FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC COURSE SYLLABUS MUSI 1301 CRN 68682 3 HOURS CREDIT Spring 2012 Location: Tests: FAC 229 Class Meeting Times: 5:30 – 8:30 Tuesdays (piano lab 216) Instructor: Hope Shiver Office: FAC 222 Conference Period - By appointment only Phone: (713) 718-6600 (This is a shared phone number with other faculty) E-mail: REQUIRED TEXT: Music First! by Gary C. White OBJECTIVES: To provide students a solid background in the fundamentals of music theory: foundations of music reading, analysis and writing as well as signs and terminology. The class serves as a preparation for music theory, class piano and personal enrichment. GRADING: Final grade is based on: 1. Daily mini-quizzes, class attendance and participation 5% 2. Five (5) chapter tests, plus final 70% 3. Attendance to 3 musical performances (Proof= Program and short write-up) 25% 4. Extra Credit Opportunities– Offered by instructor Grading scale: 90-100= A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 0-59=F ATTENDANCE POLICY: According to HCC regulations, a student may be dropped from any HCC course if he or she misses more than 12.5% of class time. For this class, after 2 consecutive absences, a student may be dropped and receive a grade of “W”. If a student stops coming to class, it is the student’s responsibility to drop before the HCC official drop date. If this is not done, the student will receive an “FX” as the grade for this course. The grade of “I” is reserved for emergencies only in the last week of class. This grade is given out only at the request of a student with a valid emergency during the last week of class. COURSE DESIGN This course is designed to teach the basics of reading musical notes, rhythms, scales, and the analysis of chords. It will be taught through a process of lecture and inclusive lab environment. MAKE-UPS: Since the lowest grade other than the final (which must be taken) is dropped, there are no make-up exams. GENERAL INFORMATION: MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS COURSE SYLLABUS PAGE 1 Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to report to Room 102 SJAC, or call 713 718-6164 to make necessary arrangements. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. The Fine Arts Department at Central College strongly recommends that all HCCS students carry some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury, both on and off campus. Information regarding low-cost health insurance for students is available in the Fine Arts office. Under Texas State statute, HCCS is immune to liability in the event of accident or injury. Houston Community College defines “scholastic dishonesty” as: cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion. Penalties for academic dishonesty at HCCS include, but are not limited to, “0” on the test or assignment in question. “W” in the course, or “F” in the course. This course meets the basic intellectual competencies for core courses including reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking and computer literacy. Academic advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree plans for Music is available to Central College students during the academic semesters. Please sign up in the Fine Arts office, FAC 101, to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest. It is against college policy to bring children to class. This policy will be strictly enforced by the Fine Arts Department. Guests and observers tend to be a distraction to class. Please do not bring guests to class. For a calendar of events at HCC go to - ArtsLine – Three peats - Students who repeat a course for a third time or more may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring, other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. Materials/Supplies Needed: Piano Keyboard access (practice rooms at HCCS are available) Flash cards (3 X 5), manuscript paper (photo copy from text book), small keyboard for home use. (Feel free to buy a cheap keyboard in toy section at Wal-Mart or any toy store for about $15.00.) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Additional drill work may be found on-line. and CELL PHONES/PAGERS: NO TEXTING! NO CELL PHONES! NO PAGERS! MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS COURSE SYLLABUS PAGE 2