sampling framework(s) that are the result of work by the Natural
Resources Research Institute. Dr. Stevens will initiate the written review and collaborate and co-author the review with the Great Lakes
Network quantitative ecologist. The result will be a written critique of the sampling framework that examines co-location of sampling sites,
sample intensity and dispersion, and statistical power as it pertains to answering monitoring questions for the nine parks across the Network.
3. Dr. Stevens will review and critique for statistical integrity, the five draft sampling protocols that are the result of work by collaborators under
the greater Sampling Design and Protocol Development project. Dr. Stevens will initiate the written reviews and collaborate and co-author
the reviews with the Great Lakes Network quantitative ecologist. The result will be five written critiques which take in to account the
appropriate use of the overall framework (i.e. some protocols may not fit the recommended framework), examines sample intensity and
dispersion, considers statistical power, and appropriate use of statistical procedures for analysis of the long-term data sets.
Agency Representative:
Agency Administration
Partner Admin. Contact:
Ron Hiebert, NPS
Don L. Stevens, Jr., Director,
Denise Lach, Civil
Research Coordinator
Lynell Wright
Program on Designs and
Engineering, Oregon State
Budget Analyst
Models for Aquatic Resource
University, Corvallis, OR
Northern Arizona University
Intermountain Region – Budget &
Surveys, Statistics Department,
97331 Phone 541-737-5471
P.O. Box 5765
44 Kidder Hall, Oregon State
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5765
P.O. Box 25287
University, Corvallis, OR 97331.
Tel: (928) 523-0877
12795 W. Alameda Parkway
Phone 541-737-3587
Fax: (928) 520-8223
Denver, CO 80225-0287
Tel: (303) 969-2654
Fax: (303) 969-2794
List of Key Words: Statistics, sampling design, monitoring
Key Official from National Park - Include contact information @ Specific Park or NPS Office: Bill Route, Coordinator, Great Lakes Inventory
and Monitoring Network, 2800 Lakeshore Drive E, Ashland, WI 54806. Phone 715-682-0631 ext21. Email: bill_route@nps.gov
Annual Report Received:
Final Report Received:
Publications on File:
This Modification is subject to all the provisions included in the Cooperative Agreement, dated 6/18/04
Attach any supporting material as necessary.
1) Scope of Work outlining this project.
2) Summary Task Agreement for the Sampling Design and Protocol Development project that will be critiqued by Dr.
Stevens under this project.