Reviewer ______________________ Author’s name ______________________ Annotated Bibliography Peer Review Worksheet (SUBMIT WITH FINAL PROJECT) What is your group’s question? Does each annotation clearly address the thesis of the article? (if no, explain) 1. YES /NO 2. YES /NO 3. YES /NO Content Do the annotations each give a good basis to explain how the article might address the group’s question? (if no, explain) 1. YES /NO 2. YES /NO 3. YES /NO Format (See back for help) Is the document formatted correctly (indent, header and spacing)? Are the sources alphabetized? Are there hanging indents are required for citations in the bibliography, as shown on back, the first line of the citation starts at the left margin. Is the bibliography is double spaced, both within the citation and between them? The annotation is a continuation of the citation. Do not drop down to the next line to start the annotation. The right margin is the normal right margin of your document. Which citations do you think are incorrect or the author should double-check for content, thesis or format? Mark which questions the annotations address: Who is the author? Is he/she qualified in this subject? Is this source scholarly, popular, some of both? Does it seem like a reliable and current source? Why? Is the research biased or objective? Are the facts well documented? Notice how the text is laid out and organized. What are the main divisions or sections? What is emphasized? Why? Accounting for why will help you to move beyond listing contents and toward giving an account of the argument. Notice whether and how a theory is used to interpret evidence or data. Identify the method used to investigate the problem/s addressed in the text. Are you interested in the way the source frames its research question or in the way it goes about answering it (its method)? Does it make new connections or open up new ways of seeing a problem? Are you interested in the way the source uses a theory or a key concept? Does the source gather and analyze a particular body of evidence that you could to use? How do the source's conclusions bear on your own investigation? MLA EXAMPLE OF ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Doll, Susan and Greg Faller. "Blade Runner and Genre: Film Noir and Science Fiction." Literature Film Quarterly 14.2 (1986): 89-100. Doll and Faller assert that Ridley Scott's film, Blade Runner, exhibits elements of two distinct pulp genres, film noir and science fiction. The genre cross-pollination is a reflection of Philip K. Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, upon which the movie is based. After a useful discussion of genre, the authors go on to effectively discuss defining characteristics of both noir and sci-fi, despite the difficulties of such a project. Through the course of accessible discussion and useful examples from the film, the complexities involved in the combination of genres are revealed. In addition, the article also examines the ways that noir and sci-fi in fact complement each other, noir providing a distinct style and sci-fi a distinct narrative direction. Both genres are also concerned with many of the same issues, especially social constructs, ethics, and the state of being human.